Ministry Continues Amidst COVID-19

Bobby and Charlene Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.
January 1, 2021
Dear Friends,
Last month I mentioned that a new wave of the COVID-19 virus was passing through our area. Well, it certainly did and Charlene and I were caught by it. To God’s praise, we both have fully recovered, but our youth minister is still in the Intensive Care Unit four weeks after contracting the virus. This is that same youth minister, Cledson, that had gone through several trials unrelated to health before. Our church people are praying earnestly for him and have seen much improvement in his condition.
Our Uber driver ministers continue to report many opportunities for sharing the gospel and praying for their customers. There are 5 or 6 members of our church who earn their income as Uber drivers. As a church we try to teach our people that they are all ambassadors for the Lord wherever they may be. These Uber drivers started out just trying to make a living for their families, but each one discovered that the Lord would open up opportunities for them to share God’s love with their customers. Sometimes it’s just an encouraging word to a fellow Christian, but on many occasions, they have been able to fully share the gospel with a customer and have the customer surrender to Christ right there in their car. It has been very encouraging to hear their testimonies. They all meet once a month to share their experiences, pray for one another and discuss strategies for how to better serve the Lord through this medium.
In a few weeks we are going to be hosting our first Missions Training Seminar of the new year. We are praying that the crest of the COVID wave will have passed by then so that our volunteers who have to travel from out of state will be free to come. We will be prepared to host the seminar online, if necessary, but we hope that we can have the trainees actually come and participate in our evangelistic workshops and outreach events. I will keep you posted on how these plans develop.
I am excited about what the Lord has in store for us to do in 2021! We know that the challenges can be even greater than they were last year, but we also know that the Lord will be with us through them and that He will provide the grace, the strength and the resources to accomplish everything that is His will.
We ask that you remember to pray for us. We daily need His guidance and strength to serve Him faithfully.
In Christ’s love,
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Contact Info:
Bobby & Charlene Wacaser
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279
Sobrado 1, Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR. Brasil
Phone: 55-41-99899-2333
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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