Believers: Living Witnesses to Unbelievers
John and Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch

June 21, 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
If you look at the heading of this letter you will see a new address. So, now is a good time to make note of our new home/hard mail address in your address book or file. God has answered your and our prayers about this matter. We have now been in a new house for the past three weeks.
Our church has also moved with us. We are only about two miles from our old location. God has already given us some connections with new neighbors and we continue to stay in contact with folks from our old neighborhood.
However, the best news of the last couple of months is in this paragraph. You may remember that a few months ago we began a new Bible study in the city of L’Union which is a thirty-minute drive north of us. Besides Judy and me, the only person who is a believer in these meetings is the lady who hosts them in her home. Even her husband is not a believer, but we have had a good friendly relationship with Him for many years. The attendees in this group have been stirred by God to seek answers. One married couple about our age are from Iran have undergoing much suffering. The husband was imprisoned a couple of different times for a lengthy period of time by the very oppressive government of their home country. They managed to escape to France about 25 years ago. They are both Muslim by birth and rearing. When we began the Bible study, they knew nothing about the Bible or Christ.
This couple, B—m and Sh—- have really paid attention, but just didn’t seem to understand about Christ. If you have no close friends from the Islamic culture it is hard to understand that for them Mohamed is the greatest prophet and Christ is just a man. God in the flesh just doesn’t make sense to them… until the Holy Spirit touches their heart. Last week, as I was once again explaining in detail that Jesus Christ is God, B—- who is normally very quiet spoke with a great smile on his face saying (in French) “I get it, I get it.” He was thrilled and so are we.
Another Bible study that we have is in the city of Mazere, about 40 miles south of us. A lady there, sister to the host in L’Union, has been hosting a Bible study in her home for many years and it has touched many. Several have been saved over the years. Those who now come to this Bible study are believers. They live in cities where there are no churches. This is their primary fellowship group. Last Saturday, both of these groups, the believers and the seekers met together for a picnic and we had a great day together. Believers getting an opportunity to be living witnesses to unbelievers. We had some interesting questions from those who need Christ. I am including a snapshot taking at the picnic.
One more tidbit and then I will close. Last year a young man who started coming to church and Sunday School with his parents when he was in Grade School confessed faith in Christ and followed the Lord in baptism. Philip, our son and one of the church leaders, has been discipling this young man. At our last youth meeting we had good number of youth, his friends, who were there for the first time. We were thrilled.
You will see a picture of the Bible discussion taking place at this youth meeting.
Well, I am stopping for now, though there are a number of other blessings I would like share. We are delighted that you are co-laborers with us. Please continue to pray for us and those that God brings across our path.
Serving in France,
John and Judy
Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Sharing How God is Working with Churches in Michigan, Ohio, & North Carolina

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”
December 11, 2017
Judy and I hope that all of you enjoyed a great Thanksgiving Day. It was a joy to celebrate in Peggy’s home with all of our family except for Philip, Amanda and their daughters. This is a rarity for us. I think that it has happened twice in the last 18 years. We have so much for which to be thankful.
The week previous to Thanksgiving we were blessed by the Thanksgiving Conference at New Hope Baptist Church, Dearborn Heights, MI, co-sponsored with Grace Baptist Church of Wyandotte, MI. It was great to be able to fellowship with many friends of decades. What a delightful surprise upon arriving to be greeted by a longtime friend and supporter, Tammy Gerig, her two younger sons and father-in-law. My brother, Paul, took a plane to Evansville so that we could travel together by car from here to Michigan and back. We had a great visit and enjoyed the precious time with each other.
It is always enjoyable to be with churches which we have not previously visited. That was the case the first Sunday of December when we were guests of the Berea Baptist Church of Hiddenite, North Carolina. We were well received and happy to present our work to the folks there who support us. Adding to the blessing of our time there was spending time with Sheridan and Anita Stanton, both longtime friends of ours. We knew each other before any of us were married which was a while back though it seems like yesterday.
