FaithWORKS Report [November 2013]
PRAY AND PRAISE in this issue…
- ODALI AND KATHY BARROS – PRAISE GOD for the people God continues to save in the church in Garca and for the smooth transition of leadership there. PRAISE GOD for the opportunities the Lord has given them to minister to Haitans who are working in the vicinity and for providing a French interpreter for them to witness to them. PRAY that the Lord will continue to give them guidance and provision for their transition into their new ministry.
- HAROLD BRATCHER – PRAISE GOD for providing them with a new home in Lexington KY where they are now living. PRAY that the Lord will continue to give him joy and a fruitful ministry in this season of his life. NOTE his new address on his newsletter.
- JOHN AND ALTA HATCHER – PRAISE GOD for the moving tribute Brother John gives to his dear wife, Alta – and all the missionary-wives. PRAISE GOD for them…and for the missionary children and families they have given to the Lord and His Kingdom.
- JOHN AND JUDY HATCHER – PRAISE GOD for the numbers of French people the Lord has given them to witness to – and saved. PRAISE GOD for the testimony of the sister the Lord has brought to them from another city and PRAISE GOD for His marvelous Providences that direct our paths and steps through life. PRAY for the family of the troubled believer who took her own life.
- JUDSON AND RAQUEL HATCHER – PRAISE GOD for the effective services and outreaches of Active Baptist Church. PRAY that God will give them wisdom and direction in their need to relocate their worship and ministry location. PRAY that God will give them hope, peace, and joy in their family’s sorrows they have suffered.
- NATHAN AND CARRIE RADFORD – PRAY that God will preserve and maintain the churches and outreach ministries in Kenya during their absence. PRAY that God will provide them with housing while on furlough. Read their newsletter for the specifics of their needs. PRAY that the Lord will give them wisdom and strength for their travels visiting with family and churches.
- SHERIDAN AND ANITA STANTON – PRAISE GOD for the visitors they have been receiving from the States. PRAY that God will provide their need for finances to complete the construction for the new Calvary Baptist Mission.
- ROGER AND JULIE TATE – PRAY that God will give them wisdom, patience, encouragement, and strength for all the challenges they will be facing and adjustments they will making during their furlough time here in the States.
- BOBBY AND CHARLENE WACASER – PRAISE GOD for the growth of the leaders God is raising up under their ministry. PRAISE GOD for delivering them from many adversities. PRAY for the upcoming ministries and for Bobby’s complete healing from his recent surgery.
Most of you are aware that the way your missionaries’ support offerings are administered through Baptist Faith Missions is that they are not required to spend months or even years doing deputation work and raising their own support funds. When a sending church asks Baptist Faith Missions to help them support their missionary – when the missionary is approved for support – Baptist Faith Missions makes certain financial commitments to them to supply their living and ministry needs – always with the understanding that we will disburse those commitments ‘as the Lord supplies’ the necessary funds.
All of those commitments are supplied from the GENERAL FUND. If the offerings are given to the General Fund, then we disburse those commitments to the missionaries. If the offerings are not given to the General Fund, then we don’t…we can’t…disburse what we do not receive.
When we don’t receive in General Fund offerings what we have committed to give the missionaries, then we reduce the amounts of those commitments by the same amounts we have not received. It is really that simple…and that painful!
I am writing now just after making the missionaries’ November support disbursements. We incurred a significant deficit in our General Fund offerings for November. So, what I had to do was proportionately divide up the deficit in funds not received [$4076.15] and reduce each missionary’s monthly support deposit by that amount. [Actually, the amount of the General Fund deficit from October’s offerings was $7475.79 – but we supplied $3399.64 from carried-over funds given for our Founders Day offerings back in June-July.]
Just ask any of our missionaries
how seriously these reductions impact them and their ministries –
and they can tell you!
We are asking each Giving Friend who loves and supports our missionaries to ask the Lord: “How much can I increase my monthly offerings to the GENERAL FUND?” If you are not giving to the GENERAL FUND, please know that the best way you can be sure your missionaries’ needs are being fully supplied is by giving generously, regularly, and faithfully to the GENERAL FUND. Otherwise, we will have to reduce the commitments we have made to them by the same amount we do not receive.
We heartily invite you to join us for the 59th Annual Thanksgiving Missions Conference in the interests of BAPTIST FAITH MISSIONS.
November 25-27, 2013
New Hope Baptist Church
Dearborn Heights, MI
Pastor Terry Adkins
Conference Theme: “Redeemed How I Love to Proclaim It” – Psalm 107:2-3
A full post with details can be found here.
For directions to New Hope Baptist Church and/or information on lodging please contact:
Pastor Terry Adkins | (313) 562-5579 | pastorterrynewhope[at]
Please be making your plans to give as generously as the LORD enables you to our upcoming Thanksgiving Offering. We encourage EVERY friend of our missionaries to be a GIVING FRIEND!
Pastors, will you be willing to announce and promote the Thanksgiving Offering in your church – and encourage your people to give to it? Our missionaries’ needs continue to be great and the Thanksgiving Offering is essential to providing those financial commitments we have made to them.
We continue to struggle every month just to maintain the commitments we have made to our missionaries – but we want to do so much more than just MAINTAIN. We want to INCREASE and ADD TO the provisions of their needs.
And, remember – you can give your Thanksgiving Offering either through your church’s offering, or by mailing your personal check to our Treasurer, or by giving online through our website ‘Donate/Support’ tab.
Click here to make a one-time donation.
Click here to set up a recurring donation.
Block these dates and plan to attend…
January 19-22 | Sunday-Wednesday
For more details, contact Pastor Ben Glover
BentonGlover[at] | 407.719.9861