Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [August 2015]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

August 1, 2015

Dear Fellow Servants,

We hope that you are enjoying the Lord’s blessings this summer. Many of you are busy with Vacation Bible School and Youth and Family camps. The effort invested in these summer ministries is well worth it. During our lifetime we have seen many come to Christ and mature spiritually through Christian camps and evangelistic outreach to youth.

The month of July was quite busy which makes me happy. On the 4th of July, the annual neighborhood dinner was held. We are very grateful for this gathering because it gives us the opportunity to build relationships, get acquainted with folks and witness. These usually start at about 6pm and continue to 1 or 2 o’clock in the morning. And at the end there is the clean up.

This year I had the opportunity to communicate our reason for believing with two neighbors. One of these is a professed atheist and the other is an agnostic. This is not the exception in France. Our yard is bordered by four other yards. Three of these four immediate neighbors are atheist. However, we have a cordial relationship with all of them. We sow in hope. According to Christ, our behavior is essential in communicating the gospel to these folks. Jesus said, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Good works in this context does not seem to refer to church activities, but serving others for Jesus sake. Daily, we must ask ourselves, “How can I show the love of Christ to this (or that) individual in my actions?” The apostle Paul seems to mean this in the counsel to “walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”

Several years ago a new neighbor informed us that she was an atheist. A little while later she said, “You know I don’t believe in God, but we feel so good when you and Judy are around.” And…we did share meals together quite often. These usually included at least one other family. Often, this lady’s husband would say to everyone at the table, “I have just about come to agree with John” and then to me, “John, tell them what you believe.” About four years after meeting them, she invited us to help her celebrate her 50th birthday along with about 70 or 80 people from all over France. Just as everyone was getting ready to dig in, she stopped them and pointing to Judy and me, said, “These are some of our best friends. He is a pastor. John, please say a few words.” Unexpectedly, she called on me to share the gospel with her friends. Not too long before they moved to a neighboring town, she came running over, knocked on the door to tell us, “I want you to know that I now believe in God and that He has worked personally in my life.” From atheism to this point in her life was a stretch of about 10 years. We love what we are doing in France.

Evidence of God at work in new disciples has also been a part of the blessings this month. Many years ago Judy and I started driving weekly to the city of Mazere which is a bit over an hour’s drive each way. The purpose was to have a weekly Bible study with Douceline, a young Christian lady who lived there, and who was very discouraged because she was alone and over an hour’s drive from any church. She has grown in the Lord. She started to invite people she met to the Bible study. Some of them are now saved. She now sees herself as a missionary to this spiritually needy area. About a dozen persons come to the Bible study and she has individual Bibles studies with others. While she was gone on vacation this summer, a couple that has been coming for about two years invited us hold the Bible study in their home. Then another lady who has been coming for about a year invited us to hold the next one at her home and to stay for dinner afterwards. This is one of the individuals with whom Douceline has been having Bible studies investigating the Gospel. This lady who invited us is married to a likable young man who is an atheist. I will include some snapshots of the evening.

Well, I will save the rest for another month. This letter is beginning to look like a journal. Thank you for your regular participation in what God is doing here. We thank God for you daily. May His richest blessings fill your life.

Joyfully sharing the Good News in France,
John and Judy

John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [February 2015]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

February 5, 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We hope this finds you well. Your faithful support reflects your faith in God whose grace is evident every day. In a couple of days we will be blessed with the arrival of Darrell and Shirley Messer. Since we are having unusually cold weather they will have a bit of adjustment to make. They are stopping by here on their return from the tropical climate of Kenya where they have been visiting the Tates and Radfords, our fellow missionaries. Modern travel is certainly easier than the way Paul and his companions traveled.

A few hours of travel can land you in a place that is very different from your place of departure. However, this past month shows us that a few hours can bring many surprises even if you are not traveling. The 7th of January was my birthday, just two days after I last wrote you. Little did I know as I was typing the letter to you how outstanding my birthday would be this year. On that day I received a notice from the Prefecture that I had been granted a 10 years resident card. It has been 10 years since we first applied for this card for which we then, in theory, were qualified. The granting of this status now means that we can avoid several days of navigating the administrative corridors each year. We hope to get Judy’s card later this year. Yes, it is a separate process.

The other event, more shocking, on my recent birthday, was the breaking news of the mass murders that took place in Paris. This became the subject of many conversations and has opened doors for sharing the gospel. Society here is very fractured and those in leadership scramble to find solutions. The attempted solutions, however, have led to more deeply embedded divisions. The need of the gospel and its application to the everyday lives of believers becomes more evident against the backdrop of animosity resulting from sinful behavior and rejection of the true God Who is love.

