Plans: Subject to Christ’s Will
Posted on 13Feb CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], General, Letters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, classes, seminary classes in Brazil0

February 13, 2021
Dear friends and family,
Our hope and prayer for all of you is that you are healthy and doing AWESOME at home, in school, at work, and in Church and ministry.
While we had to cancel our courses for 2020, we are carefully pushing ahead and prayerfully limiting our schedule for 2021. We have had to cancel our plans for Amazonas for the 2021 classes there. However, after contacting our pastors and helpers in the region, we are prayerfully confident that we will be able to start our courses for the Seminary in Manaus and Rondonia and 2022.
In the meantime we have scheduled or should I say rescheduled our classes for 2021 in São Paulo for April and June. These classes will complete their studies and we can begin the planning for our first graduation. We serve a gratuitous and AWESOME God.
Our plans are to have four more courses in another town, Ribeiro Preto, this year. These classes are tentatively scheduled for July and September.
All our plans are totally subjected to the will of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We covet your prayers for these plans and for Barb and I as we have again purchased our tickets for April. We will get our second vaccine for COVID 19 next Tuesday so we will be ready for the trip.
Please continue your prayers for the Pastors and the people of Brasil (especially Walmire and Mary, Chelsea and Ashley, our immediate family) as Brasil has been very hard hit with this pandemic.
Your prayers and financial support has been AWESOME in these very trying times and we continue to request your prayers as we endeavor to do His will.
We also want to say how much we appreciate and love the supporters of Baptist Faith Missions. Without you and your prayers and financial help we would not be able to continue seeking to do God’s will in Brasil. As you pray for us, we pray for you and God’s protection from whatever the devil throws at you.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara
AJ & Barbara Hensley
592 Emery Court
Lexington, KY 40505
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424