Missionary Update: Jud & Raquel Hatcher in Brazil [November 2014]
Posted on 22Nov CATEGORIES: Jud & Raquel Hatcher [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: church planting in Brazil, Jud Hatcher

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in Manaus, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.
Dear friends,
Discover how the Lord has blessed our ministry and how you can better pray for us. Continue reading to learn about our special children’s Evangelist event, church health and growth, evangelist luncheon’s, breakfast mentoring, pastor’s gathering, our preaching festival and the romantic couple’s night.
Children’s Day
This month we had a big Evangelist blowout on Children’s Day (a national commemorative day) with over two hundred people in attendance. The church mobilized through planning and giving. We had lots of games, Bible stories, theater, puppets and a toy for every child.
Church Plant Health
As the church has grown, so has our outreach and discipleship. We have decisions almost every week. Discipleship is a regular necessity. On March 2015, our church plant celebrates its third anniversary. Next year we plan to start our Bible & Leadership Training Institute and our first full time pastor will come on staff.
Evangelistic Luncheons
The Lord has blessed me with many opportunities to personally share the Gospel to several folks. A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of witnessing to a couple. The wife is the muse to one of the famous local carnival schools. Both listened attentively and I believe will surrender to Jesus soon.
Breakfast Mentoring
On a regular basis, you will find me at a bakery for early morning breakfast with the men of our church. A lot of mentoring, coaching and counseling happens over a couple of coffee and hot bread.
Pastors’ Gathering
Our monthly pastor’s gathering is always a success. Since our church meets at a restaurant and we have a good partnership with the owner, we have delicious food for a great price. After dinner, we worship together in song and our night’s guest speaker preaches for 45 minutes. It is always hard to leave as everyone lingers around chatting. The fellowship is tremendous.
Preaching Festival
Over the last several weeks, we have had a preaching festival. Every Sunday, three or four of our men preach for 7 minutes. We are currently on a series titled “The Relationships of Jesus”, and the messages are about a person who lived during Jesus’ time and how the Savior interacted with them personally. In all, sixteen men have participated in this exciting preaching festival.
Couple’s Dinner
This month we had our first “Couples Only” gathering. The night had a Parisian theme, with a French dinner served in five courses, romantic French music, four love songs performed by some of our couples and a special message.
Thank you for loving, praying and supporting us. We are grateful.
Jud Hatcher