A Testimony to God’s Grace & Power

It is so wonderful to be back to having worship services together with our brothers and sisters in Christ in person. We are glad that we got the opportunity to learn how to use technology to increase our outreach while in quarantine, but nothing replaces the warmth of physical fellowship.
The great majority of our members are attending regularly and we have quite a few new people attending. Or at least I think they are new people. With everyone wearing masks, it is sometimes hard to identify everyone. We are hoping that this safety measure and municipal requirement will soon be removed.
Charlene and I had an opportunity to minister to a young man named Elizeu a couple of weeks ago. Elizeu’s story is such a testimony to God’s grace and power. For several years he suffered from debilitating headaches and seizures. The doctors discovered that he had a tumor on his brain that was causing this and they were able to remove it. Because of Elizeu’s gratitude to God for relief from his suffering, he offered to work as an unpaid volunteer for a social services organization that helps the underprivileged and shares the gospel.
Neither Charlene nor I knew Elizeu or anything about him before, but one of our church members heard that his family was in great need and asked if we would make a visit. It was suggested to us to donate some special medical supplies and nutritional supplements that he needed. I don’t like to just throw money at people’s circumstances without using the opportunity to speak of Christ’s love and grace. That was our intention when we went to visit Elizeu and his family. Instead, God spoke to us through Elizeu. This man had lived years with great suffering. A successful surgery had relieved that, but then he discovered that he had cancer in his stomach and it had to be removed. It would be easy to understand how someone in his circumstances could become bitter or cynical, but not Elizeu. We went to his home to minister to him, to share a word of hope, but it was he who ministered to us. We did deliver the medical and nutritional supplies to him, but God delivered to us a message of courage, faith and joy in suffering that we’ve rarely seen. Most of this man’s life has been one of hardship and pain, but he was so grateful to God for his salvation and for his purpose in life to tell of God’s goodness that we were amazed. Humanly speaking, Elizeu’s life expectancy isn’t very promising, but, WOW!, what a life lived for God’s glory!
Because of COVID-19 and the cancellation of the in-person school year, our traveling outreach team won’t be able to get into public schools until next February. We have been praying for and working on ways to get the gospel message out and we have found some that, we believe, will be used of the Lord. The whole country is tired of being cooped up indoors and we are planning some outdoor presentations of skits and gospel films in public parks where people are gathering. Our volunteers are trained to interact with the spectators at these events and seek opportunities to share the gospel one-on-one. Please pray that the Lord will help us to be successful in these endeavors.
In Christ’s love,
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Contact Info:
Bobby & Charlene Wacaser
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279
Sobrado 1, Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR. Brasil
Phone: 55-41-99899-2333
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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