Founder’s Day Offering 2013
For many years, we have remembered and honored our principal founders, Hafford Overbey and Z. E. Clark, by giving special offerings for the missionaries during the month of June. We call it our FOUNDER’S DAY OFFERING.
But, the Founder’s Day Offering not only memorializes our original founders in 1942 – we are also honoring our twelve faithful missionary families who are currently serving the Lord in Brazil, Peru, France, and Kenya.
Their support needs are great – and the supplies are low. We use the Founder’s Day Offering to help supply our missionaries’ monthly essential living and ministry support. And, these offerings will also help prevent our having to reduce the monthly commitments we have made to them due to a lack of General Fund supplies.
Here’s what each of us can do:
PASTORS – we encourage you to observe a special Missions or Great Commission Emphasis Sunday and give your church the opportunity to give to the BFM General Fund. Emphasize Jesus’ command to preach His Gospel to all nations. That is what our missionaries are doing. That is the original burden and vision that inspired the founding of BFM. We are continuing to perpetuate that vision and burden. That is what we are supporting when we give to BFM’s General Fund. We will use these offerings to continue to supply our missionaries’ on-going needs.
GIVING FRIENDS – if your church is not participating in our Founder’s Day Offering, we encourage you to support your missionaries by giving a personal offering. You can visit our Donate/Support page to easily contribute through the options we have made available to you.
Of course, you can give as the Lord enables you to give, and no offering of any amount is insignificant. But what if every one of our missionaries’ Giving Friends gave at least a $70 offering in honor of the 70+ years our missionaries have been faithfully preaching the Gospel? But – please do give as the Lord impresses and enables you.
Here are a couple of PDFs that might be helpful as you promote Founder’s Day:
BFM Founder’s Day Offering – Bulletin Insert
BFM Founder’s Day Offering – General Letter
BFM Founder’s Day Offering – Letter from Our President
The image below is ideal for a PowerPoint slide. To save the image, right click and click “Save Image As.”
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FaithWORKS Report [May 2013]
During this Month – read, honor, and pray for our Missionary-Wives…
Deborah, the judge, called herself “a mother in Israel”. She was not referring to her biological children because we don’t have written record, at least, that she and Lapidoth had any biological children. But, she was ‘a mother in Israel’ because of the spiritual leadership and nurturing she demonstrated during this time of spiritual declension. She provided the leadership of conviction, moral courage, and inspiration to trust and obey God – and she influenced and strengthened many.
So have our missionary-wives who have as faithfully and valiantly served with their husbands to be mothers, not only to their own children and families, but to countless others also. So, in keeping with the Mother’s Day tradition we observe here in the States, we have asked our beloved missionary-wives to write this month’s letters from their own distinctive perspectives. This is our way of recognizing them, honoring them, and rising up with their husbands and children to bless them! Proverbs 31.10-31
WE COULD NOT FULFILL OUR BASELINE COMMITMENTS TO OUR MISSIONARIES AGAIN THIS MONTH – MAY. When we don’t receive sufficient General Fund offerings to cover the $46,000+ commitments we make to our missionaries each month just for salaries, expense allowances, hospitalization, and correspondence – then we have no other choice but to reduce the amounts of those commitments we disburse that month.
But, we are thankful that we didn’t have to reduce their commitments as much this month as last month. This month, we reduced their baseline commitments by only $238.84 which was equitably and proportionately distributed among them.
This month, also, we applied the $1699.00 offerings which was given during the Spring Missions Conference to their Essential Maintenance disbursements. Thanks to everyone who contributed to those offerings.
If you are not contributing to the General Fund, would you consider doing so regularly? Even if you want to help perhaps your ‘favorite’ missionary, by contributing to the General Fund, you are helping us supply the Essential Maintenance Transactions commitments we have made to them…so we won’t have to reduce them again.
‘Thank You!’ to everyone of you who does contribute to our monthly General Fund. You are not only supplying the essential needs of these servants of the Lord – but you also daily increase many thanksgivings to God for you!
The Lord attended with us and blessed us with His Presence and grace during our Spring Missions Conference. We want to thank all of you also who attended with us and prayed for us during this time of fellowship, preaching of the Word, and encouragement to commit ourselves to partnering together to help our missionaries fulfill their callings to ‘go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.’
