3 Students Saved at School!

October 25, 2023
Dear Friends,
One of the subjects that I teach to high school students is Personal Finances. Many of you are familiar with the radio show host and author, Dave Ramsey, who seeks to inform his listeners with biblical principles on how to handle money. His organization did a wonderful job of developing a high school
curriculum on personal finances. As I am teaching this course, I realize just how unprepared teens are to face real-world jobs, paychecks, bank accounts, credit cards, loans, and living on a budget. I’m reminded of how little I knew when I was their age, so I know there’s hope that they can be even better equipped through this course than I was. Using the Bible and the curriculum, I have had several opportunities to share God’s financial principles for His children and His plan of salvation for the lost. This past month, three of our enrolled students professed Christ as their Lord and Savior and two have already been baptized into church fellowship. We are only ten weeks into the school year, so I am very excited about how much more the Lord will do through us.
Yago and Manoela continue ministering faithfully in Portugal. They are encouraged to remain steady in their witnessing and teaching the new converts. They are coming up on their first anniversary of beginning their ministry in Portugal on November 22, 2023. They knew that it was not going to be
easy to evangelize in a country where less than 1% of the population claims to be a born-again believer in Jesus Christ, but the contrast of such dire spiritual conditions compared to the spiritual harvest time in Brazil is stark. We believe that the Lord uses your and our prayers to supply them with motivation and ideas for effective evangelism and biblical teaching. We ask that you continue to pray for them and that the Lord would bless them with fruit for their labors.
The loud-speakers were replaced for our traveling evangelistic team, Projeto Vida. We had already replaced two tires on their van, then our speakers quit. But because of the generosity of a faithful brother (he prefers to remain anonymous), they were replaced immediately, and the team didn’t miss a single scheduled evangelistic event. The team still has a month and a half of the school year remaining and several public schools and parks in which to minister. The Lord willing, our team will share the gospel with over three to four thousand students and adults by Christmas. May He see fit to bring many to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through them.
Our church in Curitiba, Brazil has just concluded a weekend evangelistic event. The Lord blessed by bringing 14 persons to a saving knowledge of Jesus. A “Next Steps” class is scheduled to begin this Sunday for these new believers to begin to study the Bible as God’s handbook for Christian living. There were over 100 members of the church involved in preparing for and putting on the gospel presentation during a three-month period of practice and rehearsals. We thank God for providing the resources and dedication of these faithful servants.
Charlene and I were privileged to visit with Bro. Mark Pyles and his dear church, Grace Baptist, in Fairfield, Ohio and with Pastor Jared Via and the good folk at Hope Valley Baptist Church in Christiansburg, Virginia in October. We are very grateful for the hospitality and generosity shown to Charlene and me while we were with them.
In a few days we will be traveling to Detroit, Michigan to participate in the Thanksgiving Conference on behalf of Baptist Faith Missions sponsored by the New Hope Baptist Church and pastor Terry Adkins. We’d love to see you there.
Charlene and I want to express our gratitude and appreciation to you who pray and give so that we may serve the Lord where He has called us.
In Christ’s love,
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Contact Info:
Bobby & Charlene Wacaser
Currently Stateside on Furlough from Brazil
Phone: (813) 501-9328
E-mail: bobbymichael_1@hotmail.com
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online