Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [November 2015]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

November 2, 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Yesterday our church message was “Surprised by God” from Acts 9 which revolves around Paul’s conversion. Paul was surprised, the soldiers were surprised, believers were surprised, Ananias was surprised, the Jewish leaders were surprised, we are surprised. There are dozens of surprises mentioned in these 31 verses concerning what happened, to whom it happened, how it happened. In all of this we see the hand of God working out His eternal plan of redemption.

And since God’s ways are far above our ways and past finding out, we are often surprised by God. I will share with you a few of these surprises we have seen this month.  A couple of nights ago I received a call from Joachim, the first person baptized in the church here in Tournefeuille. That was the culmination of many wonderful surprises. His son trusted Christ and was baptized just before they moved to Hamburg, Germany three years ago. God brought him here where he was saved and moved him on to serve elsewhere. It was great to hear how God is working in his family. They are active in a church and God is at work in them. They were great members here and we miss them terribly. He will be down here for work related medical check-ups next month and we are looking forward to spending more time in fellowship for an evening.

Douceline, the single lady who hosts the Bible studies in Mazere, was surprised by a wild boar the week before last. Late in the evening, as she was driving home from a meeting where we had been together, the wild boar rammed the driver side door of her car, setting off the airbag and making her car a total loss. Just after it happened on a country road, the Lord graciously brought a car of police officers by who gave her a ride home. The car itself had been a gracious surprise a couple of years ago. Dutch missionaries with whom she was acquainted were retiring and leaving the country.  Aware of her commitment as a “missionary” in her community and her modest income they gave her this small car which was in excellent shape. The insurance will help her replace the car. Besides the Bible study that we hold in her home with a number of people she also leads two other Bible studies with ladies.

On October 8th we received and a text from Eva. She had just been admitted to the hospital in danger of miscarrying at 20 weeks of pregnancy. On December 5th last year she gave very early birth and their son lived less than a week. Often surprises are unpleasant! She is still confined to bed in the hospital but the pregnancy is progressing. Last week, her doctor told her that he was very impressed by her positive outlook despite the bleak circumstances. She was thrilled to be able to tell her doctor about her faith in Christ. Eva and her husband host a Bible study that we lead in their home in the neighboring department. Sometimes Christ, the light in us, is more visible when we find ourselves in dark surroundings.

Yesterday Rose, who along with her husband and children is relatively new but are faithful members, told about a recent visit to the only person in their extended family besides them who is a believer. This couple was saved through the ministry of an American missionary in another region of France. A few years ago his niece called in tears because her life was falling apart and their changed lives gave her hope. They went to her, witnessed to her and she trusted the Lord. A friend of her mother is a medium and told her that she would not get married and never have any children. She is now active in the church led by the American missionary who led Rose and Jean-Luc to Christ. She met and married a fine young man in this church and just gave birth to their first child! The niece’s family resents the spiritual changes in her, but the last chapter has not yet been written!

This evening Amanda, our wonderful daughter-in-law missionary, is having the first college girls Bible Study with girls from our church. She and Philip also lead a Bible study Thursday. We have a Bible study here on Wednesday and Saturday we have our Youth Outreach. The Bible lesson this week is “God has Spoken through His Son”.

There is more to write, but I would like for you to keep reading our letters. So, I will stop! Thanks for your faithful support. Please keep praying.

Surprised by God in France,
John and Judy


John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [August 2015]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

August 1, 2015

Dear Fellow Servants,

We hope that you are enjoying the Lord’s blessings this summer. Many of you are busy with Vacation Bible School and Youth and Family camps. The effort invested in these summer ministries is well worth it. During our lifetime we have seen many come to Christ and mature spiritually through Christian camps and evangelistic outreach to youth.

The month of July was quite busy which makes me happy. On the 4th of July, the annual neighborhood dinner was held. We are very grateful for this gathering because it gives us the opportunity to build relationships, get acquainted with folks and witness. These usually start at about 6pm and continue to 1 or 2 o’clock in the morning. And at the end there is the clean up.

This year I had the opportunity to communicate our reason for believing with two neighbors. One of these is a professed atheist and the other is an agnostic. This is not the exception in France. Our yard is bordered by four other yards. Three of these four immediate neighbors are atheist. However, we have a cordial relationship with all of them. We sow in hope. According to Christ, our behavior is essential in communicating the gospel to these folks. Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Good works in this context does not seem to refer to church activities, but serving others for Jesus sake. Daily, we must ask ourselves, “How can I show the love of Christ to this (or that) individual in my actions?” The apostle Paul seems to mean this in the counsel to “walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”

Several years ago a new neighbor informed us that she was an atheist. A little while later she said, “You know I don’t believe in God, but we feel so good when you and Judy are around.” And…we did share meals together quite often. These usually included at least one other family. Often, this lady’s husband would say to everyone at the table, “I have just about come to agree with John” and then to me, “John, tell them what you believe.” About four years after meeting them, she invited us to help her celebrate her 50th birthday along with about 70 or 80 people from all over France. Just as everyone was getting ready to dig in, she stopped them and pointing to Judy and me, said, “These are some of our best friends. He is a pastor. John, please say a few words.” Unexpectedly, she called on me to share the gospel with her friends. Not too long before they moved to a neighboring town, she came running over, knocked on the door to tell us, “I want you to know that I now believe in God and that He has worked personally in my life.” From atheism to this point in her life was a stretch of about 10 years. We love what we are doing in France.

