First River Mission Trip of 2022

March 28, 2022
Dear Brethren,
Back on the river again! Yeah! Several days ago I was able to get my boat and motor ready for the first river mission trip of 2022. Manoel went with me to the upper Juruá River. We have had a lot of rain and the river is full. We caught it at the perfect stage: full, but not too many logs coming down.
We left at a little before 6:00AM. We went all the way to the border the first day. It took us 11 hours. I didn’t eat anything all day. We got in at just after 5:00 that afternoon. It hadn’t come to mind that it was Wednesday. That meant that we would just have time for a bath before time for services. We had a really good crowd and I really enjoyed speaking to the congregation from Matthew 6:33. It wasn’t until after 9:00PM that I had something to eat. I was so tired after all the piloting and preaching of the day that I wasn’t sure which was going to be better, food or sleep. The first night on a ¾ inch sleeping mat in a tent is usually not that great. This time was better than great.
From Foz do Breu we continued across the border to Tipisca in Peru. It is only another hour upriver with my 60HP and the river was going down, so it was one of the easiest trips ever on that section of river. We had a couple of days of sunshine, so most of the mud had dried up. That made the mile hike with all our gear on our backs much easier.
The visit with our missionary couple, José Maia and Silvânia was really good. While there I was privileged to meet a couple from Paraguay who comes to Tipisca twice a year to help José Maia. It was fascinating to talk to Fritz and Ana Elize. They are both from separate German Mennonite colonies in Paraguay. They both ended up in Canada studying at different stages of their lives in different schools. They knew of each other back in Paraguay, but didn’t come together until later in life. They married in their middle age and are now missionaries. He works as a professor at a seminary in Pucalpa, Peru that specializes in training indigenous workers. She works in the offices there. During their breaks between semesters, they come to Tipisca to help out. They had always dreamed of working with unreached peoples. Fortunately, you might say, there aren’t many of those anymore. Tipisca offers many opportunities though as there is a confluence of 4 different ethnic groups in the town. They have fallen in love with Tipisca and the folks there. That is nothing less than a miracle, as there is not much to love about Tipisca! You would only need a few minutes there to understand what I mean.
Baptism at Foz do Breu Baptism at Foz do Breu Baptism at Foz do Breu José Maia, Silvânia, Fritz, & Ana Elize
They had dinner with us at José’s house. They invited me to have breakfast with them the next day. They speak Spanish (obviously), but also are fluent in English and German. At dinner they mentioned that they understood not a word that Manoel spoke (Portuguese). Everyone has a hard time understanding Manoel. He seems to always have a mouth full of marbles. They mentioned that they don’t understand much of what José and his wife say when they are speaking Portuguese. They were surprised that they were able to understand almost all of my Portuguese. Even though I don’t speak much Spanish, I know how to make the adjustments so Spanish speakers can follow my Portuguese. At breakfast the next day was just English. It was Manoel’s turn to just sit there and not understand a single word. We had a great visit though and shared a ton of information. Very edifying.
We came back to Foz do Breu to spend a couple more days. The tropical rains started up again. On Sunday we had 24 hours non-stop. The river had gone way down, but in just a couple of hours it was on its way back up. Even with all the rain we had big crowds in all services. On Sunday morning I baptized 10 new members. The rain let up just a little and long enough to get in the baptismal service.
The morning we left to come back to Cruzeiro do Sul it was just a light mist at 5:30AM. Within just a few minutes the rains started again. My windshield wiper on my boat is manual. I spent the whole day cranking the wiper while jockeying the throttle and helm. The Juruá River and all her tributaries were pumping out new flood waters from all the rain. The rivers were also pumping out a steady flow of logs. It was a challenge, to say the least. I have done this all my life though. I was cold and worn out by time I got back to the house late in the afternoon. After a warm shower and a hot meal prepared by my beautiful Beverly Jean all was well again.
What isn’t well are the gas prices, as you guys are now finding out. Ours is “just” $6.20 a gallon. How about yours? Running these motors on these trips has always been expensive, but the investment is worth it.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike Creiglow
Mike & Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
69980 Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre
Brasil, SA
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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