Pastor from Angola Blessed with Seminary Textbooks
Posted on 6Aug CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], General, Letters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, BBS, Bluegrass Baptist Seminary, ETEBABI, seminary0

August 6, 2024
Dear friends and family,
What a fast month this has been! We have now completed our first graduation of the Masters of Arts in Pastoral Ministries. What an AWESOME accomplishment, congratulations to our 9 graduates! I can only imagine their accomplishments to come and the lives they will influence. To God be the glory!
This trip was a multi-functional trip, the graduation and a Pastoral Conference in Manaus Amazonas. Dr. Derek, one of our principal professors, gave the first speech at the conference and spoke on the importance of Bluegrass Baptist Seminary and the impact it can have on the Pastors and Church leaders of Brazil.
In this conference I got to meet the Brazilian Pastor/Missionary we have previously mentioned who is serving in Angola, Africa. He was a very quiet, humble person and he will be returning to Africa in November this year. The four of us with BBS decided to bless him with textbooks for the classes he will be taking for the next seven classes. He was overwhelmed with this gift and could hardly speak of his gratitude without crying. You know, sometimes it is the smallest things that bless your heart. It is just AWESOME when you can be a blessing in another’s life. This was a present from all of you who support BFM who give for missionaries’ lives. AWESOME is the God we serve!!! We will never know the influence of this gift until we get to Heaven.
Now back to the graduation in São Paulo, Brazil. The families and Pastors were excited about their accomplishment. We were glad to hear how they have overcome the many moments that Satan had thrown at them. Please pray for these Pastors as they continue in God’s service.
Some of these Pastors who just graduated are beginning a new Seminary there under the auspices of BBS. This will be called ETEBABI. An acronym for Escolar Theolagical Bablical Batista Theological. English it is Biblical Baptist Theological School. This is an offspring of our Seminary which is AWESOME!!! Continue to pray for our Seminary and this new Seminary as we both endeavor to teach the Bible to the Brazilians.
There is a photo included of the Pastor from Angola. There was also a special presentation of an Honorary Doctorate Degree to me. I was taken by surprise and so thankful for this honor.
Pray for us as we continue this ministry and for all those who make this ministry possible. Also keep praying for us as we plan our next trip in October with our church here in Florida.
In His service,
AJ and Barbara

AJ & Barbara Hensley
30524 Mimi St
Sebring, FL 33870-0530
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.