Evidence of God at work in new disciples has also been a part of the blessings this month. Many years ago Judy and I started driving weekly to the city of Mazere which is a bit over an hour’s drive each way. The purpose was to have a weekly Bible study with Douceline, a young Christian lady who lived there, and who was very discouraged because she was alone and over an hour’s drive from any church. She has grown in the Lord. She started to invite people she met to the Bible study. Some of them are now saved. She now sees herself as a missionary to this spiritually needy area. About a dozen persons come to the Bible study and she has individual Bibles studies with others. While she was gone on vacation this summer, a couple that has been coming for about two years invited us hold the Bible study in their home. Then another lady who has been coming for about a year invited us to hold the next one at her home and to stay for dinner afterwards. This is one of the individuals with whom Douceline has been having Bible studies investigating the Gospel. This lady who invited us is married to a likable young man who is an atheist. I will include some snapshots of the evening.

Well, I will save the rest for another month. This letter is beginning to look like a journal. Thank you for your regular participation in what God is doing here. We thank God for you daily. May His richest blessings fill your life.

Joyfully sharing the Good News in France,
John and Judy

John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

Click here to donate to BFM.

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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [April 2014]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

April 1, 2014

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today is known in the USA as April fools day. It reminds me of what martyr missionary Jim Elliot wrote in his journal, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” This may well reflect what Matthew Henry repeated about his father who was a kind and charitable man, “He is no fool who parts with that which he cannot keep, when he is sure to be recompensed with that which he cannot lose.” It certainly comes from the teachings of our Lord and Savior who told his disciples, “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.” This is what we all should be doing with the lives, time and wealth of all kinds that God gives us.

We never know exactly how God is going to use our investments. The “preacher” in Ecclesiastes concludes, “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. . .In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.” So, I will tell you about one of the fields where we are sowing seed and why we are encouraged by what we see.

About 10 years ago, Douceline, a young lady believer whom we had met when we first came to France called us. She had taken her first job in the town of Mazere where there was no congregation of believers of any kind. Away from other believers she was very discouraged. She was born the year her parents trusted the Lord. Both of her parents were previously atheist. Since we had some weekday evenings open, we decided that it would be a good investment into her life to have Bible study with her in her apartment one evening per week after work. After about 2 years of weekly round trip drives of 2 and ½ hours and a couple of hours in Bible study each week, Douceline seemed to have a change in outlook. She began to see herself as God’s agent in this town.

John Mark and Judy Hatcher AnniversaryAbout this time she met a lady through her work at the city library who was nominally Catholic and whose oldest child was to start catechism classes. Douceline suggested that Judy could teach them about Jesus from the Bible. The lady thought that would be a good idea and dropped the kids off at the apartment an hour before our Bible study. Judy had children’s Bible classes with them for an hour each week before our adult Bible study. Douceline started inviting people she met; a few came and very few returned. But, we have continued. For several years we took a guy with us from our area who was a new believer. He now has two Bible studies in Toulouse each week and has led others to the Lord that he is discipling. He is a pastoral leader in his church.

Patricia, the mother of the two children Judy taught, never came to the Bible study but Douceline is now having evangelistic Bible studies with her. Douceline is quite a missionary and is witnessing to several other people on a regular basis who do not come to the Bible study. We have probably had 50 people come do this Bible study over the years. A widow lady in her early 70s who comes has trusted the Lord. She is the only believer in her extended family. She daily watches and witnesses to her 9 year old granddaughter whose parents are atheist. One newly married couple young believers participates, she is a school teacher and he is a carpenter. A lady about 60 comes who is a nursing assistant in a senior citizens home is the only believer in her extended family. A young man who has come is reading his Bible and seeking. Douceline’s parents participate and are reaching out to several others. This has opened the door with their older daughter and her family. The children from this family are enthusiastic participants in our Youth meetings. We are supposed to have a new participant next week at the Bible study in Mazere. There are believers, there are disciples, there are missionaries because your support enables us to be available here and because we believed God wanted us to invest part of our lives into a discouraged believer.

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” The completion of this story and millions of other like it will be experienced in heaven…our Fathers house!

May God bless you. Thanks for investing in this part of the world.

Investing in France,
John and Judy

John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

Click here to donate to BFM.

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