Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [September 2012]
Posted on 3Sep CATEGORIES: John & Alta Hatcher [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: Alta Hatcher, Baptist Faith Missions, BFM, church planting in Brazil, don't waste your life, Great Commission, John Hatcher, missionaries in Brazil, veteran missionaries

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.
Dear Brethren and Fellow-Workers,
Greetings from Brazil. We are happy to greet you once more from the land where we have labored for more than fifty-five years. We are thankful to our Lord that He has been pleased to use our children and grandchildren in the work of His vineyard in many parts of the world. At our age we are aware that we soon will be in His presence forever.
URAI- The work in Urai is going well. There is a fine group of young people in this Church who are dedicated to the Lord and busy in His work. Along with the Congregations at Rancho Alegre and Sussumo there are some that do visits from door to door distributing Gospel tracts.
This past week Kathy, one of her sons, and Maria were here for a two day visit. What a joy these visits bring to our lives. Sometimes we are so homesick to see them; it is hard.
ELECTIONS- This is the time of electioneering for the offices of State and City officials. It is a very noisy period with loud speakers on, what seems to be, most of the cars.
ASSAI- This month the second son of Dona Maria passed away. He had suffered with cancer for nearly ten years. The sad part is there is no assurance he was saved. Sunday morning, his widow came to service. Her name is Jirlene. She has two children, a girl and a boy. Please pray for her and for her children. Alta and I go to Assai each Sunday morning and we praise the Lord for health and ability to go these sixty miles each week.
CAR PROBLEM- Rather, owner problem. Three weeks ago I failed to put the radiator cap on and coming home the engine overheated and cracked the heads. The heat melted the wires but the car stopped on a curve in front of a small business. The man who lives there was able to fix the wires enough for us to arrive home. The two mechanics who do my work have put our car in first class condition and I am trying to remember the radiator cap.
In all of our years of experience, this city of twenty thousand is the most difficult we have encountered. Pray for God’s mercy on Assai.
On September 14, Alta will have her eighty-seventh birthday, the Lord willing. She is in good health and her eyes are great.
In His Love,
John and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000