Thanksgiving Conference Recap [Tuesday Evening]

Our 58th Annual Thanksgiving Conference continued Tuesday evening at New Hope Baptist Church in Dearborn Heights, Michigan.

Bro. Randy Jones, President of BFM spoke during the first evening session. He had a video presentation that covered BFM’s purpose statement and current directions, noting that “The Mission Sheet” today is mainly our website. He  discussed the current state of what is being accomplished administratively through BFM and our goals for the future.

Overview of Accomplishments Year-to-Date:
-Highlight Founders Day Offering
-4% of offerings go to administration; 96% goes to missionaries
-New Brochure
-New Facebook Page
-Mission Sheets in PDF Format
-YouTube Channel
-Email Newsletter
-Giving has increased 3% over the past year. The goal is 25% over 3 years.

-Increase giving 25% over 3 years
-Add a missionary each year for 3 years
-Increase salaries by 5% this year
-Change the retirement plan
-Visit missionaries on a 3-year cycle
-Eliminate car fund
-Establish a repository for BFM Documents
-Try to visit all supporting churches every 3 years
-Encourage churches to visit the mission field

Bro. Sheridan Stanton, missionary to Peru, sang “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning,” which can be viewed below.

He then delivered the final message of the evening, giving an overview of his experience in church planting.

Bro. Stanton was sent out under the authority of Jordan Missionary Baptist Church and received support from churches and BFM.

Lima–the capital of Peru– was designed for 3 million people and has a population of 12 million people. The Stantons started three churches in Lima. They have been in Huanuco, Peru for 15 years planting New Testament Baptist Churches that are Gospel-motivated and doctrinally sound.

The Stantons have found that it takes approximately 5-7 years to establish a church. They should be doctrinally sound and able to take care of their pastor and building…then they move on. The newest work should be established in two years.

The Stantons also run a Baptist Institute with about 120 pastors. They prepare and print material for Sunday School and training and love to host mission teams.

You do what you do because you believe what you believe. 

Over 160 churches in Peru started with the determination of Bro. Richard Hallum with one church plant.

Mission work is for all of us. Start social networking. Learn. Share.

Pastor Darrell Messer presented Pastor Terry Adkins with a plaque of appreciation on behalf of the BFM Board of Directors, as seen below.

You can find all the Thanksgiving Conference Recaps by clicking here. 
You can give to our Thanksgiving Offering by clicking here and typing “Thanksgiving Offering” in the Memo field. 

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Thanksgiving Conference Recap [Tuesday Morning]

Our 58th Annual Thanksgiving Conference continues this morning at New Hope Baptist Church in Dearborn Heights, Michigan.

Pastor Dan Hillard from East Keys Baptist Church in Springfield, Illinois delivered the 9:45 morning message from Mark 4:26-29 concerning “The Work of Grace in Our Soul.”

1. There must be a sower.
We don’t have to grow weeds; the earth grows weeds like man’s heart grows weeds and wickedness.

We need to sow seeds of the Gospel. Sunday School teachers plant seed–they are the first to cultivate the ground!

2. There is much beyond our comprehension. [Mark 4:27]
Some seeds germinate. Some don’t. Why?
It’s the same with the Gospel: God gives the increase.

3. There is much beyond our control.
-Growth [Lamentations 3:26; Jeremiah 29:11]
-We are to sow the seed. Rely on God and we will not die until we become fully grown. [Mark 4:29]

Pastor Peter Santisteban from Victory Baptist Church in Russellville, Kentucky preached from Ephesians 2:11-22.

Why do churches plant in all kinds of soil?

1. Because of the authority God gave us. [Mark 16:14-20]
2. Because of authority He gave us. [Luke 24:42-49]
3. Because of antichrist spirit. [1 John 2:18-23]
4. Because of the awesome calling of God. [Acts 15:36-16:5]
—–Be humbly led by the Spirit. [Acts 16:6-11]
5. Because we have an amazing foundation. [Acts 10:36-43; Ephesians 2:20; Isaiah 45:18, 22] 

Pastor Raul Bergerman from West Griffin Baptist Church in Griffin, Georgia preached the final morning message from Luke 16:19-31, “The Message of Missions.”

