Professions of Faith in Public Schools

August 11, 2023
Dear Friends,
Charlene and I returned from Brazil this week after 3 weeks of hosting two groups from 3 different churches from the USA, one from Florida and two from Virginia. The Lord blessed tremendously, and we shared the gospel in 8 public schools to 4,260 students and staff. There were over 200 people who professed Christ as their Lord and Savior. We are still rejoicing in the privilege of being used to make Christ known and to be a part in many coming to salvation.

I spoke with our missionaries to Portugal, Yago and Manoela, and they are excited about the second baptism they have been privileged to perform since arriving there last November. They still haven’t been able to move to the capital, Lisbon, but they did find a meeting place there that they can rent for a very reasonable price just for the time they are using it. It is a community center that puts no limitations on the types of activities they have, which is very important in Portugal. Very few public places are that gracious, especially concerning evangelical outreach and worship. They plan to meet there with those new converts that are already coming to their meetings and with the new contacts they’ll meet in their outreach efforts.
Charlene and I have scheduled to visit with them in January of the new year to encourage and to assist them in this new work. Please pray for this new church plant in Portugal.
The newly established pastor of our former church in Curitiba, Brazil is doing an excellent job. I met with several charter members who all said that he is doing great. We were already confident that he would, but it was reassuring to hear that from the longtime members. The church has continued to see growth under his leadership. This month they are engaged in WordFest, which is a 3-week challenge to read several books of the Bible, memorized over 45 Bible verses and spend at least 45 minutes in guided Bible study. Last year over 90 percent of the congregation completed the challenge and I expect similar results this year as well.
While on furlough, I will be teaching high school students at a Christian school, during the weekdays. On weekends, Charlene and I are available to accept invitations to come and present our ministries. If you or your church would be interested in having us, feel free to contact me at (813) 501-9328, or at my e-mail:
We are so thankful for your faithful prayers and support.
In Christ’s love,
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Contact Info:
Bobby & Charlene Wacaser
Currently Stateside on Furlough from Brazil
Phone: (813) 501-9328
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online