Yesterday, I had the privilege of being with the Grace Baptist Church in Fairborn, Ohio. This was not our first time here, but we did meet some new folks as well as enjoying fellowship with old acquaintances. Grace has supported and prayed for us for many years. There is a special fondness in my heart for this church as it was at a youth conference there in 1970 that God changed my direction from a career in Medicine to being a pastor and missionary. Though I had been with Grace many times I hardly knew Mark Pyles who has now been pastor of Grace for six years. The opportunity to become acquainted and discuss our ministries was priceless. It was also great to chat with the younger folks.
Our purpose in visiting churches is to encourage them in the work of the Lord and share with them how God is working in our corner of France. Thanks to all of you who are praying for Peggy, Judy’s sister. The recent scans and MRI have shown that the present treat is effective.
May the Lord richly bless you and give you great joy as you visit with your family and friends during this Holiday Season. Let us not miss opportunities to share the Love of Christ as we worship Him for His incarnation and redemptive sacrifice to bring us back to the Father.
Joyfully your fellow laborers,
John and Judy
Temporary Address
John and Judy Hatcher
1901 Shepherd Dr.
Evansville, IN 47715
Field Address
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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20+ Young People at First Youth Meeting of the School Year in France

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”
September 28, 2017
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you for your continuous prayers and support. We thank God for each of you. At the beginning of this month we were able to spend a few minutes in a video conference with more than 20 young people who were meeting in France for the first Youth Meeting of this school year. This is something that the young people wanted to do. How encouraging it is to see their interest in spiritual things.
Reports from the church in Tournefeuille are good. We miss the fellowship of our church and congregations there as well as the daily front line opportunities that we have in France to connect with French people who need eternal life. However, we are very thankful for the leaders and participants who are faithfully serving Christ there and reaching others around them.

John, Judy, & Peggy
Judy has now been cleared by her doctor for full activity following her knee surgery and has graduated from physical therapy. She continues to work hard at getting full strength and usage back. She also participates with Peggy in an outreach to ladies who are in the United States from other cultures. We both enjoy participating in a weekly Bible study that meets here in Peggy’s home. It is always exciting to see young believers growing in the knowledge and application of God’s Word in their daily lives.
Peggy is doing better and we are encouraged by her progress.
During the first two weeks of the month I was able to be in Florida to celebrate with the family my mother’s 92nd birthday. What a blessing it is to have parents who love the Lord and encourage us and the whole extended family to serve the Lord. The days there turned out to be more exciting than we had planned. Hurricane Irma came directly over Paul and Wanda’s home where Dad, Mom and Wanda’s mother live. Despite a few exciting hours the Lord protected us all and I was glad to be there to help. Thanks to all who were praying for us and others during the storm. Our hearts go out to those poor folks in the islands who suffered so much.
This is a reminder to us that we live in a world that “groans in travail waiting to be delivered”. We look forward to new heavens and a new earth where we will be forever with the Lord. May God help us to display the love of Christ in our lives and communicate the Good News of Jesus to all around us who so desperately need it.
We are looking forward to seeing some of you during the Thanksgiving Conference hosted by New Hope Baptist Church in November. Look for the information on the Baptist Faith Missions site and join us if you are able.
In Christ,
John and Judy

John, Judy, Peggy, & Sarah
10/18/2017 – PS: I did not realize that this letter never made it out of my box. The news during the last couple of weeks from the field is good. We also had an enjoyable visit with Sarah Wainright this past Sunday. Besides being a friend and sister in Christ she works diligently to publish and post our news. We thank God for her faithful service.
Temporary Address
John and Judy Hatcher
1901 Shepherd Dr.
Evansville, IN 47715
Field Address
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [December 2015]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”
December 4, 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
May this find you enjoying the blessings provided by our Creator and Father. We have certainly seen God at work this month. We thank each of you who expressed your concern and who have prayed for us following the attacks in Paris. This along with the killings in the United States of America has dominated the news here. These events remind us that humanity is broken and that there is no hope outside of Jesus Christ. The events have opened doors of opportunity to talk about the hope that we have in Him.