1. Hell is real.
2. The Rich Man did not go to hell because of money.
3. These two men were Jewish.

The rich man did not want to hear. We have the responsibility to go and preach. They have the responsibility to respond.

The Gospel according to Abraham

The Rich Man’s plan was to send Lazarus back from the dead and they will believe. That won’t work. God’s plan works. [Acts 2:41; Acts 4:4] Preach the Word!

[Click to view a clip from Bro. Raul Bergerman’s sermon]

You can find all the Thanksgiving Conference Recaps by clicking here.
You can give to our Thanksgiving Offering by clicking here and typing “Thanksgiving Offering” in the Memo field. 

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Thanksgiving Conference Recap [Monday Evening]

Our 58th Annual Thanksgiving Conference began this evening at New Hope Baptist Church in Dearborn Heights, Michigan.

Pastor George Sledd who pastors Jordan Baptist Church in Sanford, Florida, and also serves as Treasurer for BFM, was the first speaker. His text was 1 Corinthians 3:1-6 about the sowing of seed, nourishing of seed, and obtaining the increase of what’s sown and nourished. Below are some notable quotes:

Only God can give the increase. The very heartbeat of God has an evangelistic rhythm–a soul-winning rhythm. 

Are you interested in growth? To grow, you must plant. 

Increase means to be greater. 

The harvester is not greater than the planter. (vs. 8)

God has planted you where you are now. Delight yourself in the Lord. (Psalm 1:1-3)

Grow up. Do greater things. Increase means glory to God. 

He gave the example of Adoniram Judson who had one convert in 5 years, 18 in 10 years, and thousands at his death. Robert Morissey had one convert in 7 years. Other examples included Noah, Jeremiah, and Jonah.

Isaiah 9:7- The increase of His glory!

He also read a poem called “The Bridge Builder.There is a new generation coming up after us. God is preparing someone to take the place of those who have been faithful.

Pastor Denny Herndon from Immanuel Baptist Church in Riverview, Michigan preached from Matthew 13, using the parable of the sower scattering seed.

One seed has the plan of God. (Matthew 28:19)

A seed needs three things:
1) Proper food
2) Water
3) Sun/Son

To plant is to instill truth.

The Word needs to be taught.

Acts 20:17-28, 31 | Titus 2:1

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Spring Conference Recap [Wednesday Evening]

The final session of the spring conference (aka: “The Kingdom of God Three-Day Event” :)) began at 7:00 on April 4 at Thompson Road Baptist Church.

After singing “He Hideth My Soul,” Bro. Dave Parks reminded us of a quote from William Carey, the father of modern missions. “Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” Bro. Parks added one more line, “Ask great things of God.”

Bro. J. Anthony Vance, Associate Pastor of New Life Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky, was the final speaker at the conference. His wife Becky sang “Alas and Did My Savior Bleed” before he preached.

Bro. Vance’s sermon was about “The Sufficency of Scripture” as seen in Psalm 19:7-11. The Bible reveals God to us, therefore it should be valuable to us. We need a renewed conviction that the Bible is sufficient for knwing God well. We can know God’s heart and His character through His Word.

The sufficiency of Scripture is the vital key to the future and hope of Baptist Faith Missions for any lasting success. What is the sufficiency of Scripture? The fact that the Bible contains everything we need regarding the truth it declares. Nothing else is necessary for the life of faith. “Scripture contains all the words of God we need for salvation, for trusting Him perfectly, and for obeying Him perfectly.” (Wayne Grudem)

All faith springs from the Word of God. (Romans 10:17) Everything God wants us to know about a relationship with Him is in the Holy Scriptures. (2 Timothy 3:14-15) There is no good work that God desires or requires of us that the Bible does not address.

God’s Word is sufficient for the believer in every generation in every culture in every country on the planet.

