Brazilian Pastors Reaching People for Christ
Posted on 9Mar CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], General, Letters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, Bluegrass Baptist Seminary, training pastors0
March 9, 2024

Dear friends and family,
Who would have thought that a Seminary could have gotten started for the training of Brazilian Pastors to reach their people for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?! However, that is what is happening! We serve an AWESOME God!!! With Him all things are possible! “AMEN!”
We had one pastor who had signed to do the Doctoral Program and I prayed for the Lord to double the number of students. He did—and now—guess what! We now have four pastors signed to start the program this month—just saying, “What an AWESOME God we serve!!”
The last month we have been working on our tickets for travel to Brazil this year—boy, has it been a mess, for lack of a better word. Then “I” must remember who is in CONTROL.
This trip we will have 5 people traveling: two professors, a friend named Steve, and Barb and I. We are all from different parts of the country. We will have several different flights as we will be going to a Pastor’s Conference in Amazonas (and we can’t get there from here, so two flights to get there), then another flight to get to the graduation in São Paulo for 10 Pastors as they receive their Masters of Pastoral Studies. AWESOME!!! And these will be future professors for the Seminary. Then we will travel to different areas for the three different pastors to preach in different churches. God is at work in so many different areas. Then I remind myself, “Why not?” Oh me of little faith.
Now our prayer requests:
#1) I have completed most of my medical exams and all have come back NORMAL. I only lack the MRI, which won’t be done until April). Also pray for Barbara as she is suffering from vertigo.
#2) For the trip we will take in July as all the connections are critical with all that is planned.
#3) As with everything, the financial part is always a necessity for us and the Brazilian Pastors involved.
#4) The BFM support group on whom we depend for these different ministries and Bluegrass Baptist Seminary to go forward.
Each and every one of you are a part of our life and our work for God here in Brazil. We thank you for your love and prayers. Continue lifting us up to the Lord as we continue working in the fields for the Lord. Know that we love and appreciate you.
In His service,
AJ and Barbara
AJ & Barbara Hensley
30524 Mimi St
Sebring, FL 33870-0530
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.