Preparing DVD on Furlough

January 1, 2021
Dear praying friends,
Happy 2021! Hard to believe that another year has passed so quickly. I (Nathan) am sure many of us are wanting to get 2020 over, as it was a very challenging year with the coronavirus. It was certainly an unprecedented year, and one of the most challenging in my lifetime. I am sure many of you can say the same. With all the restrictions, lockdowns, etc. it was difficult, but God saw us through, and He will see us through 2021 as well. He is so faithful. Psalm 33:4 says “For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth.” Amen.
In all of the challenges of this past year, I am comforted by many passages of the Scriptures, and have found many encouraging verses we can cling to in Psalm 34. I will mention just a few. Psalm 34:4 says “I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” What an encouraging verse, with all the fears and distresses we faced this past year.
Also, Psalm 34:19, which says “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.” I could mention others, but these are a couple of my favorites. I would encourage you to read Psalm 34 completely through to find many promises from our faithful God in these challenging times. May we trust Him and His promises in the year ahead. D.L.Moody said “God never made a promise that was too good to be true.”
Our daughters are currently on break from their schooling and have worked hard in their studies. My wife has done a great job homeschooling them and they are really enjoying it. Of course, there are challenges with homeschooling, but my wife has done fine and has her degree in education, so she is well qualified. Please pray for her and our daughters, as they learn together. Life is truly all about learning. There are new things to be learned all the time, and we need His grace and help through it all.
Kenya has continued to get hit hard with the coronavirus. There are over 96,000 cases at the current time, so you can imagine that the health facilities, doctors, and nurses are getting overwhelmed. How they need us to remember them in prayer at this challenging time, as well as the missionaries that are currently serving in Kenya. Please pray for all involved in this difficult situation. Prayer changes things. Hopefully there will be a treatment in the near future, all over the world, so people get the help they need at this time.
I will very soon be working on my missions DVD, so I appreciate your prayers for that. There is always so much to do with it and it is a lot of work, but I am glad to be receiving help at this time with it. Please pray for me and the helpful man that I will be working with, that we will be efficient, get our work done in a timely manner, and develop a good missions DVD from our last term in Kenya.
I will be scheduling churches in the near future, so please be in prayer for this as well. I know there will be different challenges with coronavirus this furlough, so I am trusting the Lord for this. We are pleased with our housing situation in Milton, WV and God truly provided this for us. We have never lived in Milton, so pray for us with our adjustments to the area. We will trust God day by day, as you all do as well.
We will be sure to keep you updated on our furlough. We appreciate each of you so much for your letters, emails of encouragement, prayer support, and sacrificial giving. We could not do this without you. You are each a great blessing to us. Please note our new mailing address below.
Nathan and Carrie Radford
Contact Info:
Nathan and Carrie Radford
1126 Smith Street
Milton, WV 25541
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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