The Bible gives us clear instructions on how to live for the glory of God in every circumstance in life. Bro. Vance works as a barber and while the Bible does not tell him specifically how to cut someone’s hair, it does tell him how to do his job. For example, it tells him the attitude to have when cutting one’s hair, how to work with integrity, how to treat customers in his shop, and how to view and manage his income. The Bible is as sufficient for a barber and man changing the oil in his car as it is for a pastor or theologian. He has given us all we need to live a life that is pleasing to Him.

The Bible is sufficient for nourishing, sustaining, and growing the Lord’s work and His church. It is enough for the church to accomplish her mission to make disciples in all nations. God’s strategy for church growth is to preach the Word! (2 Timothy 4:1-4) If we neglect the Scriptures, we neglect the Head of the church, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Sufficiency of the Scriptures demands the following:
1) That we value the Scripture as precious beyond measure.
     -Hear it. Read it. Study it. Memorize it.
2) That we not elevate our tradition and/or our preferences to the level of the Scriptures.
      -Scripture stands alone.
3) That we not neglect anything in Scripture.
4) That we test everything by the truth of Scripture.
      -Scripture is the standard by which we judge every other thing. If it contradicts God’s Word, it is not of God.
5) That we be content with the content of Scripture.
     -Be thankful for the substance of the Scripture. (Deuteronomy 29:29) Rely on and rejoice in its sufficiency.
6)That we labor to bring it to every people group on the planet.
     -If it’s sufficient, we must get it out to all nations in their language and tongue.

Therefore, pray. Give. Go. Share the living words of life to sinners who are dead in sins and need the Gospel of Christ.


The conference concluded with a congregational hymn: “How Firm a Foundation.” How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent word! What more can He say than to you He hath said— To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?

To read a recap of previous conference services, click here.

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Spring Conference Recap [Wednesday Morning]

The final morning of the spring conference began at 9:30 on April 4 at Thompson Road Baptist Church.

Bro. Bryan Baggett who pastors Bible Baptist Church in Clarksville, Tennessee and served as a missionary in Venezuela for five years was the first speaker. His wife Kris sang “God Will Make a Way,” and sang the second verse in Spanish.

Bro. Baggett’s sermon was about “The Orchestration of God’s Creation and His Work” as seen in Mark 4:35-41. The same God who orchestrates the plants blooming, the same day works the same in my life. He orchestrates all things.

Baggett reviewed God saving him, calling him, and working through him on the mission field. He had to leave Venezuela when Hugo Chavez came to power.

He exhorted his listeners to remember that God has a plan even when we don’t understand the situation. Keep your focus on the things found in Philippians 4:8-9. This describes Jesus. He is in the boat in the midst of the storm and has all things under control.

Jonathan Parks then ministered in song.

Bro. Donovan Stewart, Lexington Police Chaplain and Associate Pastor of the Baptist Church at Andover, spoke at 10:30 about how “God Has a Calling on Your Life!” as seen in 2 Kings 13:20-21.

He began by telling a story about a news reporter who once asked, “What are the two major problems in the world?” The response was, “I don’t know and I don’t care.” The reporter said, “You are right! Apathy runs throughout.”

God chose sinful man to accomplish His holy work—the highest calling.

There are three things we must be doing:
1)Preach the Word! It’s good news! Pews are cold because polar bears are in the pulpit.
2)Pray fervently.
3)Go soul-winning. Share the Gospel! Witness.

Suzanne Van Meter then ministered in song.

The third and final speaker of the morning session was Bro. Ben Glover who pastors Park Ridge Baptist Church in Gotha, Florida. His text was Romans 10:8-17.

We need God’s Word in our lives. This is the Gospel message: the death, burial, and ressurrection of Jesus Christ to atone for sins. We can be born Jewish, Muslim, or Hindu, but becoming a Christian is something we confess.

Matthew 7:20-23- “By their fruits ye shall know them.” So many people are busy working that they forget to preach the Gospel. Our business is to bring glory to God!