Our Youth meeting the weekend after my last letter to you was very good. Our discussion was about God speaking to us in these last days by His Son and what we learn about God in Jesus. The majority of the 15 young people who were present are not Christians. They come because they have been befriended by the youth from the church who are Christians. It is very encouraging to see the missionary spirit in those who are saved.
We have also been blessed by a renewal of desire to serve in the members of our congregation. Last Sunday we spent the entire service presenting the outreach and disciple making activities. Several believers committed themselves to serve in Sunday school, youth meetings, home groups and other areas of ministry. This past month two prayer meetings and a college age Bible study that meet in homes during the week have been started and are going well.
We are very encouraged, as well, by the meetings in the city of Mazere. A couple and a lady in the group have asked to host meetings in their homes so we are now meeting on a rotating basis in three different homes in this area. It is great to see the participants taking ownership and showing concern for the salvation of their acquaintances and families.
This month Judy received her long term residents card. We have worked toward this goal for over ten years. Up to this time we have had to spend several days each year on the process of renewing our annual “visitor permits”. I received my long term residents card at the beginning of this year.

The Hatchers visited a museum where Douceline is chief staff.
(Left to Right: David, Pennie, Douceline, Judy)
On Tuesday of this week David, my brother from Brazil and his dear wife Pennie arrived to spend a week with us. They were last here about 13 years ago. We have had a very enjoyable time visiting and talking about what God is doing around us.
Please continue to pray for Eva, the young mother that I mentioned in my last letter and for her husband. She has now been confined to bed in the hospital for two months to avoid an untimely delivery. She is thrilled that she has been able to witness to her doctor. I was even able to talk to him about our ministry here during one of our visits to the hospital. Her husband, who is also a believer works hard as an aeronautical engineer and they have a two year old son at home.
I am including a photo of our visit to a museum where Douceline is chief staff. She is the single lady who hosts our Bible study in Mazere and who in addition has a couple of evangelistic Bible studies with unsaved ladies.
Thank you for your faithful support and prayers. May God richly bless you, work in you where you are and provide for all of your needs.
Your fellow servants in France,
John and Judy
John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [September 2015]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”
August 24, 2015
Dear Fellow Servants,
We are enjoying the Lord’s blessings and hope you are too. As with most of you, we are nearing the end of school vacation. Summers in France are quite different from those in the USA. Most people leave town for about a month which means that at any given time during the summer about half of the houses in our neighborhood are empty. However, this can be useful in building relationships with people. Since most scheduled activities are on hold, people have more time to visit.
During the past few weeks we have had people to our home for meals and gone to the homes of others to eat with them. Some of our most effective moments for communicating the Gospel is in these settings. During the past month we have had people in our home for the first time and spent hours talking to them. We have also been able to reconnect with people that we have not seen for some time.
Another important activity this month has been planning for the coming school year. This includes deciding what God wants us to teach in Sunday School and Bible studies during the coming year, where we need to start new projects and what we need to stop doing. Judy and I have decided to work on optimizing the relationships God has given us. We have a large number of friends as a result of the activities in which we are or have been involved, but have a difficult time finding time to have these folks over for meals where important conversations take place. Since evening time is always at a premium and is when we can see people, I have decided to stop singing in the community choir in order to dedicate more time to cultivating friendships.
A number of young folks who have attended services, Sunday School and meetings with us as they were growing up are now in College. We are concerned because a number of these have never professed faith in Christ. Amanda, our daughter-in-law, is starting a fellowship/Bible study time with the girls who attend local colleges. If we can get some boys interested, we will have a boys meeting and from time to time have all the students meet together.
