Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher on Furlough from Brazil [April 2015]
Posted on 26Mar CATEGORIES: John & Alta Hatcher [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: Alta Hatcher, Chapada, Chapada Baptist Church, John Hatcher, Nova Igreja Batista, salvation

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.
March 4, 2015
Dear Brethren and Friends:
We cannot say, “Greetings from Brazil” any longer since we are living in the States, but our hearts still beat with our love for the work and friends in Brazil. We do hear from some of them and the work is going, glowing and growing. Praise the Lord.
Our first church established in Brazil was in 1956. It was called the Chapada Baptist Church. It was begun with 24 members. It was located in the Boonies. It was difficult to get a taxi to take us. Manaus had about 70 to 80 thousands population. Today, the area is one of the principal business sections of Manaus, that now has a population of two million. The Church changed its name to Nova Igreja Batista. Here are a few facts to show God’s Blessings.
Last month they had three youth camps with a total of 1200 campers. Many were saved, along with other decisions. Seventy were baptized into the fellowship of the Church. The Sunday School had an average weekly attendance last month of five thousand eight hundred persons. There are about 550 people who work in the Sunday School. The first SS meets from 8:00-10:00 am; the second meets from 10:30-12:30.
AN EXCITING CONVERSION! Last week there was a young lady who David witnessed to after service. A week before she had been inducted into the Muslim religion. David showed her Paul’s counsel: “If anyone preach another Gospel than that you have received let him be accursed.” She heard, the Holy Spirit opened her heart and she was saved. As they were going down the aisle three persons were sitting on the next to the last pew. David asked, “Did you want to talk to me?” They replied, “No, we are friends to this lady and we have been praying for her Salvation.”
During the two night services the attendance is about 6,200. Praise God for His blessings on the Seed that is being sown! Keep praying and giving for His Work.
We love you in the Lord,
John and Alta Hatcher
John A. and Alta Hatcher
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont FL 34714