Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [May 2015]
Posted on 9May CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist Seminary in Brazil, Barbara Hensley, car problems, church planting in Brazil, seminary classes in Brazil

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
May 9, 2015
Friends and family,
It has been good visiting Churches and meeting new friends. We have been in Western Ky. with Pastor Foy and in the Perryville Baptist Church where we met new friends. We met with Pastor Dan Russell and the seniors at Immanuel Baptist Church and were able to tell them about Gods work here in Brasil. We also were at Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, this is where Barb’s mom is a member, and they gave a generous offering to buy more chairs for our mission Church. Thanks to them and First Baptist Church in Bastrop, Texas who also gave for the chairs, we will be able to purchase more than anticipated. It is good to have these kinds of problems–not having enough chairs for the people to sit.
On our return to Brasil, my car was a little sick. It did not want to start, oh well you know, a new battery. We then proceeded to go to the mall to pay some bills and after taking care of business, we returned to the car. Guess what, the car would not start. So the battery was not the problem. After an hour of trying to start the car, raising the hood and looking (oh by the way, that also did not help), I called a tow truck. Three days later the mechanic called and said that my car was ready. It was an electric problem, about the size of your thumb.
This would not have been to big of a problem except that Barbara’s car was also in the shop and had been for about 6 weeks. Oh well–all’s well that ends well. We got both cars back the same day. God is good—and all the time. Or as I say AWESOME!!!
While we were home we were able to remodel Barb’s mom, Mrs. Reba’s, bathroom and bedroom. This was accomplished with the help of my brother Ralph from Paris and John Greatbatch and Barb. A real family effort. THANKS friends and family.
While we were in the States our Sunday School almost doubled. Another reason why we are in need of chairs and tables. As you know, we feed the children on Sunday mornings and some of those children do not have a place to sit. I am not complaining just relaying the AWESOME blessing.
We were in Garca, Sao Paulo, two weeks ago with the Seminary and after the classes we were able to attend a pastor’s conference there. There were around 500 pastors in attendance. It was very encouraging to see so many people interested in God’s Word. We were able to tell them about our seminary, Caragua Baptist Seminary, and created a great deal of interest among those 500. Hopefully next semester some of them will attend there in Garca. This semester we had 15 students in attendance. We were planning to have classes in three different locations; however, things changed due to circumstances. You guessed it, car problems. We were in two cars because of all the luggage we had due to two weeks on the road. Also we had books for the three classes, about 125 books. We were using two cars, mine and a rental. As we were leaving Garca the rental car overheated. Cracked radiator. It was just a pin hole but it rendered the car unusable. You would think —rental car -no problems—but these things happen. We lost over a day and this caused us to not have enough time for our Sao Paulo classes. We had to reschedule these for August or September. Then we moved on to Orlandia where we had 43 students. It was a great class and good fellowship. Our thanks to Dr. Edge from 1st Baptist Church in Bastrop Texas for the wonderful instruction on the Old Testament Survey.
In closing we are asking for the prayer warriors to put our prayer requests on your daily prayer list. Sunday School, cars, church growth, seminary, and music leaders in the Church. And oh! by the way, my car tires have no more treed, so I guess I need new tires. Pray for our needs and the wonderful people we encounter here in Brasil.
In His Service,
Aj and Barbara Hensley
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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