Two days ago Judy and I were blessed with the birth of our 12th grandchild. We are going to be in the Chicago area during the month of September so that we can visit with our children there and help with the newborn. This will also give me the opportunity to spend a few days with Mom and Dad and Paul and Wanda. The Lord willing, I plan to be with them to celebrate Mom’s 90th birthday.
Thank you for your faithful support and prayers. God is blessing your investment and we are delighted to be on the team with you.
Sharing the Good News in France,
John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [November 2014]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”
November 5, 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Next week is the Thanksgiving Conference hosted annually by New Hope Baptist Church in Dearborn, MI. We are grateful, members of New Hope, for all the hard work and financial commitment that you give annually to this event because you love the Lord, those who need Christ and us. Our prayer is that God will use these meetings for His glory and the blessing of all who attend.
The Vacation Bible School, held the week before last, went well and some of the children attended for the first time. Our theme this year was the Word of God. Job commitments reduced the number of people from our congregation involved in teaching and helping with the children. However, the leadership team worked together smoothly and we were very happy with the outcome.
We are also happy with the development so far of the free English class for young children who live near us. This has opened a door with the parents. One of the parents mentioned that she told a friend of hers about our introduction of kids to “the faith” and that when we had Vacation Bible School next time this friend wanted to send her children.
Our next monthly youth meeting is this coming Saturday. We continue to have new children at nearly every meeting. Reaching children and young people is very important. Generally, people here think that believing in God and interest in spiritual things is a thing of the past and only for unintelligent people. Having contact with young folks who have not yet become hardened is a great opportunity.
During the past month we have had the opportunity to develop a number of new contacts and friendships. Some of these came unexpectedly as extensions of former relationships. We also reconnected with people we had not seen for a while. Please, pray with us that God will continue to open doors and that we will use the opportunities effectively.
May the Lord’s richest blessings be evident to you today.
John and Judy Hatcher in France
John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [January 2014]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”
January 3, 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We wish all of God’s best for the coming year and until our Lord Jesus returns to take us to be with Him. Yesterday, I spoke to my younger brother David in Manaus, Brazil to wish him a happy birthday. Next week is my birthday and I am not turning 29. Several years ago I read or heard someone say that there are only two things that are eternal in our World, God and people, and our job is to bring them together. People are the only thing that we will take with us. “And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.” (Luke 16:9) We must invest all that is temporal: money, things, and yes, even time into the eternal – therefore the two great commands are Love God and Love people.
During the past three weeks we enjoyed the visit of Judy’s only sister, Peggy. She has been a great co-worker with us during our entire adult life. She is now retired though she still works one day a week. The rest of her time is spent being a missionary where she lives. Two days a week she teaches Bible to children in 4th and 5th grade from the public schools. In this ministry, 3 trailers are moved around the county and parked outside public schools. Children in 4th and 5th grades are dismissed for a period of time once each week and go to these trailers to be taught the Bible. This is all done and supported by volunteers. While we lived in Evansville, our church staffed a similar ministry in the neighboring county. The lady who now heads up this week day Bible ministry that Peggy serves in was also a member of Emmanuel Baptist Church when we were there. Peggy is also involved in a couple of other outreach ministries on weekdays as well as working in the preschool ministry in her church. So, really, she is not retired. She is investing her earthly life into the eternal.
A few days before Christmas, Angela sent us an email to tell us that Joachim’s father had died during his sleep the night before. A couple of days later, as I spoke to Joachim, he ask my advice on the biblical passages that he wanted used for his father’s funeral. Eight years ago, Joachim confessed his faith in Christ and followed the Lord in baptism. This couple was brought into our sphere of life when Amanda (our daughter-in-law) met Angela at children’s play group. Joachim was the first person baptized in our assembly here and just before they moved away, their son trusted Christ and followed the Lord in Baptism. One of these days you will meet these eternal friends.
