Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [November 2015]
Posted on 2Nov CATEGORIES: John Mark & Judy Hatcher [France], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: disciple-making, Douceline, Eva, Joachim, John Mark Hatcher, Judy Hatcher, making disciples, Rose, surprised by God, surprises

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”
November 2, 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Yesterday our church message was “Surprised by God” from Acts 9 which revolves around Paul’s conversion. Paul was surprised, the soldiers were surprised, believers were surprised, Ananias was surprised, the Jewish leaders were surprised, we are surprised. There are dozens of surprises mentioned in these 31 verses concerning what happened, to whom it happened, how it happened. In all of this we see the hand of God working out His eternal plan of redemption.
And since God’s ways are far above our ways and past finding out, we are often surprised by God. I will share with you a few of these surprises we have seen this month. A couple of nights ago I received a call from Joachim, the first person baptized in the church here in Tournefeuille. That was the culmination of many wonderful surprises. His son trusted Christ and was baptized just before they moved to Hamburg, Germany three years ago. God brought him here where he was saved and moved him on to serve elsewhere. It was great to hear how God is working in his family. They are active in a church and God is at work in them. They were great members here and we miss them terribly. He will be down here for work related medical check-ups next month and we are looking forward to spending more time in fellowship for an evening.
Douceline, the single lady who hosts the Bible studies in Mazere, was surprised by a wild boar the week before last. Late in the evening, as she was driving home from a meeting where we had been together, the wild boar rammed the driver side door of her car, setting off the airbag and making her car a total loss. Just after it happened on a country road, the Lord graciously brought a car of police officers by who gave her a ride home. The car itself had been a gracious surprise a couple of years ago. Dutch missionaries with whom she was acquainted were retiring and leaving the country. Aware of her commitment as a “missionary” in her community and her modest income they gave her this small car which was in excellent shape. The insurance will help her replace the car. Besides the Bible study that we hold in her home with a number of people she also leads two other Bible studies with ladies.
On October 8th we received and a text from Eva. She had just been admitted to the hospital in danger of miscarrying at 20 weeks of pregnancy. On December 5th last year she gave very early birth and their son lived less than a week. Often surprises are unpleasant! She is still confined to bed in the hospital but the pregnancy is progressing. Last week, her doctor told her that he was very impressed by her positive outlook despite the bleak circumstances. She was thrilled to be able to tell her doctor about her faith in Christ. Eva and her husband host a Bible study that we lead in their home in the neighboring department. Sometimes Christ, the light in us, is more visible when we find ourselves in dark surroundings.
Yesterday Rose, who along with her husband and children is relatively new but are faithful members, told about a recent visit to the only person in their extended family besides them who is a believer. This couple was saved through the ministry of an American missionary in another region of France. A few years ago his niece called in tears because her life was falling apart and their changed lives gave her hope. They went to her, witnessed to her and she trusted the Lord. A friend of her mother is a medium and told her that she would not get married and never have any children. She is now active in the church led by the American missionary who led Rose and Jean-Luc to Christ. She met and married a fine young man in this church and just gave birth to their first child! The niece’s family resents the spiritual changes in her, but the last chapter has not yet been written!
This evening Amanda, our wonderful daughter-in-law missionary, is having the first college girls Bible Study with girls from our church. She and Philip also lead a Bible study Thursday. We have a Bible study here on Wednesday and Saturday we have our Youth Outreach. The Bible lesson this week is “God has Spoken through His Son”.
There is more to write, but I would like for you to keep reading our letters. So, I will stop! Thanks for your faithful support. Please keep praying.
Surprised by God in France,
John and Judy
John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France