He emphasized verses 14-16, reminding us that we need to get the Gospel out. It is powerful and God said, “Go preach it!” We have the responsibility to tell others. Preach the message and let the Holy Spirit take care of the rest.

We must look to Jesus to be the sustainer of His church, BFM, and all things.

To read a recap of previous conference services, click here.

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Spring Conference Recap [Tuesday Evening]

The Lord blessed the Tuesday evening service at the 2012 BFM Spring Conference.

After the congregation sang “Blessed Assurance” and “Saved, Saved, Saved,” Bro. Randy Jones presented the future goals of BFM, all of which are in the Lord’s hand.




Future Goals of BFM: 

  • eliminate monthly deficits and increase income to the General Fund by 25% over a three-year period (approximately $125,000)
  • increase the number of missionaries pending available funds
    -one to be added in November 2013
    -one to be added in November 2014
    -one to be added in November 2015
  • increase the base salary of our missionaries by 20% over a three-year period pending available funds
    -5% appreciation lump-sum bonus in December 2012 ($1030)
    -5% base salary increase beginning January 2013 ($1802)
    -5% base salary increase by January 2014 ($1893)
    -10% base salary increase beginning January 2015 ($2082)
    [Current Salaries: $1717/month]
  • Change the retirement plan for new missionaries to a 401K or 403B type plan: match 6% to 10% of their salary placed in an individual account.
  • Encourage the missionaries to support BFM and extol the benefits of the organization to them and their ministry during furlough visits.
  • On a three-year cycle each missionary and his works shall be visited by a Director(s) and a Representative from his sending church beginning in 2013.
  • Eliminate the “Car Fund” category
  • Establish a repository of BFM documents
  • Encourage visits by sponsoring churches to the mission field
  • Establish a schedule of church visitation: every supporting church shall be visited by a Director of BFM representative once every three years.

Bro. Jones then discussed the importance of the General Fund and the necessity of keeping it replenished. He ended his message by reading John 14:9-12. “He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.”

Bro. Paul Hatcher, missionary to Brazil, delivered the 8:20 sermon, sharing the heartbeat of his and his family’s heart. He spoke about what he has learned through years of church planting and discipling.

If one person shared the Gospel with one other person and taught them everything they knew about God for a year, and then the next year, the same person and the new person each agreed to do the same thing (sharing with one other person and teaching them for a year), then in 34 years, there would be more than 8 billion people following Christ. Nothing is impossible with God!

Bro. Hatcher mentioned that his son-in-law calculated out how long it took Paul (in the Bible) to plant a church amongst Jews: 42 days. Flabbergasted, Hatcher wanted to know how much longer it took the biblical Paul to plant a church amongst Gentiles: 42 days. Shocked once again, Hatcher said, “What did Paul know that this Paul doesn’t know?”

It has to be more than the minister doing the work of the Lord. You have to make sure every sheep in the flock is producing. It must involve every believer sharing the Gospel and teaching what they know.

When you’re teaching new Christians everything you know about God, keep these things in mind about the Old Testament and don’t complicate it. The Old Testament was written to teach us to love God and love our neighbor. (This is the interpretation of the Author, our Lord, given in Matthew 22:36-40.) The second objective is to keep Christ at the forefront because without Christ, you can’t love God or your neighbor.

The Gospel must be simple enough that the simple can understand. There are many good examples in John of how to keep the Gospel simple—straight shots of truth. (John 17:3; 1 John 5:11; 1 John 3:23; 1 John 4:11, John 5:19)

The problem with the Gospel is that we talk. Love! What they notice is love. They see something different and want what you have.

Three important things to remember:
1) Know God = Eternal Life
2) Trust God = Our Challenge
3) Love like He’s loved us (sacrificially)

Bro. Hatcher told a story about a cell phone to illustrate building trust in God. When he first bought his cell phone, all he wanted to use it for was to call people. But as he learned what else his cell phone could do, he started to use it for other things. Pretty soon, he’d gotten rid of his alarm clock and was using his phone. He’d tossed his address book and used the contact list in his phone. He threw away his planner and used the calendar on his phone. But all he had planned to use it for was to make phone calls. It’s the same way with God. As we grow in knowledge, your trust in Him and Him alone begins to grow. As you know God, you lay off the things of the old man. And the most beautiful part? Everything you don’t know about Him is already there.

