Amazed at God’s Goodness

April 26, 2023
Hello Faithful Friends,
So much has happened since I wrote last year that I am amazed at God’s goodness to us. It is actually quite encouraging to stop and write about it because it’s a way to reflect on and count our many blessings.
We have been experiencing steady growth at our church. So much so that we had to find a larger building to move to. The Lord guided us to a great location that will allow the church to keep growing. Part of my role in this process was to organize the packing and labeling of everything the needed to be moved so that we could find it and use it almost immediately after our arrival there. I had some great volunteer helpers working with me and I am very grateful for them.
One of my roles at the church is as an assistant teacher. I work with the kids ages 8 to 12. Through the course of my years teaching, I have evangelized and taught children who are now grown up, have gotten married, and now I’m teaching their children in my classes.
One of my favorite activities in our ministry is to coordinate the preparation and decorating for special events like marriage seminars and evangelistic outreach meetings. I believe that even in small things like this we should seek to honor the Lord with excellence. One of the challenges is to apply excellence with a limited budget. I enjoy the challenge, though.
As a missionary’s wife, there is one area that is not pleasurable, and that is the “goodbyes”. There are so many of them and for various reasons. Of course, there are the goodbyes when we leave family and friends when coming to our field of service, but there are also the goodbyes on the field to those who we’ve evangelized and prepared to go out as missionaries to new places. Recently we sent Yago and Manoela off to Portugal to start new churches. I had worked side by side with Manoela for quite a while and we had become very close. As much as I was thrilled that God had called her husband and her to go, it still hurt to lose that constant companionship with her. I’m very glad that we have the promise of an eternal home to enjoy fellowship again, and without the goodbyes.
Bobby and I are going to begin a U.S. stateside furlough near the end of May. If you or your church would be interested in having us come and share personally how God is using our ministry, feel free to contact Bobby at:
I am so grateful for your prayers and concern for us and our ministry.
Yours in Christ,
Charlene Wacaser

Contact Info:
Bobby & Charlene Wacaser
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279
Sobrado 1, Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR. Brasil
Phone: 55-41-99899-2333
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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Life in Kitale

April 29, 2022
Greetings from Kenya!
I pray this update finds everyone doing well. This is Carrie writing this month for the annual missionary wives’ prayer letter. I hope the weather is getting warmer for all of you. I’m sure you’re ready for nicer weather after the winter months. Here in Kenya, we are finishing dry season and entering rainy season. The dry season was long this year and especially hot (up to 90 degrees and no air conditioning anywhere). Everything became very dry and dusty and lack of water was a concern. But thankfully, the rains have started and things are beginning to turn green again and the temperatures are cooling down a bit.
Currently there is a fuel shortage in the country. The suppliers are trying to increase the price, but the government is refusing to pay it, so there is a stalemate. The government is working to get the suppliers to lower the cost, but it’s taking a while to do it. There have been reports of people waiting in lines at the gas stations for up to 8 hours to get just a bit of gas for their vehicles. This is really affecting the livelihoods of people such as taxi drivers and piki=pikis (motorbike taxis). In addition, there are fewer supply trucks to bring goods, such as food, from Nairobi to Kitale. We’ve had extremely limited milk for the past couple weeks, and the price of goods is also increasing rapidly, which causes a huge burden on all families and businesses here. The people are struggling to buy the food they need for their families. Please pray that the fuel situation gets resolved quickly and that prices reduce for the people of this country.
Homeschooling continues to go well. The girls really enjoy their classes and are doing a great job working diligently. We’ve been doing some PE activities as a family, such as morning exercise, which has been really nice. Cami enjoys learning to cook and Kenna has taken some drawing classes online, which has been a huge blessing. We’ve gotten a new kitten who is an endless delight for the girls. He’s a snuggly little guy and such a blessing for us.
Please pray for the girls as they are needing friends. We had a family with some girls their ages here, but they’ve moved to another part of Kenya. This has been a big loss for our girls as they were close and played a lot together. There have been a lot of changes in our community with families leaving and we’re all struggling with it to some extent. Please pray for us as a family. Missions can be so difficult with all the goodbyes we say. There are very few “wazungus” (westerners) left in our town. Please pray for strength and for new families to come.
Thank you all for the encouragement you send and the prayers you say on our behalf. We appreciate them more than you know. Each of you is a blessing to us and we’re thankful for you. God bless you all as you head into the summer months.
In Christ,
Nathan and Carrie Radford
Contact Info:
Nathan and Carrie Radford
P.O. Box 4150
Kitale, Kenya
East Africa 30200
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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