Our special thanks also to the 40 pastors and preachers who attended during the course of the Conference. We hope each one will help us carry the burden and need of our missionaries back to your churches and increase our prayer and financial support to supplying their needs. These pastors-preachers represented eight U.S. states: KY, TN, OH, IL, IN, WV, MI, and FL. Two states in Brazil were also represented: Amazonas and Sao Paulo.
In addition, five nations were represented by the missionaries who have served there, either presently or formerly.
The Lord gave to every one of our 10 preachers and presenters Spirit-filled messages from His Word. The Holy Spirit ‘fleshed out’ the prayer-theme of our Conference ‘O LORD, revive Your work in the midst of the years’ from Habakkuk 3:2. He ‘fleshed out’ this theme by giving all our speakers a burning revival message from His Word; and then by sending them to us to deliver those messages; and then by convicting our hearts to receive them into our own lives and ministries. May He continue to ‘flesh out’ His Word through us all as we obey His Word and carry out His Great Commission to fulfillment in our own generation.
YOU are the ones who make our Conference services what they are. We in our host churches can plan the services and provide the accommodations to make your attendance as comfortable and enjoyable as we can, but it is your attendance and presence that makes the Conference. May God bless you as much for attending as you blessed all of us by your presence.
We designated the $1699.00 in offerings given during the Conference services toward May’s General Fund supplies to help provide our missionaries’ Essential Maintenance Transactions. These are the essential expenses incurred each month to cover their salaries, housing and ministry allowances, hospitalization, and correspondence costs. These are their essential living and ministry needs.
If you would like to receive copies of the audio CDs from the Conference messages, you may contact Doug Cornish, our media guy, at dougkyc[at]
Also, if you haven’t done so – you may go to the “Conference Recaps” section of our FaithWorks Blog or to our Facebook to search for detailed descriptions and recaps of all the sessions and services during our Conference.
Reminder: One of the reasons we were able to carry our missionaries’ Essential Maintenance Transactions through last year [2012] without reducing their standard baseline commitments [after having to make significant reductions in January and February] is because of THE 2012 FOUNDERS DAY OFFERING.
June has traditionally been the month when we remember and recognize the Founders of BFM – and also to honor the faithful missionaries who have served…and are serving…over our 70+ years of ministry!
We are asking you again for a special Founders Day Offering. We want to make our Founders Day Offering an annual event to help us continue to provide for our missionaries’ needs. Nothing we ever ask for or do is for any personal benefit to any of us – but everything is so we can continue to meet the commitments we have made to our missionaries so they can continue their daily ministries unhindered and undistracted by a lack of financial supplies.
All we are asking you to do is to give your church the opportunity to give to a specially-announced and designated Founder’s Day Offering. Or, if your church does not participate in the Offering, then please consider giving a special gift over and above your regular giving to the General Fund. All offerings received for the Founder’s Day Offering will be used to go toward meeting our missionaries’ needs for monthly General Fund supplies to help fund our standard commitments we have made to them for their essential living expenses.
Will you pray and ask the Lord what He wants you to give – and plan to participate with your church in a fellowship-wide Founders Day Offering?
Harold Bratcher is retiring from active and faithful missionary service in Manaus, Brazil, and is relocating to live here in the States. He is selling his home in Manaus and is seeking to purchase a home here. If you wish to contact him before he establishes a permanent address, you may contact him at: 859.277.3716 / 1012 Balsam Drive, Lexington KY 40504 / or through his email address: harold_bratcher[at]
TATES AND RADFORDS – their plans at present are to be coming to the States in September and October respectively. You may correspond with them concerning any prospective plans you would like to make with them. Roger Tate rojuta[at] & Nathan Radford naterad[at]
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Missionary Update: Harold Bratcher [February 2013]

Harold Bratcher has served the Lord in the Amazon Valley since July 15, 1959. His dear wife Marie, faithfully served with him for 52 years until her death in February 2011. The Bratchers organized over 20 Baptist churches and many other missions in Brazil, and he currently serves at the 24th of March Baptist Church in Manaus.
February 10, 2013
Dear Brothers of the Blessed Lord and Sisters of the Savior:
Once again I greet you not from the Amazon Valley of Brazil, South America, but from my cold Kentucky home where the sun is shining bright!
