Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [September 2014]
Posted on 8Sep CATEGORIES: John Mark & Judy Hatcher [France], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: family time for missionaries, John Mark Hatcher, Judy Hatcher, serving in France
September 8, 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We hope this finds you enjoying the Lord’s blessings. As I mentioned in my previous letter to you, we have been in the USA this past month to be with David (our son), Dulce and their family following the birth of their third child. We return to our home and primary place of service the day after tomorrow.
The news from France is good and we anticipate with joy the opportunities that await us there. God’s love and compassions are new every morning; great is His faithfulness. (see Lamentations 3:22-23). It is a wonderful blessing to be a child of God through whom His light can shine to those who live in darkness around us. This is the privilege of every believer.
The short time here has allowed us to enjoy a number of blessings. I was able to spend a whole week with Dad and Mom, Paul (my older brother) and Wanda. During the past 40 years visiting with them is a rare blessing as we have served on different continents. All of us are grateful for your giving, an act of faith, that has been used by God to meet our needs in other countries. This coming Sunday, my mother turns 89 years old. The Lord has protected her and used her in His service in spite of a couple of times in my childhood when she was at the door of death. She has lived to see her children and grandchildren saved and serving the Lord and many great-grandchildren who are saved and being discipled by their parents. If you ask her how she is doing, she always responds, “I have never felt better in my life.”
Judy, her sister and I were also able to visit many in their extended family who are still living and serving the Lord. This is very encouraging. We, with them, were able to recount and review the grace of God at work in the past and present. Judy and I were also able to have dinner with a number of those with whom we served together in Emmanuel Baptist Church in Evansville. We thank Peggy, Judy’s sister, who made her car available and traveled with us. There were many more that we simply did not have the time to visit. All of us, including you, are important participants in God’s great work of loving redemption.
And…we had great moments with our three children and their families who live in the USA. These moments in their lives are inestimable. God’s has blessed us beyond measure and His love overflows. Thank you, Heavenly Father for your great love and for your family in which you have placed us. Thank you, each one in God’s family, who give that we may take this overflow to a land that is spiritually dry and arid.
Rejoicing in the Lord with You,
John and Judy Hatcher
John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France