God is Changing Lives through the Power of His Word

Bobby and Charlene Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.
September 2, 2019
Dear Friends,
The winter break from public schools ended in August and our evangelism team was invited to minister in several schools in 4 different towns. The sheer number, alone, of people who were able to hear the gospel personally through our volunteers is amazing (over 5000 in one month). Most of these people have never set foot in any evangelical church. In the town of Prudentópolis over 300 people professed Jesus as their Lord and Savior!
I want to share three testimonies from among those who surrendered to Christ so that you may praise God together with us for His love and grace.
One teenage girl lives in a home where there is constant fighting and she herself is constantly abused emotionally. She had attempted suicide and even her own sister had tried to kill her. She was experiencing a deep sense of depression and hopelessness. When our group shared the gospel through a skit about family life without Christ and then followed that skit up with a message from God’s word, that girl sensed God speaking to her heart about her need for Jesus as Lord and Savior. When one of the volunteers was speaking to her personally after the presentation, she publicly called upon Jesus to forgive her for her bitterness and hatred of her family and accepted the forgiveness and mercy He gave her. She rejoiced immediately with what she knew was salvation by God.
In another situation, a lady sought out one of our female volunteers to share her deep sense of worthlessness. She had been betrayed and abandoned by her husband. When she was a girl, she had also experienced abandonment by her father. When he left, her mother had resorted to prostitution and became addicted to drugs. In her heart she harbored a powerful sense of resentment and hurt. After hearing the message of the gospel, she understood God’s love and forgiveness and was able to forgive those who had hurt her. She understands that Christ is now her defender and that she no longer needs to get back at those who have abandoned and abused her.
This last testimony reveals how powerful God’s word is.
When we go into a town to minister publicly, we park our van in a centrally located park or square. There we offer free haircuts, blood pressure checks, family counseling and activities for children. These services attract quite a few passersby and those who have heard from others about what we are offering. In the town of Paranavai, a woman kept hanging around our booths, but wouldn’t enter into any of them. This went on for most of the day. Anytime a volunteer would try to get close to talk to her she would shy off and not let them engage in a conversation. At the very end, when our team was getting ready to close up the tents, she finally came to the counseling tent and asked for a Bible. She still didn’t want to talk, so she just took the Bible and left. Later that night, our team returned to the same square to perform gospel skits, share testimonies and preach the Word. Not only did that woman show up, but she came with her husband. She had taken the Bible home and had let him read it. At the end of the gospel presentation, he came to the front to share the news that he had surrendered to Christ as His Savior. He said that he had only heard about Jesus by word of mouth from others, but that he had never read the Bible until that day. He also said that God had stirred in him a tremendous hunger to know His word more. Oh, how amazingly does our God work!
Please continue to pray for us and for God’s blessings on our ministries.
In Christ’s love,
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279
Sobrado 1, Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR. Brasil
Phone: 55-41-99899-2333
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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