This is underscored by research done recently here that shows that 80% of French young men who have joined the jihad movement and become warriors (There have been a surprising number of these and it is often on the news.) are from mainline atheist families. It would seem that these young men are seeking a reason to live and in so doing are caught up in radical movements which claim to be doing God’s will.

Love Your EnemiesLast week, just before our Bible study in Mazere started we heard about an incident that illustrates the hatred of human behavior. A young man about 12 years old who comes to this meeting had been threatened with death by a schoolmate because he represents “the other side”. His mother was quite worried about the safety of her son. Last night, I heard a wonderful ending to this story. In this Bible study we are studying the Sermon on the Mount. The command to “love your enemies” was imprinted on this young man’s heart and without saying anything to anyone he went back to school and told his “enemy” that he loved him. They have become friends though they live in different “camps”. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we, God’s children, really applied this principle daily?

Well, this is a glimpse of what has been happening here. Thank you for faithful support that enables us to announce the Good News from our wonderful Creator and Savior.

In France in Christ,
John and Judy

John and Judy Hatcher

4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher on Furlough from Brazil [October 2014]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

September 29, 2014

Dear Brethren and Friends,

Greetings once more from our new home in Florida. For you who have not heard Paul and Wanda have purchased a home in Clermont, Florida. It has a three-room apartment in the back area of the house where we are living.



Our address is:

John and Alta Hatcher
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont, FL 34714
Our new phone number is: 229-529-8497

It is a real joy to be close to Paul and Wanda. This past week I reread and edited my book on the Holy Spirit. Paul was a real help since I know very little about computers and electronic gadgets. The edition is in the English language. We have some copies printed in 8 x 11.5 book form, and also on CD. If anyone would be interested in getting a copy, you can write to the above address.

Last Sunday, Paul was invited to preach at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Mims, FL. I was invited to teach the congregation during the Sunday School Hour. I spoke on being filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul brought two good messages concerning the Christian life.

Needless to say, life is quite different at eighty-nine than it was at 40 or 50. The body has weakened and the mind does not function as before. But, we praise the Lord for all that He has done and is doing. Our only desire is that He use our lives for His honor and glory.

September 14 was Alta’s big day. It was her birthday. Praise the Lord she is in good health and says she feels better than she ever has. We praise the Lord for each day He gives.

Each day I ask the Lord to give me opportunities to tell the Gospel to someone. I have had great opportunities. I always remember: Every person who dies lost will spend an eternity in Hell. Jesus can save if they believe, BUT, no one can believe unless they hear. Lord, help us to be faithful in telling the Story!

God bless you and we thank you for your prayers and faithful support through the years.

Sincerely, in His Name,

John A. and Alta Hatcher

John A. and Alta Hatcher
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont FL 34714

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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher on Furlough from Brazil [September 2014]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

August 30, 2014

Dear Brethren and Friends,

Greetings from our new home in Florida, warm sunny Florida. Paul and Wanda have purchased a home in Clermont, Florida. It is a lovely large home that has a three-room apartment in the back where we are living. The address is: John and Alta Hatcher, 15905 Mercott Court, Clermont, FL 34714

Our new phone number is: 229-529-8497. John’s E-mail is: jhatcher[at]uol.com.br Paul’s cell phone is: 239-227-6551. Paul’s E-mail is: rphatcher[at]gmail.com You can get in touch with us through any of these contacts.

Moving from the rented house and getting everything moved in and set up has been a lot of work for Paul and Wanda. We have helped when and however possible. Our health has been well for old folk. Alta has a pestering cough, which she thinks is from neck bone misalignment; please pray for her to be relieved of it, if it be the Lord’s will.

We are physically not capable of doing what we once were able to do. We do take every advantage to spread the Gospel each day as the Lord opens opportunities. Pray with us for the Lord to open doors and opportunities to sow the message of the Gospel.

Work in Brazil. This past week the Chapada Baptist Church had its annual Conference. 700 persons were registered from places outside of Manaus. The work is progressing well. In the city of Cascavel, a Church was begun out of the Chapada Church by Colonel Jefferson, an army officer. Three days of special services at that Church brought a total of 1,800 decisions.

Finally, Psalm 1 continues to be a daily blessing to my spiritual life.
Psalm 1 – Instructions for a happy and blessed life. Four promises.
1-Be like a tree planted by living waters.
2-Bring forth fruit in his season.
3-Leaf shall not wither.
4-All that he does shall prosper. (There is no greater promise than this!)

We love you and thank God for your prayers and support through many years.