This Mission Sheets month began January 6th and finishes today. During this period I heard 12 sermons, or Bible studies. On Wednesday night, January 9th, we had the privilege of attending at the New Life Baptist Church here in Lexington. We heard an excellent Bible study on Isaiah 7, by Pastor Steve Wainright. On Friday the 11th, we moved into the Mission house on 1012 Balsam Drive. We are enjoying the house, while we await the sale of my house in Manaus. We also appreciate the excellent condition it was left in by Anita and Sheridan.
The second Sunday of January found us at the Clarksville Baptist Church of Richmond, Ky where we participated in the lesson taught by dear pastor Bradley Johns, and then I heard Asa Mark preach in the AM service. We then had the privilege of having lunch with Deane Cruise. The next Wednesday night, we had the privilege of hearing dear pastor Mickey Hyder at the 212 year old Historic David’s Fork Baptist Church. We are attending Wednesday nights there for the Bible Studies, the Story, studying the Bible, book by book during the year.
On Sunday morning the 20th, we attended the also 212 year old Glen’s Creek Baptist Church in Versailles, Ky and heard the Pastor Justin Rader. We then participated in a Chili dinner to raise money for a Mission trip to Central America. The next Sunday we attended the am service at the Ashland Ave. Baptist Church here in Lexington, hearing the sermon by Pastor David Prince. That pm, we heard Dr. Greg Waltermire at the Heritage Baptist Church, in Lexington.
During the month of February, we have attended services at the Clays Mills Road Baptist Church here in Lexington where my niece, Carolyn Sue Bratcher is a member. Dr. Jeff Fugate is the pastor. We also have attended the service at Lexington Baptist Temple, at the invitation of our dear family friend, Sister Ann Burris. Appreciated the music and message by the pastor, Derek Holmes.
I hope to be a blessing to many of you, during this first year of my permanent furlough. I would like to report and thank each of you that have supported us during these past years. We appreciate the invitations to come during the Spring. Until next month.
Yours in the Service of the Savior,
Harold Bratcher
1012 Balsam Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 277-3716
(859) 806-9827 cell
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Missionary Update: The Creiglows in Brazil [February 2013]

Mike and Beverly Creiglow have served the Lord in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil together for 40 years. In addition to pastoring First Baptist of Cruzeiro do Sul, Mike builds his own boats and frequently travels up and down rivers to share the Gospel with those who have never heard.
Dear Brethren,
Our medical missions team just arrived from a long trip up the Juruá River. Hudson and I went up
river 5 days before the rest of the team.
Last year I had ordered lumber to build pews for our work in Tipisca, Peru. They only had a couple
of benches. The lumber I ordered was being used as improvised benches for the services. We
loaded up a bunch of my power tools and a generator and headed the 500km up stream. It rained for 2 days which brought the river way up. They only have lights for a few hours in the evening at Tipisca and it is 220volts. That is why I had to take the generator and all the power tools.

Bro. Mike Creiglow with his 9 year-old helper Carlos sitting on some of the pews they built at Tipisca, Peru.
Our missionary at Tipisca is Brother José Maia. He has a couple of Ashaninka Indian boys that do odd jobs for him. He had the younger brother, 9 year old Carlos, to help me. This kid is amazing! He is a hard worker and sharp as a tack. He watched me closely and would have tools, screws, glue, nails or whatever ready at each step of the process. I don’t speak much Spanish, but we got along just fine. We even had some good laughs. He was with me for at least 10 hours every day for 4 days. At the end of each day we would clean up the building; sweeping and mopping (on hands and knees). After all that he would still ask in Spanish, of course, “Quieres ayuda, Pastor?”
“Do you need help with anything else, pastor?” Wow! What a worker. We made 10 mahogany pews in 4 days. They are sanded and ready for varnish. Each night we had a few more seats for the services.
Our team arrived on day 6. This was the first time that we have had a medical team in a foreign country. We had 15 members. The great thing was that this was the first time after 17 years and over 40 clinics that all the members were just from our home church. We had 1 doctor, 2 dentists and 3 nurses on this team. We still have other nurses, 1 more doctor and 1 more dentist in our church. There are a doctor and 2 nurses in Tipisca. We included them in the project. They were amazed at the kindness and care our team gives. They were also astonished at the amount and variety of medicine that we have for the people.