Last Sunday, the last of 2013, we focused on thanking God for the blessings of the past year and praying for what God wants us to have during the coming year and future. God is soooo good. Oh, how He loves us. There are many others out there who need to know Him. Sunday afternoon while we were taking a walk with the family, we crossed a boy who came a few times to Sunday School who was on a bike ride with his father. The father, who has never been to any of our meetings, said, “We were just talking about you. Our other son (who also came to Sunday school a few times) asked us when God was born, and we said, that is an question we will have to ask John.” Well I gave him a short answer and told him we needed to get together so that I could talk to his son about it.
So, with your assistance, we continue to invest in people in the unexpected as well as the planned encounters. We are very encouraged by the open doors God is giving us with middle school and high school students. One High School student from a broken home attends our youth meetings regularly. She was invited by a girl from our church who used to be classmate. I don’t know exactly how many piercings she has and she used to “make up” quite “Gothic” (I think I have the right term.) For the Bible discussion at our last meeting a couple of weeks ago each child read a verse concerning Christ coming into the world to save us. I had printed these on strips of paper and passed them out randomly. As I called the text, each child read and we discussed the passage. As this young lady was leaving she said, “Can I take this verse, I think is beautiful. I will have it tattooed on me (I think she was joking about this part.)” We are hoping that she will soon be joined eternally to Christ.
That is what we are doing here;
Investing in the Eternal,
John and Judy in France
John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [November 2013]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”
November 2, 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The month of October was encouraging in many ways. We had a full house nearly every Sunday of the month. Forty people in our living room is a full house. There is good evidence of God at work in the lives of believers.
On the 12th of October we had the first youth meeting for this school year. We were expecting a pretty good turn out and we were not disappointed. We had 23 adolescents. This is all a result of friends bringing friends. This coming Saturday will be the 2nd youth meeting of this school year. We would appreciate your prayers for these meetings. It is really a great opportunity to communicate the Gospel. Since half of the French population is atheist, 10% muslim, 2 % active Catholics and the rest “non-practicing”, the general opinion is that only the mentally incompetent and freaks believe the Bible. By the time people reach adulthood they are very hardened and biased against Christ.
The week before last we had Vacation Bible School which also went very well. Our lessons this year were on the “big picture” of God’s plan for human beings. We taught about Creation, The Fall, The Flood and the ministry of Christ to save us. Amanda also prepared and wrote songs that emphasized the truths we studied. Nothing helps one remember the truth better than setting it to a memorable tune. The value of music in praise of God and retention of His revelation is emphasized throughout the Scriptures. It is really great to work with such a talented and committed team of workers.
Another opportunity this month was the result of a sad event. One of the ladies that made profession of faith a few years ago committed suicide. I believe that she really knew the Lord, but she certainly had a lot of ups and downs in her life. However, the funeral service did give an opportunity to proclaim the gospel to folks from different backgrounds including several Muslims. We are reminded regularly that we are here because our world is a fallen world that is filled with people who are in desperate need of Christ.
I will close with the testimony of a lady who is member here. She was not saved here, but came here from another Baptist Church after they moved to a city neighboring our city. She grew up in a home of atheists. Nevertheless, God gave her a hunger to know him and she went searching. She went to a reformation church to take religious classes but as it turned out the pastor who gave the classes did not even believe that the Bible was God’s word. Knowing of her interest in searching for God, someone invited her to a series of Bible studies where she trusted Christ. However, no one explained to her the need to participate in a church. When she was 17 years old she spent a few months in South Africa helping in an orphanage, I think. While she was there she read through the entire Bible. Two of many things that came out of reading her Bible was first, she was impressed by the faithfulness of God as revealed in the Old Testament. Secondly, she recognized the need to be a part of a body of believers. She was at that age more independent and able to follow through with what she realized was God’s will. Her parents still are not saved but she is married and she and her Christian husband have 2 children and participate regularly with us.
Thanks for participating with us in what God is doing here. God is using you to meet our needs as we seek to serve Him here.
Serving with You,
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
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