The Gospel Going forth in Brazil, Paraguay, & Colombia!
Posted on 5Feb CATEGORIES: Bobby & Charlene Wacaser [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: Bobby Wacaser, Brazil, Charlene Wacaser, Colombia, English Class, English Classes, English classes in Brazil, English classes in Curitiba, evangelism, evangelist, Israel and Giovane, man trusts Christ, Paraguay, Project Life, Projeto Vida

Bobby and Charlene Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.
February 4, 2019
Starting the second week of January we held our first Missions Training Seminar and we were thrilled to have two middle-aged couples among our 20 volunteers! Two married couples who are just shy of retirement have been praying for the Lord’s direction in their life after they leave their secular jobs. After seeing how God used them to touch so many lives in Brazil and Paraguay in just a few short weeks, they feel strongly led to transition from their present jobs to full-time evangelism. We are praying with them and for them to clearly know God’s will about this so important decision. If they are truly led of the Lord to come be a part of our ministry outreach, they will certainly be a welcomed addition. I admire their way of thinking at this stage in their lives. So many middle-aged Christians start thinking about leisure and comfort and here these dear folks are seeking how they may more fully serve the Lord with their available time and resources. May God truly guide them in this process.
Our team who took the gospel message to Paraguay came back rejoicing at how open most of the people were to the gospel. But it became evident that the adversary has his grip on people of all nations. One young man from our team was visiting in a neighborhood and began a conversation with man who became upset and hostile. Despite the man’s rudeness and hostility, our evangelist retained his pleasant attitude and treated the man with respect. He invited the man to come to our evangelistic presentation that would be held in the public square that evening, but the man told him to leave. In parting, the young evangelist felt led to ask the man to take his son, who was standing by his side, to the presentation. That night, lo and behold, the man showed up with his son to the evening meeting! He stayed throughout the entire service of gospel skits, testimonies and preaching and when an invitation was given at the end of the meeting to surrender his life to Christ, the man went immediately to the front of the crowd to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. This turn of events further strengthened our worker’s faith in the power of God to transform lives through the gospel.
While one group was in Paraguay spreading the gospel two of our workers got the opportunity to go on mission to Colombia. Israel and Giovane are both musicians and received an invitation to teach the people how to play wind instruments, which is their strength. Teaching the people to play the instruments was their platform for sharing the gospel with their students. They were assisting a missionary who is attempting to plant a new church there. As they taught how to play the instruments they also shared how God had changed their lives through trusting in Jesus Christ and how their lives could be transformed as well. They both were used of the Lord to win several Colombians to Christ during their three-week stay there. The local missionary is now working to disciple those who surrendered to the Lord.
Next week Charlene and I will resume teaching our English classes along with our volunteer tutors from our church teaching their respective subjects. It looks like we will have quite a few returning students as well as several new ones. We are excited about the privilege sharing the gospel with folks who wouldn’t ordinarily come to church for any other purpose. Please keep us in your prayers throughout this next semester.
Thank you for your concern and loving support.
In Christ’s love,
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279
Sobrado 1, Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR. Brasil
Phone: 55-41-99899-2333
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online