We cared for the folks and held services there for 3 days. Then we went back down river to Foz do Breu, on the Brazilian side for 2 more days. After that it was on to the village of Caipora for 2 more days of clinic before returning to Cruzeiro do Sul. No one was saved on this trip, but we cared for hundreds of bodies and shared the Gospel with many more. These projects cost a minimum of $10,000.00 each. Our folks here foot the bill. You’re allowed to help, too, if you like.
We suffered through some extreme heat. One night was the hottest ever in my 52 years of life in the jungle. We were at Caipora. Camp was set up under a covered area, but no walls. At 3:00AM the generator was still running. The guys were playing games and telling jokes. It was too hot to sleep. Late that night I went out into the field to call Beverly on my satellite phone. There was a bright full moon, but it was just crazy hot! Sweat was dripping off my chin and rolling down my body. What I didn’t tell her at the time was that I was wearing only my underwear. Didn’t mean to spoil your day with that last line, but it REALLY was HOT! We are back in Cruzeiro and cold water never tasted so good. I’m already looking for an ice maker that I can hook up to my little generator.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike and Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil 69980
mdcreig [at]
Click here to donate to BFM.
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Ada Mayfield Hunter is now with the Lord
Ada Mayfield Hunter, who faithfully served 22 years as a missionary in Peru with her husband Del, entered the Presence of the Lord on Saturday evening, January 12. Brother and Sister Mayfield went to Peru in 1961 and served the Lord there–principally in the two cities of Pucallpa and Iquitos–until she returned to the States in 1985. Brother Mayfield went to be with the Lord in 1978. The Lord blessed them with a fruitful ministry both in believers brought to know Jesus Christ and churches established.
The family has requested that memorial expressions may be made by contributions to Baptist Faith Missions. Those contributions may be sent to P.O. Box 471280, Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280 or by online donations.
You can send correspondences via USPS to their daughter, Loretta Hokenson, at 305 South Street, Coffeen, IL 62017 / 217.851.0843
Visitation with the family: Friday night 4 – 8 pm
Memorial service: Saturday morning, 10:00 am
Both will be at the Bass-Patton-Dean Funeral Home
624 South Main, Hillsboro, IL
You can view her full obituary here.
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Missionary Update: The Wacasers in Brazil [January 2013]

Bobby, Charlene, Jessie, and Brennen Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.
Dear Friends,
We may not be able to explain or understand why God allowed it to happen, but one thing is certain, He was taking care of four of our missionaries in their recent accident. When our Projeto Vida bus engine was repaired near the Argentine border, four leaders drove 1,000 miles to pick it up and planned to return in doubles with the two vehicles. Just about 100 miles before they reached the city where the bus had been repaired, the car they were riding in hit a puddle of water and began to hydroplane. The driver lost control of the car as it spun twice on the pavement then hit the grass shoulder causing the car to roll 6 times and then fell 20 feet into a trench. The Lord amazingly protected all four occupants and no one suffered any serious injury, only minor scratches and sore muscles. We are very thankful for His protection. The mechanic who had repaired the bus drove the 100 miles to pick them up and they have since returned with the bus. The car was insured and it was a total loss. We’ll use the insurance funds to replace it as best we can.
Charlene, Brennen and I have moved to a new address after selling our house. We are applying part of the residual funds to complete the construction and supply the sound system to our new church plant. We were very excited to have several new families attending our services in December and we are planning to start new member classes this month. As we get to know these new families we realize just how much we need the Lord for guidance and strength. The issues that many of them suffer from are so severe that only with God’s help can they be resolved or overcome. We know that God specializes in such cases and that His name will be glorified as He uses us to counsel these folks and meet their needs. Our new house is only a block and a half from the church building and that puts us right in the community with those we are seeking to minister to.
In a recent letter I shared that we were beginning outreach to a new neighborhood called Corbélia. We took a group from our new church to visit this community around the Christmas holidays and we had a very good reception. There are thousands of residents in this neighborhood and not a single church of any kind. Please pray with us that the Lord would enable us to plant a church there that would be used in sharing the gospel and teaching the Word of God in the most efficient way possible.
We are really looking forward to the challenges and opportunities for making Christ known and praised in 2013. Thank you for your love and support through prayers and resources as we seek to serve Christ faithfully.
In Christ’s love,
Bobby, Charlene and Brennen Wacaser
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR Brasil
Click here to give.
