Successful Surgery & Record Attendance at Christmas Musical
Posted on 21Jan CATEGORIES: Mike & Beverly Creiglow [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: Andrew Creiglow, Beverly Creiglow, boat, boat missions, Brazilian Christmas Musical, Christmas Musical, Mike Creiglow, surgery

Mike and Beverly Creiglow have served the Lord in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil together since 1971. In addition to pastoring First Baptist of Cruzeiro do Sul, Mike builds his own boats and frequently travels up and down rivers to share the Gospel with those who have never heard.
January 21, 2020
Dear Brethren,
Grace and peace to all. 2019 ended and 2020 started with tons of work, but no real news. Sorry, it’s true! I have worked a lot, but don’t have much to report or little to show for all the activity. There are a few things that you may be wondering about, so let’s fill in those blanks.
Andrew is finally home and well. After over a year in and out of hospitals, fighting with said hospitals, doctors and insurance company, the Lord opened the door for the equipment to come to Manaus for his procedure. The word came down right as I was in the midst of the preparations for the Christmas Musical. Andrew went to Manaus and once the final dates were set for his surgery, I went to be with him. It was a huge success. In fact, it was the first procedure of this nature in all of northern Brazil. There were over 20 people (mostly doctors and other health care specialists) in the room to watch the procedure. The doctor was able to do all that we had been praying for and a couple of other things were corrected, also. You can’t imagine my joy 2 weeks later seeing my son on the front pew during the Christmas Musical smiling at his little boy, Devin, who was on stage. Thanks to all of you who have prayed for him. Thank You, Lord!
The musical was a lot of work as usual, but really great. We had 6 presentations (6 nights) ending on Christmas night. We are now in our new building and set several attendance records. We averaged just under 1200. On Christmas night we had 1718 in the building. Many people were not able to get in. A few more people were saved.
I only made one short trip out of town so far this year. I visited the congregation at Canela Fina. This work was started by Igreja Batista Betel, which is one of our daughter churches. It rained big time and it was pretty muddy, but the building was packed with over 200 people.
The first weeks of the year have been mostly just plain ole hard manual labor. I have been building a new office for me in our garage. Beverly needed a space for her crafts, so I gave up my office in the house and built my new space. It is not quite finished, but getting there. Yesterday I finally installed a new router to be able to have internet service. Now all I “need” is a lazy boy and big screen TV for my man cave to be complete! Waiting for Beverly to approve those last 2 items. It may be a while.
In my spare time (?) I have been working on my boats and motors getting ready for the upcoming mission trips of the rainy season. The new 60HP and 25HP outboards have finally arrived. My old motors were 11 years old. Thanks to the churches and friends who have helped to purchase the new engines. It took months to get them here, but now it will only take a few more days to have the boats ready. There are a number of repairs to do on the boats. The 25HP is already installed on the jon boat, but waiting for water in the river to do the break in. In fact, last week I was supposed to go up the Moa River, but the rains stopped suddenly, and all the rivers are shallow and clogged with stumps. The bigger boat needs several repairs and the installation is much more complex. Right now, I am waiting on new control cables. The old ones off the old motor are different, so I had to order new ones.
Bev and I have had some health issues. She had dengue fever! Fortunately, she had a mild version of it or maybe she is just plain tough. Probably the latter. I have had 2 kinds of infections over the last few weeks. Routine stuff, but very painful and debilitating. Had to go through rounds of antibiotics. Even though health care here in Cruzeiro do Sul is rather precarious, I have the advantage of having folks in the church that are doctors, nurses and lab owners. One lady that has a lab, came to the house to take my blood sample, did the full round of tests and even brought the results to me. One of our doctors took care of me by cell phone. I did have to go out, get a shot at the ER and buy medicine, but our folks take good care of me.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike Creiglow
Mike and Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil 69980
mdcreig [at]
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online