John A. and Alta Hatcher
15905 Mercott Court
Clermont FL 34714

Sincerely in Jesus Name,

John and Alta Hatcher

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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher on Furlough from Brazil [August 2014]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.

July 30, 2014

Dear Friends and Brethren;

Jesus Christ, our Lord, was very clear in His words before He ascended to Heaven: “Go into all the world, preach the Gospel to every creature and baptize those who believe. And lo, I am with you.”

In this short letter I would like to make a few observations concerning this command.

1. All men without the Lord Jesus are lost in sin and condemned to a hell of eternal fire.

2. God loved the world in such a great manner He gave His only begotten Son to die on the cross to redeem the lost.

3. Gratitude to God for His Grace in our lives should move us to faithfully tell the lost about how to be saved.

4. Every person we see or meet will spend eternity in Hell if they are not saved.

5. They cannot be saved unless they hear the Gospel.

6. If we do not tell them the Gospel their blood will be on our hands.

7. Remember the fate of people who die without Jesus.

8. Be constantly aware of how His Grace changed our lives forever from the moment we believed in Jesus as Savior.

9. Jesus has given us the greatest privilege and joy possible: To tell the lost how Jesus, by His death, burial and resurrection can save the vilest sinner.

10. Let us be faithful in telling the glorious story of His love.

Sincerely in Jesus Name,
John and Alta Hatcher

615 Key West Ave.
Davenport, FL 33897-3600
Phone: [Paul Hatcher mobile] 239.227.6551

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Missionary Update: The Tates in Kenya [August 2014]

The Tate Family has served the Lord in Kitale, Kenya since January 2008. Their main ministry is indigenous church planting.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I want to write to you this month about a light in the darkness and a darkness in the light.  Explanation of this cryptic sentence follows.

I had an opportunity this month to visit the Pokot region of Kenya where the Pokot people live.  These people live north of Kitale.  About a 40 minute drive north of Kitale, you drive down a long escarpment, go off the map, and enter a completely different world.  You leave the cooler, green of Kitale for the hot and dust-filled land of the Pokot.  You leave the “comfortable” and the “familiar” for the unknown, the desert.  In a word, you leave “civilization” (some of you might not even consider Kitale to be civilization) for the world of National Geographic.  You enter a land of small mud huts, goats and camels, no water or food, strange clothes, unknown language, sickness and blindness, thorns, mountains, dried up riverbeds, naked children, and even witch doctors.  Our destination was a seven hour drive north to the Pokot villages of Konyau, Leyo, Alale, Nakali and other villages too small for a name.  Our goal was to teach and preach the gospel and the salvation found in Jesus Christ.  Of the many things I could write about concerning this trip, I basically want to summarize it by contrasting two of the small villages we visited, neither of which was big enough to have a name.

Village #1:  A Light in the Darkness

We arrived in this village around 5:30pm, set up our tents outside the village, and got a fire burning so we could heat up some tea.  We ate our evening meal of tea and peanut butter sandwiches without jam.  We had plans of heading down to the village after dark for a time of worship with the villagers.  At 9:00 we headed down to the village.  It was already pitch dark.  We arrived at the village where the only light came from a small campfire that was already burning.  No one besides us missionaries had arrived at the worship site yet (the worship site being a cleared out area around the fire).  While we waited for people to arrive we tried to call home and check in with our families, but we could not receive any cell coverage (surprisingly, you can get cell coverage just about everywhere in Kenya, even in the bush).  We wandered away from the fire 200 to 300 yards looking for a place where we would find coverage.  It was very dark.  All I could see were the stars and the dark silhouettes of the nearby mountains.  While I was out wandering around looking for a signal, drums from the village began to sound, signaling to the people to come to the fire for worship.  If you’ve seen enough movies like I have, you may be able to figure out what I was thinking.  Put yourself in my place.  You’re in the middle of the African bush.  It’s completely dark.  You hear drums start to sound in the distance.  If you’re anything like me you begin to think that those drums are an ominous sign that the cannibals are about to come and get you.  A little far-fetched, I know, but you might think the same thing if you had been in my position.  It was menacing.  It was threatening.  It was gloomy.  It was intimidating, hostile, sinister and foreboding.  Anyway, as we began to walk back towards the village, the sound of the drums increased, becoming even more daunting.  But soon the light from the fire appeared as well as the sound of singing villagers.  We arrived back in the village to the sounds of the drums, the people singing and dancing around the fire as the whole village had come out to worship and praise God together.  They sang and praised God for over an hour in the Pokot language.  They also sang some in Swahili so I was able to hear that they were indeed singing about Jesus, the cross, his grace, salvation and how much they loved him.  The singing was followed by a time of teaching and preaching by the missionaries about the gospel, which was well received by all these people.  As I sat there participating in all this I could not help but think that while the darkness of night had set in, and although the drums sounded menacing from a distance, this particular village was filled with the light of Christ and the gospel.

