Good News from a Far Country
Posted on 8Nov CATEGORIES: John Mark & Judy Hatcher [France], Mission Sheets Newsletters, News Blasts Tags:Tags: church planting in France, Jean Francois, John Mark Hatcher, Judy Hatcher, Mazeres, Proverbs 25:25, Tournefeuille

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”
November 8, 2017
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
“As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country.” (Proverbs 25:25)
So, we would like to share some of the good news that we have received this month.
A couple of weeks ago I received an email from Jean-François, the pastor who is caring for the congregation that meets in the Mazeres region about 50 miles south of Toulouse. After asking about news from our side and how Peggy was doing he wrote, “Il m’apparaît de plus en plus évident que l’implantation d’une assemblée serait pertinent, les compétences sont là et les personnes il me semble en attente, je te le laisse a ta réflexion. En espérant vous voir prochainement, Dieu voulant. Que le Seigneur vous dirige, priez pour moi.” Now that you have tried out your French, I will give it to you in English: “It seems to me more and more evident that planting a church in this location would be appropriate. There is competence and the people are waiting for this. I will let you think about it. Hoping to see you soon, God willing. May the Lord guide you, pray for me.”

A full house at the Tournefeuille Church

A full house at the Tournefeuille Church
You may remember that I called on this young man to take leadership of this group when I needed to return suddenly to the USA at the end of March. He did and does so willingly at his own expense. So, there is something that you can rejoice in and pray about. I did ask Jean-François if he would be interested in being the pastor. He works a full-time job and is involved in another church plant and has other Bible studies. This man of about 50 is single and the only member of his family that is saved. His father is an atheist and his mother a devout Catholic. He has witnessed and gives a great living testimony to his family. He was saved not long after we moved to France and I had the privilege of spending several hours a week with him in discipleship during several years.
Last weekend Rose and Jean-Luc, a couple from our church called us to find out about how we were doing and to encourage us. They and 3 of their children are very active in the Tournefeuille Church. A couple days ago Amanda told us that they had a full house Sunday. I am including a couple of snapshots one of the guys took of some of the people there.

Some of the senior saints in Evansville whom John Mark served as pastor years ago.
Here in Evansville things are going well. Yesterday we had lunch with some of the older folks I served as pastor. Well, older now, we were all a bit younger back then. The faithfulness of these disciples of Jesus Christ and scores of others who are active participants and leaders in a good number of churches here and elsewhere is very encouraging to us. I am including a snapshot of the senior saints who were together for lunch.
In Christ,
John and Judy
Temporary Address
John and Judy Hatcher
1901 Shepherd Dr.
Evansville, IN 47715
Field Address
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France