Missionary Update: Odali & Kathy Barros in Brazil [January 2014]
Posted on 14Jan CATEGORIES: Mission Sheets Newsletters, Odali & Kathy Barros [Brazil] Tags:Tags: BFM, fruit of children's home ministry, God provides, Kathy Barros, let those around you know you love them, Odali Barros, river ministry in Brazil, show love, tell your kids you love them

Odali and Kathy Barros have served the Lord in Sao Paulo, Brazil together since 1987. They are currently in the process of transitioning to Manaus to start sharing the Gospel and planting churches in villages along the river.
Manaus, Brasil
January 2, 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Hope each of you are doing well and that you had a wonderful time with your families during the holiday season. We had a wonderful time with our families. We spent time with my brothers and their families, and also with Kathy’s brothers and her parents.
We are slowly getting settled in. We are working on the house on some major things that needed to be done. Of course things are a little slow during the holidays. The Lord willing, we will have things finished soon.
Our boys are getting settled in and making new friends. We thank God that they are adapting well. They did not have much contact with the uncles, aunts and cousins that live here. It has been fun watching them get acquainted with every one.
I have been talking to my brother who is a pastor here in a town not far from Manaus. He mentioned how many new roads had opened and that there are many new villages. We plan on visiting these places soon to see how many people there are and if there are no Baptist churches.
While we are getting settled, we have been helping my brother at his church. They are building a new building. We have started to paint the trusses and will be putting them up next week, Lord willing.
We have had some pleasant surprises. For so many years we invested our lives in the lives of many children and teenagers. We have some scattered in many places. We have some here in Manaus also.
One of these young men was one of the first ones we worked with in Vera Cruz. They live not far from us. I went to visit his home the other day. While I was there he showed me his boat. Guess what he wants to use it for? That’s right!!!! River ministry!!!!!! A while back he tried to sell it but the sale fell through. So he decided he would use it for the Lord. What a blessing to have a helper with a desire to serve. Also we had another young man that came from Garca to help in the home here in Manaus several years ago. After the home closed, he and his wife continued in Manaus. He came over and fixed the air conditioner and our microwave. We are blessed to be part of their lives. To see what God has done in their lives is just a wonderful privilege.
On New Years, we had some teen boys to sleep over. During the evening I told one of our boys I loved him. One of the other boys looked at me and said, ‘‘My father never told me he loves me’’. Wow! How sad, but like him there are many others. Let those around you know you love them. God loves us so much. Let us show our love to God through others. May God richly bless each of you this year and may God’s will be the center of our plans.
In Christ,
Odali, Kathy
Titus, Jonas and Gabriel
Odali & Kathy Barros
Av. Victor Hugo Boaretto S/N
Garca, Sao Paulo 17.400,000
Brasil, SA