Village #2:  A Darkness in the Light

The scenario surrounding the other village I will tell you about was completely different.  This village we wanted to visit contained the witch doctor for the whole vicinity.  Using divination he would tell people when and where to attack for cows, would tell the people what they needed to do for the rain to come, and performed other acts of “seeing”.  His powers, albeit from the devil, are very real.  We wanted to go see him and share the gospel with him and his village.  We got up in the morning, ate our breakfast, and took off for his village.  We left on foot at about 10:00 in the morning, carrying water and food for our long hike into the mountains where his village was located (any resemblance of a road ended at the place where we had pitched out tents for the night).  The sun was shining bright and hot.  I covered my head with a hat and my neck with a scarf.  I drank a lot of water as we hiked up and down hills, the bright sun illumining our path while pounding us with radiation, light, and heat.  We finally arrived in the small village.  Some of the older women sat in shady areas with the small naked children.  Most of these women looked blind, their eyes white and milky.  We asked to see the old witch doctor.  They refused to tell us where he was. They told us we were not welcome there and to go away. We told them we had words from God that he wanted them to hear. They would not look us in the eyes, they told us the words we had were not for them, that they did not want to hear them.  We told we had walked far to see the old man and again asked if we could see him.  Some of the teenage boys who were standing afar off tending the goats began to yell at us and threaten us.  There was hostility in their voices and in their eyes.  The resistance was great, not only to our message but also to our very presence.  After about an hour, we had no choice but to leave the village.  The old witch doctor never came out of his hut, and we never had a chance to see him.  As we began our long walk back to our campsite, the sun continued to pound us with light and heat.  I couldn’t help thinking that the whole time we visited that village the sun brightly lit up the entire area, but the poor people of that village lived in complete and perpetual spiritual darkness.  Later, back at the campsite, we worshipped with some Christian Pokot people.  I encouraged them to be thinking and praying about how they themselves could be missionaries to their own people by taking the gospel back to the witch doctors’ village in the hills.

I relate these contrasting stories to you so that you can see that while the gospel has made many inroads into far off places and is shining the light of the truth of Jesus in Satan’s dark strongholds, there are still many places and people that are blinded to the light of Christ and need his love, grace and mercy in their lives.  Please pray for the conversion of the Pokot people of north-west Kenya.

Until next month, beloved.

May God’s peace and joy be with you.

For the glory of God in East Africa,
Roger & Julie Tate (and Emily, Amy, & Josiah)

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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [May 2014]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

May 5, 2014

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you for participating in what God has called us to do here. I thought that it might be good to share with you the latest Good News buzz in our town. Perhaps, the question has arisen in your mind, “How does one go about reaching people in a place where there is not already a church?” Actually, it is not terribly different from the way you reach people where there is already a church.

From scriptures you might remember the training from the Lord, “I have come that you may have life….Go…seeking…the kingdom of heaven is like…” The Apostle Paul wrote, “I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some”. About Paul in Athens, Luke writes, “Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred in him, when he saw the city wholly given to idolatry. Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him.” Peter writes, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear”.

In a country where 50% of the people are atheists you can invite people to “church” until you are blue in the face and you will get little if no results. In their mind, anyone who believes that God created the world is an idiot, and any intellectual arguments to the contrary will convince them that you are an idiot. Blind people to not see and deaf people to not hear. Spiritually, they are willingly blind, deaf or have been programed by their environment to think this way. They are positive that they are right. Any Christian arguments on the internet to the contrary is to them simply a display of close minded stupidity. But, God has placed us here as light and salt. We are living letters and God has chosen to use his people as an instrument through which He, the Great Physician works to remove the veil and give a hunger and thirst for living water, just as Jesus demonstrated by the well in Samaria. His love, active in us, is the primary means that the Holy Spirit uses to make people receptive to the Gospel.

So, you are saying what is the latest buzz in Tournefeuille? Please cut to the chase.

About 6 months ago new neighbors moved in across the street. To greet and befriend them, Judy took a platter of homemade blueberry muffins. They loved them and so, a new relationship started. I will not try to detail everything that the Lord has used in the last 6 months, but the latest event happened on Friday afternoon two weeks ago. The neighbor knocks on our front door and asked if I had anything they could use to cut a branch. As I went to get what I had, he said, “Come over. I want you to see why we need it.”