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Missionary Update: John & Alta Hatcher in Brazil [December 2012]

Missionaries John and Alta Hatcher have served the Lord in Brazil since 1955, planting over 70 churches that are still in existence.
December 1, 2012
Dear Brethren and Fellow-Workers,
At the age of eighty-seven a person talks a lot, usually about things that most do not want to hear. It is a little more difficult to write. I will do my best. Alta and I are doing well. Her vision is perfect after the cataract surgeries. We are thankful and praise the Lord. My health has suffered some in a weaker body and some mental anguish. I am still able to drive and tie my shoe strings. Alta does her own cooking and has a great appetite.
THE LORD’S WORK – Alta and I go every Sunday morning to Assai. The work is still at zero with only one lady who is saved and baptized. We meet each Sunday for Bible study and Alta’s class. It is wonderful to have the promise that where two or three are gathered in His Name He is with us. With joy and thanksgiving we make the trip and worship together. The city of Assai has 20,000+ inhabitants. Many false churches. In our years in Brazil it is the most difficult place we have worked. This city was founded by Japanese 104 years ago. Ours is the first Baptist work in this city. We continue because we know it is God’s will to do so and one day He will bless the seed to His honor and glory.
URAI – This work is doing well and there is a group of great dedicated young people who are serving the Lord. Three of them work in two Congregations. Five study in the Seminary. We are encouraged for the future with this group.
One of the Seminary teachers, Sonia dos Santos, had cancer of the breast. She had surgery last week, removing the breast. Her husband, Valdir dos Santos, is pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Cornelio Procopio. Please pray for Sonia and the family in this trying experience.
FAMILY – We are expecting the births of three new great grandchildren: One from Kriston and John Victor McGary, one from Lydia and Adam Reese, and the other from Amelia and Ivo Oliveira. We praise God for His work of grace in the lives of our grandchildren. All are serving the Lord; some in the States, some in France, and some in Brazil. Our hearts a filled with gratitude that our great grandchildren are being saved and baptized. How rich we are in His eternal blessings.
VISITS – David and Pennie plan to visit us for a few days the last of December. Paul and Wanda will be with us the first of January when he comes to be the main speaker in the annual Family Camp that Valdir dos Santos and Tabernacle Church sponsor.
Pray for our health and ability to continue active in His Work until He comes or until He takes us. Thank you for your many years of financial support and prayers. We love you and realize that what we do depends on your help and love.
In His Name,
John and Alta Hatcher
Caixa Postal 112
Urai, PR, Brazil 86280-000
Click here to give.
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Missionary Update: Jud & Raquel Hatcher in Brazil [December 2012]

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in Manaus, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.
We’ve had a great month with the family. Just two weeks ago Melissa gave her first steps on her own. It was a tremendous joy to see her walk and watch her excitement in response to our enthused reaction. We celebrated her 1st birthday on December 1st. Sarah, Laura and Benjamin are on school break and are gearing up their bikes to go to the park whenever they get a chance.
Evangelistic Cookout
This last month we had an Evangelistic cookout with 72 guests on a holiday called “day of the deceased.” We had fantastic opportunities to share the Gospel. Before eating I preached concerning the resurrection of Christ and our new life in Him. Secondly, we shared individually as we ate with our friends. One man came to Christ. I’ve also had the chance to meet weekly with a couple as a result of the connection made that day.
Christmas Evangelism Camp
We scheduled a Christmas camp on December 15 & 16. We already have several families signed-up and look forward to an exciting and fun time with our unsaved and unchurched friends. Please, pray as we make preparations for the camp and for the hearts of those who will hear the Word.
Christmas Gift Baskets
This week we begin making our Christmas gift baskets and visiting peoples’ homes to present them with a basket and the Christmas message. It’s much easier to visit people with whom a previous contact has already been made, as opposed to “cold turkey” visits. We’ve made many new contacts through cookouts and other gatherings. We hope to make a lasting impact through this simple gesture of love.
Mens’ Fishing Trip
In January we will have a men’s fishing trip. We will leave on a Friday and return on Saturday. We will spend the night at a local lodge. Many of our unchurched friends are already inviting their friends to join us. The Gospel message is always clearly announced at everything we do together. Pray for salvation decisions during this fishing trip.
Thank you for you prayer and support. Please, continue to invest and pray as we work together until Christ’s second coming.
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
Website | Twitter
Click here to give now.
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