Many Opportunities to Witness Over Meals

December 15, 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We hope this finds you enjoying the New Year. Judy and I are very grateful for the many blessings received from our Heavenly Father during 2023. Among other things, our home and meeting place is now in a new house. More importantly, we have had new young people attending our meetings who show a great interest in spiritual matters and one young lady who trusted the Lord and participates regularly in Sunday worship. She is the only believer in her family.
In my last newsletter I mentioned that we were going to be dining in two different locations later in the week. The meals with friends were a great blessing. The first was in the home of a Swiss couple who are participants in the Bible study group in Mazere. They invited the whole group to their home for a Swiss Fondue. Two ladies who are believers and regular participants in this Bible study are married to men who claim to be atheists. Both of them were at the dinner and much of the conversation revolved around spiritual issues. It was a great witness to these two men.
The second dinner was in the home of our neighbors. They have eaten with us in our home, but it was the first time that we had been invited to eat in their home. When we sat down to eat the lady said, would you pray before we eat. She had liked it when we prayed before the meal at our table. Our evening was great, and the couple was very open with us about their lives. Please pray for them to trust Christ.
One of the ladies in our church who is a chiropractor loves to invite folks to her home for a Thanksgiving meal. Thanksgiving is not a Holiday in France, but most people know about it because they have seen American-made movies that include Thanksgiving meals. Because it is not a Holiday in France, Annaelle holds the Thanksgiving meal on a Sunday and invites the church to come for service at her house and eat some of the desserts. She invites her dinner guests to stay for the service. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet people and share the gospel with them. After the service, one of the ladies who Annaelle has brought to church meetings in the past, told me, “I have a lot of questions (about spiritual matters) I want to ask you.” God is clearly at work in this lady’s life.
May God bless you, your family and your church during the coming year and until Christ return for us,
John and Judy

Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Many Visitors, Witnessing to Neighbors & Acquaintances

July 23, 2023
Dear Fellow Laborers,
It just dawned on me that I had not written to you this month. We have been busy with activities related to our move a bit over a month ago. The house in Tournefeuille was our home and center of ministry for nearly 23 years… many years of accumulation. That is the longest that we have lived in any house.
Today we had a great church meeting with several visitors. Last month I mentioned a young man, Timo, who trusted Christ and was baptized last year. Philip had been meeting with him weekly to encourage him in his walk with Christ. A picture of the youth meeting with a number of his friends was included with the letter. This young man is quiet, but friendly. Four of the visitors today were a result of his contact. Two of these were here for the third time. It is interesting how lines cross. Amanda teaches piano to the mother of two of the young men who were here this morning. One son is dating a girl who was recently saved. The boy’s mother told Amanda that the girl felt very at home in our meetings. Another visitor today is Timo’s grandmother.
We ask your prayers for our closest neighbors. God has given us a very good relationship with them. We have had them over for dinner and had the opportunity to speak about spiritual matters a number of times. They have indicated that they will visit one of our Sunday meetings.
Your prayers for our many acquaintances of many years would also be greatly appreciated. This coming Thursday we are to have dinner with a couple that we have known for many years. Their daughter trusted Christ a number of years ago, followed the Lord in baptism and was a faithful participant in our assembly. She is now at a university in the city of Lyon.
Your fellow servants,
Judy and John
Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Believers: Living Witnesses to Unbelievers
John and Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch

June 21, 2023
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
If you look at the heading of this letter you will see a new address. So, now is a good time to make note of our new home/hard mail address in your address book or file. God has answered your and our prayers about this matter. We have now been in a new house for the past three weeks.
Our church has also moved with us. We are only about two miles from our old location. God has already given us some connections with new neighbors and we continue to stay in contact with folks from our old neighborhood.
However, the best news of the last couple of months is in this paragraph. You may remember that a few months ago we began a new Bible study in the city of L’Union which is a thirty-minute drive north of us. Besides Judy and me, the only person who is a believer in these meetings is the lady who hosts them in her home. Even her husband is not a believer, but we have had a good friendly relationship with Him for many years. The attendees in this group have been stirred by God to seek answers. One married couple about our age are from Iran have undergoing much suffering. The husband was imprisoned a couple of different times for a lengthy period of time by the very oppressive government of their home country. They managed to escape to France about 25 years ago. They are both Muslim by birth and rearing. When we began the Bible study, they knew nothing about the Bible or Christ.
This couple, B—m and Sh—- have really paid attention, but just didn’t seem to understand about Christ. If you have no close friends from the Islamic culture it is hard to understand that for them Mohamed is the greatest prophet and Christ is just a man. God in the flesh just doesn’t make sense to them… until the Holy Spirit touches their heart. Last week, as I was once again explaining in detail that Jesus Christ is God, B—- who is normally very quiet spoke with a great smile on his face saying (in French) “I get it, I get it.” He was thrilled and so are we.
Another Bible study that we have is in the city of Mazere, about 40 miles south of us. A lady there, sister to the host in L’Union, has been hosting a Bible study in her home for many years and it has touched many. Several have been saved over the years. Those who now come to this Bible study are believers. They live in cities where there are no churches. This is their primary fellowship group. Last Saturday, both of these groups, the believers and the seekers met together for a picnic and we had a great day together. Believers getting an opportunity to be living witnesses to unbelievers. We had some interesting questions from those who need Christ. I am including a snapshot taking at the picnic.
One more tidbit and then I will close. Last year a young man who started coming to church and Sunday School with his parents when he was in Grade School confessed faith in Christ and followed the Lord in baptism. Philip, our son and one of the church leaders, has been discipling this young man. At our last youth meeting we had good number of youth, his friends, who were there for the first time. We were thrilled.
You will see a picture of the Bible discussion taking place at this youth meeting.
Well, I am stopping for now, though there are a number of other blessings I would like share. We are delighted that you are co-laborers with us. Please continue to pray for us and those that God brings across our path.
Serving in France,
John and Judy
Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
2 T Impasse de la Picardie
31830 Plaisance du Touch
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Seeking & Seeing the Lost Sheep as Jesus Did

January 17, 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
What would you write about your last month? Most of the things that we communicate are similar to what is happening “in your neck of the woods”.
A member of our congregation just had a mastectomy. It’s been raining and frosting a lot. I just had a birthday. The holidays are past, and we are in a new year. The nation is trying to handle the Covid crisis.
However, the most important message I can transmit is that our Savior is right here with us. He is keeping His promise, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” His abiding presence encourages me daily not only by what I feel in myself but by what I observe in the lives of other believers. They are becoming more like Jesus.
Yesterday, a lady who recently became a believer and is now a part of our congregation expressed evidence of God’s work in her life. She expressed joy in the way following Jesus as He works in us is so different from being religious. For a good period of time before she came to Christ, she worked hard at being a good convert to Judaism. The member of our congregation that God used to touch her life and introduce her to Jesus was right beside her.
That’s how it works. Jesus in us helping us to see the lost sheep… like Lazarus, wealthy and still seeking satisfaction; the Samaritan woman at the well who had been married five times and was living with a man who was not her husband; Nicodemus who was religious but empty; the man laying by the pool of Bethesda hoping someone would help him get to the water … The questions I must ask myself are, “Do they see Jesus in me?” “Do I seek and see them as Jesus did?”
We are very grateful for your faithful support and prayers. The love of God works through you to enable us to be in Southern France as His witnesses. Pray that God will use each of us to be His witnesses in Bible studies, English learning meetings, children’s meetings, youth meetings and daily encounters.
May God bless each of you where you are.
Your fellow disciples,
John and Judy Hatcher
Contact Info:
John & Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
Present USA phone 1-812-416-1033
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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