Training Pastors & Leaders, New Church Planted, Evangelistic Cookouts, Couples Gathering, Update on Needs

June 22, 2023
Dear friends,
We are delighted to bring you an exciting update on the ongoing ministry work in Brazil. God’s grace and favor continue to pour upon us as we witness His transformative power at work in the lives of individuals, churches, and communities. Here are some highlights from recent events and initiatives:
Pastors’ Conference with Pastor Hanibal Rodriguez:
We were privileged to host an uplifting Pastors’ Conference in partnership with Pastor Hanibal Rodriguez from Wheaton Bible Church. This conference served as a time of refreshment, equipping, and encouragement for pastors across the nation. Through Pastor Hanibal’s insightful teaching and powerful ministry, pastors were equipped to shepherd their congregations with renewed vision and passion.
Church Ministries Conference with Eight Workshops:
In our commitment to fostering growth and excellence in church ministries, we organized a dynamic Church Ministries Conference. This event featured eight different workshops covering various aspects of ministry, including worship, discipleship, children’s ministry, evangelism, and more. Pastors, leaders, and volunteers gained valuable insights, practical tools, and inspiration to enhance their ministry effectiveness.
Pastor and Leaders Monthly Gathering:
We continued our monthly gatherings for pastors and leaders to strengthen unity and provide a platform for mutual support and growth. These gatherings took place in São Paulo and Parana, attracting participants from various regions. Through worship, prayer, and the sharing of testimonies and challenges, we witnessed the power of collaboration and the edification of leaders as they sharpened one another for a more significant Kingdom impact.
Church Plant in Marilia led by Americo and Paulinha:
Praise God for the establishment of a new church in Marilia under the leadership of Americo and Paulinha. This church plant represents an answered prayer and a strategic step in reaching the unreached in that area. We believe that this congregation will grow into a vibrant community of believers, passionately sharing the Gospel and transforming lives.
Three Incredible Evangelistic Cookouts:
Evangelism remains at the core of our mission, and we rejoiced in organizing three incredible evangelistic cookouts. These events provided opportunities for fellowship, engaging conversations, and sharing the love of Christ. Many individuals encountered the truth of the Gospel, and we witnessed the power of God’s Word breaking strongholds and bringing salvation to those who were lost.
Couples Gathering:
We organized a special Couples Gathering to recognize the importance of healthy marriages and families. This event aimed to strengthen marital relationships, enrich communication, and provide biblical principles for navigating challenges. Couples left the gathering inspired and equipped to build strong foundations in their homes, becoming beacons of Christ’s love and grace.
Evangelistic Cookouts, One-on-One Discipleship, and Small Group Bible Studies:
Our evangelistic efforts continued through three incredible cookouts, creating opportunities for fellowship, conversations, and sharing the Gospel. We also engaged in one-on-one discipleship meetings and small group Bible studies in homes, nurturing spiritual growth and community among believers.
Family News:
In the midst of our ministry endeavors, we rejoice in celebrating the accomplishments of our family:
Sarah won her school’s “Talent Show” with her beautiful singing, showcasing her God-given gifts and talents.
Benjamin shone brightly as the protagonist in his 8th-grade theatrical performance, displaying remarkable acting skills.
We joyfully celebrated Benjamin’s 8th-grade graduation, marking a significant milestone in his academic journey.
Melissa achieved a new level of proficiency in her Jiu-Jitsu class, earning a well-deserved stripe and demonstrating her determination and discipline.
Laura received the prestigious “Outstanding Student of the Year Award” at her school, recognizing her exceptional academic achievements and character.
I (Jud) marked my 46th birthday with a delightful date with Raquel at an incredible fondue restaurant.
The kids and I enjoyed a memorable day of bike riding at Ibirapuera Park, Brazil’s equivalent to NY Central Park.
Fundraising Requests:
We humbly reach out to you, our faithful supporters, with two pressing fundraising needs:
1) Sound System, Stage, and Tent:
To enhance our church planting and network gatherings, we require a sound system, stage, and tent. The estimated cost for this essential equipment is 10,000 US dollars, considering the higher expenses for such equipment in Brazil.
2) Second Car Purchase:
Due to the increasing demand and rising expenditures on transportation, we urgently need to acquire a second vehicle. The estimated cost for this much-needed resource is also 10,000 US dollars.
We are humbled by the privilege of serving alongside faithful partners like yourselves. Your prayers and support have been instrumental in the progress and impact of these ministries. As we press forward, we invite you to join us in prayer that God’s Kingdom will continue to expand and transform lives in Brazil.
May the Lord bless you abundantly for your partnership in the Gospel.
Grateful always,
Jud Hatcher

Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Developing Leaders to Equip Churches

March 23, 2023
Dear friends,
We thank you for supporting us through prayer and financial giving. THANK YOU. Please, continue reading to know how your fervent prayers and investment impact the Kingdom of God in Brazil.
A Swiss Chalet & 98 Leaders
“Rede Convivência” (Life Together Network) had its first DayCamp on March 18th with pastors and their leadership teams to equip churches and inspire leaders. There were 98 participants from three different states. It was a memorable day of leadership development and exchange of ideas. “Rede Convivência” is a network of pastors and churches I started a few years ago that seeks to 1) Promote connectedness between pastors, pastors’ wives, and leaders amongst churches and within the church to make disciples, inspire and develop new leaders and pastors for the local church ministries. 2) Recruit, train, place, and network leaders and pastors to plant new churches and expand the Kingdom of God.
Hearting it Together from Chicago to São Paulo
On April 27, 28 & 29, we are hosting the “Heart of the Matter” seminar with Pastor Hanibal Rodriguez from Wheaton Bible Church, Illinois. Pastor Hanibal ministered to my heart and our family when I underwent cancer treatment a year ago. On May 1st (a Brazilian holiday), he will also speak at a conference in Marília, São Paulo, with churches from several cities coming together.
Intentional Expansion Strategy (IES)
The Life Together Network provides monthly gatherings for pastors, leaders, and team members to nurture a healthy context for the leaders to engage in metacognition in meeting local community needs with the Gospel and disciple-making. Healthy and intentional local churches need to develop a Biblically grounded and culturally relevant vehicle for people to hear the Gospel and to mature spiritually. Scripture is foundational, and the Gospel must always remain crystal clear. Additionally, understanding the culture (local context) and using the culture to reach the culture is vital to developing effective ministry strategies to connect with people. The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 9:22, “I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.” He was intentional about the way he engaged with people in the context they were in and in a way they could understand. Five core values are: 1) Communication – precise, efficient, and frequent communication. 2) Consistency – all decisions need to be consistent with Scripture and the direction established by the church. 3) Creativity – there is a creative solution for almost everything. 4) Commitment – A commitment made is a promise kept. 5) Recruitment – recruit the right people to mobilize and work strategically. We must recruit for the Kingdom and the local church to inspire new leaders and expand the Kingdom of God.
An Evangelistic (Mexican Food) Picnic
This next Sunday, we are having an Evangelistic picnic with friends (this is an initiative through our current church plant). Over forty non-believer friends are confirmed to join us for an afternoon of Mexican food, activities, and lots of fun as we connect more closely with our friends. We have invited our next-door neighbors, the auto mechanic, the restaurant owner down the street, and friends we have met over the last few months.
International Foster Care Symposium & Center Inauguration
Raquel participated in the IV International Foster Care Symposium at the University of Campinas this week. She was one of the guest lecturers and spoke on “Trust-Based Relational Intervention.” A new foster care center for intake and foster parent training will inaugurate on April 4th. Raquel actively recruits new foster care parents and develops teams to assist orphans and at-risk children and parents.
Family Time
Overall, everyone in the family is in good health. Sarah sprained her left ankle but is recuperating quickly. Our kids are doing well academically and are heavily involved in school sports. Sarah is a starter for the varsity volleyball team. Benjamin is a starter for the jr. varsity volleyball team. Laura saved up money while working at Culver’s Restaurant in the States for horseback riding lessons in Brazil. Melissa is practicing basketball, soccer, and jiu-jitsu in the after-school program for elementary students. We love to hear our kids pray, are blessed to see how the Lord is growing them spiritually, and have a deep desire to see their unsaved friends surrender to Christ. Raquel has a constant smile in her heart – the joy of the Lord is her strength. I am progressing well in my doctoral studies and am currently in chapter three of my dissertation.
As you pray with and for us, please consider investing financially in our ministry fund – please designate for church planting, pastoral leadership training, the church network, or foster care.
Always grateful,
Judson Hatcher
Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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