Homecoming Celebration & Encouraging News from Mission Works

August 4, 2021
Dear Brethren,
Although technically it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere, the Amazonian summer is here. We have had bright blue cloudless skies for days. The river is at its lowest and the muddy Juruá River has turned to a deep green color. We have had temperatures in the mid 60’s at night and early morning. Usually only gets up to lower 80’s during the day. Nice!
With the pandemic subsiding and good weather things have picked up at church. We have a homecoming service every year in late January or early February. This year, because of the virus we did not have one. Well last Sunday we had our homecoming service. We had 559 in the morning and 440 at night. Those add up to 999. I don’t know what I would do to the member that stayed home and kept us from reaching the 1000 mark for the day! Now these numbers a still way below our normal attendance, but are still very encouraging. We served lunch for everybody up on the third floor terrace of the annex. A really good day overall. We added 4 new members, too.
Our 2 youth groups (15-24 year olds and 25 and older) are back in full swing. Our nursery is now open, too. The “tweens” will start back next Sunday. Andrew had a special activity for the teens out at the new church property last Saturday. They had a bonfire and roasted hotdogs. There were over 180 for a chilly evening of Bible study and worship under the Southern cross. Again these numbers are only about 50% of normal, but still really good considering where we were just a couple of short months ago. Children’s activities will return in early September in a very limited fashion.
Although I have not been able to visit as much of our mission work as I would like, we still are getting great reports from our missionaries all around the region. The work among the Hunikuin on the Breu River is a very bright spot. They have outgrown their great house (holds about 100) and are gearing up to build a new building. I have promised them the aluminum roofing for a building that should seat a couple hundred.
Recently the federal government expelled the missionaries of New Tribes Mission from among the Marubos on the Ituí River north of us in the State of Amazonas. Fortunately we have 2 members of our church who are full blooded Marubos and have moved back into the tribe in 2 different villages. We are going to put them on as our missionaries. The feds will not be able to expel them!
During the month of July I did most of the teaching and preaching. I had a series to do that was much needed. That is all finished up now. I also had a ton of jobs to do on the building and was able to finish those projects as well. Now Bev and I are getting ready to make a trip to the States. We had planned to go last year and hoped to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary while there, but we all know how that turned out. Now we have several urgent health issues to try to get taken care that have only gotten worse with the delay. We are scheduled to leave Cruzeiro do Sul tomorrow afternoon. We will have to go all the way to São Paulo before heading north to the States. For now that is the only way to get to the US. It is going to be a long grueling trip, so pray for us.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike Creiglow
Mike & Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
69980 Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre
Brasil, SA
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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