As we get to know God better, we begin to imitate Him and His character. “The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.” (John 5:19) You don’t model what you don’t see. To trust Him, you have to know Him. To imitate Him, you have to know Him. When we become so fascinated with Christ and become so excited about Him, we become like Him. “For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” (John 13:15) “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children.” (Ephesians 5:1)

All of us must know what the essentials are. Learn to know God together and love Him more together.

To read a recap of previous conference services, click here.
[You can view a full schedule for the rest of the conference by clicking here.]

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Spring Conference Recap [Tuesday Morning]

The 2012 BFM Spring Conference continued Tuesday morning, April 3 at 9:30 a.m. at Thompson Road Baptist Church in Lexington, Ky.

Bro. Joe Head, Pastor of Winton Place Baptist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio delivered the 9:30 sermon from John 14:9-12 about “Keeping Your Dreams Bigger Than Your Memories.”

He highlighted the 3½ years the disciples spent with the Lord and noted the memories they made during that time. Then he focused on verse 12: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” 

Following the message, Bro. Babji Vejendla from Ohio spoke for about five minutes concerning his desire to spread the Gospel in India. Bro. Paul Hatcher, missionary to Brazil, then gave a brief update about current situations in Brazil.

Bro. Dave Parks went over some of the things BFM is doing to obediently follow Jesus Christ into the future He has given us. He then went over some financial reports.

To read a recap of Monday night’s services, click here

[You can view a full schedule for the rest of the conference by clicking here.]

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Spring Conference Recap [Monday Evening]

The 2012 BFM Spring Conference kicked off Monday evening, April 2 with an encouraging and challenging night of worship at Thompson Road Baptist Church in Lexington, Ky.

The choir opened the conference by singing “Send Me” as a slideshow with pictures of our missionary families played behind them.

Bro. Dave Parks introduced the theme of the conference and reminded us of the purpose. It’s not for the sake of tradition, but for the glory of God. This conference is much like what Paul and Barnabas did in Acts 14 by gathering believers together to report what the Lord had done through them.

Bro. Donnie Hamilton led the congregation in “To God Be the Glory” before we learned about the great things He has done through BFM over the years, as presented in a captivating media presentation by Bro. Randy Jones.

Bro. Joe Collins, Pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Versailles, Ky. delivered the 8:20 sermon from Romans 1:1-7, emphasizing that our mission is still missions.

“Our mission is still missions,” Collins said. “The command is not for them to come in—it’s for us to go out.” Following is a brief recap of his message:

“…By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for His Name…” [Romans 1:5]
We have been commissioned. We ought to be committed. All of us should be evangelistic, which is winning others to Christ. But all of us should also be mission-minded, which is baptizing them and teaching them after they’re won.

Attitude: “For obedience to the faith”
-We want to contend for the faith and guard the faith.
-Out of love, not fear. The love of Christ is what sustains you. His love should be your motive.
-“The thing that makes a missionary is the sight of what Jesus did on the cross and to have heard Him say, ‘Go.'” -Oswald Chambers

Assignment: “Among all nations”
-No matter how big or how small you are, you still have the same assignment: go into all nations.
-Love home missions, but don’t do home missions at the expense of foreign missions.
Declare His glory among the heathen, His wonders among all people.” –Psalm 96:3
-Press in my heart the woe and put in my feet the go.

Authority: “For His Name”
-There is no greater authority.
-All power was given to Jesus. –Matthew 28:18
-It is according to His will and His purpose.

The evening concluded with an invitation hymn: “I Gave My Life for Thee.”
“My Father’s house of light, My glory circled throne I left for earthly night, for wanderings sad and lone; I left, I left it all for thee, hast thou left aught for Me?”

[You can view a full schedule for the rest of the conference by clicking here.]

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