English Immersion VBS + Upcoming Conferences

January 31, 2024
Dear friends,
Thank you for praying and holding the ropes as we minister to people in Brazil. Please, read how your participation is impacting the Kingdom.
English Immersion a Success
In January we experimented with an English immersion modular for teens: a type of Vacation Bible School for youth who desire to learn English through Biblical content—a lot of singing and activities, all done in English, with the purpose of teaching language and presenting the Gospel. Even an individual who has no experience with the language can learn a lot in a week. Our daughters Sarah and Laura helped me with this project. It was well received by the local community and several parents asked if there would be one for adults too. English immersion modules are intense, but by the end of the week, both the teens and their parents (just from listening to their kids) were singing in English.
Soccer Athletes & Families
Soccer practice with middle and high school students is in full throttle. Pray for us as we disciple students who recently became believers and for those who still need to surrender to Jesus. The Lord is opening several opportunities to engage with the parents of the student-athletes. In February we plan to have several families over to the house for dinner and engage them with home hospitality.
25th Wedding Anniversary
On January 8th, Raquel and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. As is our family tradition, we celebrate our anniversary with our kids. We had a special time together when we went hiking in the woods and went to the beach, enjoyed time with each other, and made incredible memories.
Pastors & Leaders Conference in São Paulo
On March 9th, there will be a DayCamp conference for pastors, church leaders, and their families at a small campground near Marília, São Paulo. It will be a unique time of prayer, preaching, and playing together. The place has a pool and a synthetic soccer field. Our “Togetherness Network” (Rede Convivencia, in Portuguese) purpose is to foster fellowship among pastors and leaders to recruit, train, place, and network a new generation of pastors and leaders for local churches.
Church Conference in Paraná
On March 29th (Easter weekend), will have a Church Conference near Londrina, Paraná. Churches from São Paulo and Paraná will come together for a day of preaching, singing, and eating together. The purpose of this conference is to embolden churches to reach new people for Christ through Evangelism strategies and to inspire churches and their leaders to invest in training the next generation by providing ministry and service opportunities to challenge them to live out an audacious life in Christ, within their church and community.
We humbly reach out to you, our faithful supporters, with a pressing fundraising need: purchase a car. Would you be willing to give for this urgent need?
Due to the increasing demand and rising expenditure on transportation, we urgently need to acquire this vehicle. The estimated cost for this much-needed resource is $10K.
As we step into the new month, we ask for your continued prayers and support. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Let’s continue partnering in this Kingdom work.
Always grateful,
Judson Hatcher

Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Missionary Update: John Mark & Judy Hatcher [December 2012]

Missionaries John Mark and Judy Hatcher have been serving the Lord in Tournefeuille, France since 1999. They define their ministry as “disciple-making,”
November 30, 2012
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Vacation Bible School in Tournefeuille held the first week of November went wonderfully well. The teachers were all well prepared and worked together flawlessly. The theme was reaching children around the world. We had special emphasis on Latin America, Asia, India and Africa. This included information on people groups and stories about missionaries to each of these continents, Bible stories, memory verses and a number of other activities. The gospel was clearly presented through the spoken and sung Word. It is really encouraging to observe the diligent and joyful service of the believers. Our oldest granddaughter, Abigail, participated for the first time as a leader. The primary purpose of this effort is to proclaim the Gospel. So, everyone involved was delighted that we had a good number of children participate who were from families outside the church. This underscores the importance of faithfully sowing and living the Word. Most of these who came were from ongoing contacts of many years.
On November 15 Judy and I left France to spend 6 weeks with our daughter Lydia to help her and her family after the birth of her and Adam’s 3rd child. Elias James Reece was born as we traveled. Mother and child are doing well. We are enjoying the visit with them and have also been able to spend time with our daughter Laura, son David and family, and a number of fellow believers. The Lord willing, we will return to Tournefeuille, France on January 1.
This trip to the US made it possible to attend the Thanksgiving Conference sponsored by New Hope Baptist Church in Dearborn Heights, MI. Thanks to all from this church and Grace Baptist Church, Wyandotte, MI for making the Conference a blessing to us and all who attended. We were able to fellowship with many brothers and sisters in Christ from Michigan whom we had not seen for many years. This was only our second time attending this conference since going to France in 1999. It was also delightful to visit with Sheridan and Anita Stanton, my aunt Neree, cousin Bob and wife Sharon and the Gerig Family who drove from Columbus, OH to see us.*
The time spent with the directors was fruitful. We thank God for each of these who serve us and our supporters faithfully. Their continuous labor, your support and the prayers of many are being used by God to enable us and the other missionaries associated with Baptist Faith Missions to proclaim the Good News, disciple believers and establish churches in France in and many other parts of the World.
The news from France is encouraging. Some of our Bible studies and activities must be put on hold while we are away, but the Church at Tournefeuille and many of its activities continue because of those that are faithfully serving there. It is truly a team effort.
May each of you enjoy God’s blessings and be fruitful in the service of the Lord.
Serving the Lord in France,
John and Judy
John and Judy Hatcher
4, rue d’Aspin
31170 Tournefeuille, France
Click here to donate to BFM.
*Editor’s Addendum: You can listen to Bro. John Mark & Bro. Sheridan Stanton sing “I Love to Tell the Story” together at the Thanksgiving Conference on the BFM Youtube Channel.
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