Bees in FranceA bit earlier in the day, his wife was struck with terror when a large swarm of bees buzzed over her head and took up lodging in a branch of a tree in their back yard. She called the firehouse. They told her call a bee keeper. She found one in the phone book and called him. He needed the branch cutters to be able to cut and maneuver the giant swarm to his hive box.

I trusted the Lord to keep me and for the first time in my life worked among the bees with the keeper while the neighbors took pictures. A three hour interaction took place as the bee keeper urged the bees to the box and as we waited for them to all move in to their new abode. During this time we talked about the marvels of God’s creation and a number of important subjects. We forged a new friendship with the bee keeper and cultivated the friendship we already have with the neighbors. This is similar to the way we have made friendships with others who now regularly attend or have professed faith in Christ.

Bees in France 2In summary, God placed us here and uses your support to keep us here. He brings events that open doors. We pray for God to open doors, touch the hearts of our acquaintances and enable us to see what He is doing as we open our eyes and look on the multitudes who are wandering around us like sheep without a shepherd. Through these contacts we are able to move from physical human needs to spiritual needs and the Living Water. Everyday is exciting, especially if you have thousands of bees swarming around you.

Please, pray for our neighborhood dinner which takes place on June 7th. Also, some of our new neighbors have asked us to host a regular “English Club” for their children. Friendships with the families of several of the teens now coming to youth meetings were cultivated through a similar “English Club” for young children. And, watch with eager eyes for the latest buzz from God in your area!

[And after reading, you will definitely want to see these bees in action and hear them buzz! Click the link to see the Bees in France Video!]

With you in the service of the Lord,
John and Judy

John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher in France [July 2013]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making.”

July 1, 2013

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Cast your bread upon the waters,
For you will find it after many days.
In the morning sow your seed,
And in the evening do not withhold your hand;
For you do not know which will prosper,
Either this or that,
Or whether both alike will be good.
(Ecclesiastes 11:1,6)

The preceding passage in the concluding portion of Ecclesiastes has often been an encouragement to me. The value of this inspired advice was once again evident in some of the events that took place in June. I will share a bit that might also encourage you.

On Wednesday nights, I have Bible study with a young man named Samuel. We have studied through the Gospel according to John and are now in the letter to the Romans. This young engineer had not made a profession of faith though we have been studying the Bible together weekly for nearly a year. Because he comes straight from work we enjoy Judy’s good cooking each Wednesday evening before diving into the Bible. As we ate a couple of weeks ago, he mentioned how long we had been having the studies together and I did not quite see where the conversation was heading. However, at the end of our study that evening, he again said something similar and then added, “I was wondering when I could get baptized.” He then went on to share how he had always seen Christianity as do, do, do and that now he could see that it was a joy to live out what Christ has done for us. He has trusted Christ and will be baptized next Sunday.

In the middle of the month, the community choir that I sing in had a planned a retreat. I was not particularly interested in going because my worldview is so different from the other members of the choir. However, remembering that I joined this choir to make friends to whom I could witness of Christ, I signed up to go. Most of the members of this choir are atheists or agnostics. You could count on the fingers of one hand those who are religious and they know nothing about the Christ of the Scriptures. During this weekend, I was able to “sow the Good Seed” in several lengthy and in depth conversations. I do not know “which will prosper” but I will mention an event that happened the following week that underscores the importance of sowing.

As Judy and I were praying Wednesday morning following the above mentioned retreat, there was a knock at the front door. When I opened the front door a lady from the next block over was standing there with her two young boys. We met this lady at the annual neighborhood picnic a year ago. She immediately asked if we had Bible instruction for children. We had invited these two boys to our last “Vacation Bible Club” and they did not come. We often speak to this lady as we pass in front of her house walking. We pray for her and many of our other neighbors nearly every day by name. A school mate of the oldest boy informed him that God was still alive. He came home and told his mother who decided that they needed some instruction about God. However, she told us that she did not want them to be taught lies so she came to us. The two sons have been to Sunday school that last two weeks. Their mother told me that when they arrived home the first Sunday, they said, “We want to make sure and go back next Sunday.”

The mother expressed an interest in studying the Bible with Judy and I, along with her husband. Yesterday, we had this year’s neighborhood picnic and once again made new friends to whom we can witness. We had some good conversations about spiritual matters. One of the neighbors, who lives across the street from us, announced to several of us who were sitting together what a blessing it was to listen to our services from his house. He also mentioned how much better our Sunday School was than Catholic Catechism.

So, “let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” (Galatians 6:9)

Sowing in France with your help,
John and Judy Hatcher

4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France

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