Spring Conference Recap [Monday Evening]


Our 53rd Annual Spring Conference began this evening at Thompson Road Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky.

The choir from Thompson Road opened with “Revive Thy Work, O Lord,” and the congregation joined in on the final verse (a slightly different version of the lyrics can be found here), followed by “Holy, Holy, Holy.” ♪

In his opening remarks, Pastor Dave Parks said, “If we’re not doing the work of God, we’re doing the wrong work.” Bro. Kenneth White then prayed specifically for the health of Pastor Glenn Archer, the missionaries, for our hearts to be stirred, and for the Lord to revive His work.

After, we sang the “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” ♪ “As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free.” ♪

Pastor Harold Draper, former missionary to Brazil 32½ years who now pastors Seventh Street Baptist Church in Cannelton, Illinois, was the first speaker. His text was from Psalm 51:12-13 about reviving the Lord’s work.

What is the Lord’s work? The souls of men. We are His workmanship! So if the Lord revives His work, it will be because He revives His workers. 

Revival fires are started with small pieces of wood–not wagon-loads.

If you want to get close to the Lord, get close to somebody who’s close to the Lord. H.H. Overbey

How can we be revived as His workers and thus His work be revived?
David had two requests in Psalm 51:
1) Restore the joy of His salvation
2) Anoint with His Spirit

Revival is when God’s people rejoice in their salvation.
We’re to never get over the thrill of our salvation! 

Our Salvation:

There was a time when you weren’t saved. At some point, you had to realize you were lost, confess to God you’re a sinner (Titus 3:3), and have a revelation that Jesus died for you (Titus 3:4). In salvation, you have complete and total justification (Romans 3:24) and regeneration–life where there was no life (Titus 3:5). Salvation is a creative act of God that will never go out of existence (2 Corinthians 5:17). 

Don’t take your salvation for granted. Let it motivate you and revive you. (Hebrews 2:3)

Then after you’re revived and made spiritually stronger, THEN you will be effectual in mission work and in the Lord’s work.

“Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation; and uphold me with Thy free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors Thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto Thee.” -Psalm 51:12-13

 ♪ It was fitting to sing “Saved, Saved, Saved” following a message that left you so grateful for your salvation.  

All the Pastors in attendance stood up to represent their churches (probably 20-25??), all the way from Florida, Michigan, and Brazil!

The conference offering was then given (not taken ;)) as Bro. Stanley & Sis. Emily Keyes from Illinois ministered in song through trombone, piano, and voice.  ♪ He died for me!  ♪ This couple has been so faithful to come and play at the Spring Conference for the past 18 years–and what a blessing they are!

 ♪ We then sang “Send the Light.”

Missionary Harold Bratcher, who just retired from 53½ years of service in Brazil, brought the second message, mainly using Habakkuk 3:1-2. “I’m glad to be here, but–excuse my English–I’m even gladder to be saved,” he said, and then broke out singing “Blessed Assurance.” His message was soaked with Scripture and song.

Revival means to reserve something alive, to regain to life and consciousness, to give new strength and energy, to improve the position or condition of.

 ♪ O, the love that drew salvation’s plan. O, the grace that brought it down to man!  ♪

“O Lord, I have heard Thy speech, and was afraid: O Lord, revive Thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.” -Habakkuk 3:1-2

Bro. Bratcher read much Scripture in his familiar resonate voice–how encouraging!
Romans 1:16-18; 1 Corinthians 1:18-31; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Hosea 14:9
Romans 5:1-11

He reminded us to rejoice in the Lord always! Quit your complaining! Quit your bellyaching!

Do you have the blessed assurance that we have a heavenly Advocate?

He read a passage from Dr. Louis W. Arnold’s devotional book, found in the April 12 devotion, titled “Our Heavenly Advocate.” Satan accuses us day and night, but his accusations amount to nothing because we have an Advocate with the Father!

Safe am I in the hand of God. Isn’t it grand to be a Christian?! Using an illustration with his coin purse, he reminded us that no one can snatch us out of the Father’s hand!

He ended his message by reading Romans 8:31-39. Romans 8 begins with no condemnation and ends with no separation.

“Nay, no, não!” he exclaimed. In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

♪ The Love of God is greater far… 

We ended the evening by singing, “He Hideth My Soul.”

♪ His perfect salvation. His wonderful love. I’ll shout with the millions on high! 

We hope you can join us tomorrow! [Schedule]

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Thanksgiving Conference Recap [Tuesday Evening]

Our 58th Annual Thanksgiving Conference continued Tuesday evening at New Hope Baptist Church in Dearborn Heights, Michigan.

Bro. Randy Jones, President of BFM spoke during the first evening session. He had a video presentation that covered BFM’s purpose statement and current directions, noting that “The Mission Sheet” today is mainly our website. He  discussed the current state of what is being accomplished administratively through BFM and our goals for the future.

Overview of Accomplishments Year-to-Date:
-Highlight Founders Day Offering
-4% of offerings go to administration; 96% goes to missionaries
-New Brochure
-New Facebook Page
-Mission Sheets in PDF Format
-YouTube Channel
-Email Newsletter
-Giving has increased 3% over the past year. The goal is 25% over 3 years.

-Increase giving 25% over 3 years
-Add a missionary each year for 3 years
-Increase salaries by 5% this year
-Change the retirement plan
-Visit missionaries on a 3-year cycle
-Eliminate car fund
-Establish a repository for BFM Documents
-Try to visit all supporting churches every 3 years
-Encourage churches to visit the mission field

Bro. Sheridan Stanton, missionary to Peru, sang “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning,” which can be viewed below.

He then delivered the final message of the evening, giving an overview of his experience in church planting.

Bro. Stanton was sent out under the authority of Jordan Missionary Baptist Church and received support from churches and BFM.

Lima–the capital of Peru– was designed for 3 million people and has a population of 12 million people. The Stantons started three churches in Lima. They have been in Huanuco, Peru for 15 years planting New Testament Baptist Churches that are Gospel-motivated and doctrinally sound.

The Stantons have found that it takes approximately 5-7 years to establish a church. They should be doctrinally sound and able to take care of their pastor and building…then they move on. The newest work should be established in two years.

The Stantons also run a Baptist Institute with about 120 pastors. They prepare and print material for Sunday School and training and love to host mission teams.

You do what you do because you believe what you believe. 

Over 160 churches in Peru started with the determination of Bro. Richard Hallum with one church plant.

Mission work is for all of us. Start social networking. Learn. Share.

Pastor Darrell Messer presented Pastor Terry Adkins with a plaque of appreciation on behalf of the BFM Board of Directors, as seen below.

You can find all the Thanksgiving Conference Recaps by clicking here. 
You can give to our Thanksgiving Offering by clicking here and typing “Thanksgiving Offering” in the Memo field. 

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