First Festival Since Pandemic & New Visitors
Posted on 20Jul CATEGORIES: General, Letters, Odali & Kathy Barros [Brazil] Tags:Tags: Cleomar, communities, festival, festival for outreach, Kathy Barros, Nelson, Odali Barros, service in homes0

July 18, 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We thank God for each one of you for your prayers and support. Missions is a joint effort of those going and those sending. Praise the Lord that He has called us to be used by Him.
We had our first festival since the pandemic. It was wonderful. We had many visitors. That was the main purpose of the event: bring new people to visit our church. Thank God! If things continue calm, we will have another one in a couple of months.
We have had to change some of our plans, but the Lord is helping us put new plans together. We had planned the pizza day in some schools but they all went on break. They will start back next week, so we will be scheduling the new dates for pizza day. We thank all those who have given for this. We will be contacting an Indian tribe to do pizza there also.
The services in the homes have been a blessing. In the home where we go on Friday, it has been wonderful. Their son has mental spiritual problems. They told us last week that he has changed a lot since we started the services in their home. Pray that God will open his mind to hearing God’s word. His name is Nelson.
A family has moved here in the other house on our land. They have four children. They are precious kids. They are always asking Kathy and I if they can help do something. They say, “If you need help just call us”. The parents have problems with drugs. Pray for them. They are going to church with us. Pray that God will strengthen them and have victory over their problem, and that if they are not saved, that they will accept the Lord as their Savior.
The other teen we help is doing well. Last Sunday he spoke in Sunday school the plan of salvation. He was nervous but did well. His name is Cleomar. He will be baptized next week.
Pray for us as we want to reach out into the communities. There are so many in the area. Pray that God will open doors for us to have services and that we can preach the gospel in as many places as He opens.
God bless each of you!
Odali and Kathy Barros
Love in our Savior,
|Odali and Kathy Barros
Love in Christ,
Odali and Kathy
Contact Info:
Odali & Kathy Barros
Iranduba, Amazonas
Brasil, SA
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Wonderful Trip to Homeland
Posted on 13Jun CATEGORIES: General, Letters, Odali & Kathy Barros [Brazil] Tags:Tags: Bobby Creiglow, festival, festival for outreach, home services, homeland, Kathy Barros, Odali Barros0

June 13, 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We are thankful for each one of you who are part of this ministry! All of you who give and lift us up in prayer—God bless each of you.
We had a wonderful trip to my homeland. It was great seeing family and so many of them who have gotten saved. I was the first one in my family who got saved. Thanks to Bro. Bobby Creiglow who God sent up the river to preach the gospel.
It’s great to be back home and see that things went well while we were gone. We are working on using the adults who are being trained for leadership. We want to have services in more communities. So, as we have more leaders, we can reach more people.
This next month we will be having our first festival since the pandemic. Everyone is getting excited about it. Also this month we will be having the first pizza night at the village of Ubim, where we go every Monday.
Also this year we are planning a trip to a tribe close to where I was born. This will be a wonderful experience. One of the head men in the tribe is a Baptist preacher.
Our services in the homes are doing really wonderful. Each Wednesday we are able to go into different homes. Pray with us that God will open more homes so we can preach salvation to more and more people.
Special thanks to all of you who support Baptist Faith Missions.
Love in our Savior,
|Odali and Kathy Barros
Love in Christ,
Odali and Kathy
Contact Info:
Odali & Kathy Barros
Iranduba, Amazonas
Brasil, SA
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Festival Held to Reach Out to New People
Posted on 4Aug CATEGORIES: Mission Sheets Newsletters, Odali & Kathy Barros [Brazil] Tags:Tags: Brazil, camp, festival, festival for outreach, Iranduba, Kathy Barros, Odali Barros, outreach festival, Venezuelan couple

Odali and Kathy Barros served the Lord in Sao Paulo, Brazil together from 1987-2013. In late 2013, they transitioned to Manaus in Northern Brazil to start sharing the Gospel and planting churches in villages along the river.
August 2, 2018
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Hope all is well with each of you. We are all doing well and being blessed by our Lord.
The works are doing well and reaching out to bring new people to the churches. This month we had our festival of typical foods. The purpose of the festivals is to bring people who are not saved to know our church. We had a wonderful festival. The members got really involved and things went well. We had around 350 people who came. We had a praise time and then a sketch with the plan of salvation.
The Venezuelan couple that the husband is pastor has been of great help with the mission of Iranduba.
The work with the camp is coming along. We had a fellowship with a group of about 35 pastors to share our plans. We have had several contacts. We want to make it a place that small churches as well as large churches can have access. We also want to have special camps to reach different age groups through sports, seminars and training. Pray that God will lead us each step of the way.
Our purpose in our ministry is especially to reach out to the lost to tell them about the Lord Jesus. But also, we want to help others to grow and serve the Lord in their daily life.
Pray that God will direct us each step of the way and that lives will be reached.
Thanks to each of you for your love and support. God bless you.
Also continue to pray for God to provide a car for us that Kathy can use that holds 6 or 7 passengers.
Love in Christ,
Odali & Kathy
Odali & Kathy Barros
Caixa Postal 1
Iranduba, Amazonas 69.415.000
Brasil, S.A.
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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