Praying for People to Turn to Jesus Amongst Political Discord

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

January 24, 2018

Dear friends,

Angry Riots
The Brazilian ex-president (commonly referred to as “Lula”) from the Workers Party is currently under investigation for massive scale corruption. His successor, now ex-president “Dilma Rousseff”, was impeached in August 2016 under corruption charges. Lula and Dilma supporters allege fraud in the legislature and justice systems and assert the opposition has caused a “coupe”. Recently, “Lula” was sentenced to 9.5 years in jail. He wants to run for president in this year’s election, but this conviction makes him ineligible. Upon appeal, the 3 judges in the federal appeals court not only confirmed the conviction but increased the jail term to 12 years and one month (and there are still six other processes for sentencing). According to polls, Lula is so “loved by the people” that if elections occurred today, he would be elected. “Lula” and the Workers Party have led protests in opposition to the current rulings and have incited riots and chaos. In recent days, rioters ignited fire to tires blockading heavy traffic roads in the Greater São Paulo area. 2018 will be a year of political discord and instability. May God have mercy in the Brazilian electoral process, provide safety and pray that people will turn to Jesus in this time of political crisis.

In recent days, rioters ignited fire to tires blockading heavy traffic roads in the Greater São Paulo area. 2018 will be a year of political discord and instability.

Decisions for Christ
Over the last few weeks, six people have surrendered to Christ. The Lord is leading us to so many unsaved people and these new believers need to grow in Jesus. Unfortunately, the end of December and beginning of January were slow discipleship months, as this is a typical Brazilian vacation period. Pray for our home meetings throughout the week, commitment level, excitement to share Jesus with others, and expansion into other locations.

School Break & A Love story Celebration
We were blessed by Manaus friends who purchased round-trip tickets for our three older kids to travel to Manaus and to stay at their homes during school break. Our children have wonderful memories and amazing friends in Manaus and miss them so much (Manaus is 4 hours by plane from São Paulo). Sarah, Laura, and Benjamin were overwhelmed when on Christmas Day they were informed of their trip to Northern Brazil. Tears of joy overtook their unbelieving faces. They had a fabulous time and have returned safely to São Paulo, with new and amazing memories. During their vacation, Raquel and I (and youngest, Melissa) celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary on January 8. We had a grand evening at Raquel’s favorite Italian restaurant rejoicing in what God has done in our lives as a couple and as a family. We are truly grateful for His blessings upon us.

Back to School
The kids will begin the new school year on February 5th and are enthusiastic to see their classmates and to get back into the “normal” routine. Sarah and Laura (7th and 6th grades) will study in the morning, while Benjamin and Melissa (5th and 1st grades) will study in the afternoon. The “Art and Culture Department” offers several workshops (i.e. acting/theater arts, guitar lessons, ballet, vocal training, etc) throughout the city – all six of us are enrolled and on mission to foster new connections to lead people to Jesus. Pray with us we befriend people and point them to the Savior.

Thank you for the your faithful prayers and support.

Grateful always,
Jud Hatcher

Judson & Raquel Hatcher
(859) 544-9040
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