Good News from the “Orelhão” on the Peruvian Border

September 27, 2021
Dear Brethren,
Greetings from the Blue Grass State. Bev and I left Cruzeiro do Sul on August the fifth. After a brief stay in São Paulo, we went to visit Pastor Pedro and family in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina in southern Brazil. He is finishing up his doctorate and will soon be returning to Cruzeiro. We had promised to visit them and since we had to go to the far end of the country to get to the States, we spent a few days with them. While there I preached at Trinity Baptist Church where Pedro’s family serves.
Once Stateside we stopped in Florida to visit the Hatchers. So good to see John, Paul and Wanda. Also got to see my aunt Evelyn, Dad’s only remaining sibling. Didn’t get to see my Dad for several weeks, because he and Lois had been exposed to “the bug”.
We have been all over the country visiting family and friends. Spent a great week with Adam and the girls in Napa, California. Got to visit Paul and Brenda Creiglow (some of their kids and grands, too) in San Diego. Got to visit good friends Jim and Cris Johnson and Ken and Lydia Palmer, who we had not seen in 10 years in Reno, Nevada.
It has been refreshing to attend services all over the place. So far, we visited Calvary in Missouri where Bev’s brother is member. We were privileged to host Pastor Randy and 4 of his men a couple of years back. Attended First Baptist of Juneau, Alaska! Was at Adam’s church in Napa Valley, Grace. Have visited Emmanuel here in Lexington where our daughter Monica is member and teaches a Sunday School class. Got to be at Buck Run one Sunday morning. Hershael and Tanya York are friends from way, way, way back! They treated us to Honduran lunch and a ton of great memories and fellowship. Last Sunday preached at New Life. Thanks Pastor Steve. Dad is a member there.
Things seem to be going great down home. We are having well over 400 in all services. The men just held a retreat at our camp, Salém, with over 150 present.

Now, before I go, let me share something strange and wonderful. One day my phone rings here at Monica’s house. It was our missionary at Foz do Breu on the Peruvian border. He tells me that the river is finally coming up and wants to know when I will arrive. Now he knows that I am in the States, but it is simply unbelievable that I could talk directly to one of our most remote outposts from here in Kentucky! Let me tell you a little about the work there and José Costa, our missionary.

I was the first person to preach the gospel in that distant village back in 1966. It took a long time to establish a permanent work, 30 years to be exact. José’s dad, Senhor Roceno, was one of the first to be saved. Brother Roceno had a big family. Most of the boys were alcoholics. All of them had odd nicknames. One is “Papel” (paper). Another is “Tatu” (armadillo). José’s nickname is “Cobra” (snake). Well José Cobra got saved and with a few years of teaching is now our missionary. Our church supports him with $400.00 a month. He is also paid by the federal government to measure the rainfall and river level every day. But beyond this he is also responsible for the one and only satellite telephone booth in the whole region! Thus, he can call me even when I am in Kentucky. That phone booth is called “orelhão” or “Big Ear”. When you see the picture, you will understand why.

Bev and I are taking care of some health issues and getting rested for the next phase of our ministry. Prayer for our treatments and recovery.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike Creiglow
Mike & Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
69980 Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre
Brasil, SA
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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