News & Reports – October 2017 [Online Edition]

The Online Edition of the October 2017 BFM News & Reports is available at the link below. Read how God is working through the lives of our faithful missionaries and continue to pray for them. [Click here to read BFM News & Reports – October 2017]

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New Believers & Opportunities in the São Paulo Metropolis

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

October 11, 2017

Dear friends,

We took the family to the dentist this month for routine check-up and teeth cleaning. Sarah and Laura will have braces installed. I had 3 wisdom teeth removed. The dentist did too much cutting on my gums during the two-hour procedure and was left with plenty of bleeding over the following 48 hours. A lot of swelling ensued and I was limited to drinking cold liquid foods only. Rough first week, by the end of each day my mouth was throbbing. The pressure in my mouth is subdued though – my wisdom teeth were growing against my other teeth and had been a constant annoyance for years. Glad that part is over. Pray for us, for the Lord to keep a constant smile upon our faces. I sure enjoy seeing our children smiling.

Melissa and Maggie: Springtime in São Paulo

This last month, 5 people surrendered to the Savior. I do a lot of talking with people around the targeted neighborhood prayer walks, stations, and convenient stores. Becoming familiar to people and developing a rapport with them leads to longer interactions as we encounter them. We have one-on-one discipleship on the rise too. Raquel is involved in counseling the women and enjoys the time invested with them. The Lord is opening lots of doors for connecting with the folks we have the privilege of meeting. We are grateful to be at His service.

Life in the São Paulo metropolis is a beast. Not a month goes by where we don’t have fender benders, but on a recent occasion, something worse happened. A couple of weeks ago I had a scary encounter. While driving on an expressway, a car to my left decided to speed up and cut across in front of me to get off the exit. I T-boned his car, because of his sharp right maneuver at 55mph. It wasn’t a collision bad enough for the airbag to deploy, but I dragged his car a few yards. By the time both cars came to a halt, we were already passed the exit. Neither one of us had passengers in the vehicle and there were no immediate cars behind us to cause a pile-up. Thankfully, no one was hurt. Praise the Lord for constant protection.

Thanks for your faithful prayer and support. We are truly grateful!

Prayer requests:

  1. Overall family health.
  2. Traffic safety and throughout the city.
  3. An increase in Evangelism opportunities.
  4. Discipleship and leadership consolidation.
  5. Opening of new homes to receive small group Bible studies.

Blessed by the Savior,
Jud Hatcher



Judson & Raquel Hatcher
(859) 544-9040
Website | Twitter | Facebook
Click here to give now.

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God’s Hand at Work in Hurricane Irma

Bobby, Charlene, Jessie, and Brennen Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.


October 8, 2017

Dear Friends,

I’m almost certain that you either saw or read the news reports on Hurricane Irma as it passed through the Caribbean islands and then hit Florida. My family and I are living in the Tampa, Florida area and we were keenly aware of the meteorologists’ predictions about the size and intensity of that storm as it approached us. As a boy being raised in Florida in a Christian home, I had the experience several times of seeing how parents who trust in a sovereign Lord face the threat of nature’s forces with faith and confidence. Hurricane Irma’s arrival gave me the opportunity to exercise my own faith and trust in God’s power and goodness and to show to my own children and a Brazilian family who took refuge in our home during the storm that we truly do trust in Him.

Since the hurricane’s passing, I have also had numerous opportunities to minister to people whose homes were devastated by the winds. As I traveled about putting temporary tarp coverings on exposed homes, I ran into many people who are were more sensitive to their vulnerability and limitations and this afforded me the chance to share Christ’s love with them. I know that God was at work in a myriad of ways when He allowed that storm to come our way, but I am certain that at least two of those ways was to prepare the hearts of a family of five who came to my home and three homeless men who I ministered to in Naples, Florida where the damage was quite severe.

When we first went to Brazil 32 years ago we didn’t really know what to expect in terms of what we should take to be prepared to live and minister. Our 30 years there helped us be more discerning in our purchasing and packing and Charlene has been very busy using her keen sense of bargains as we get closer to our departure date.

Our evangelistic teams, Projeto Vida, are in two separate towns sharing the gospel in public schools as I write. There has been a great work of the Lord in leading many to repent of their sins and trust Christ as their Lord and Savior. I am looking forward to the days ahead when I can be with them in this unique gospel ministry.

If you or your church would be interested in meeting Charlene and me, or getting to know us better while we are still in the USA, please feel free to contact me at the address/phone number below for us to plan a visit.

In Christ’s love,
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser

Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Stateside Address:
3912 Casaba Loop
Valrico, FL 33596

Field Address:
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Sobrado 1, Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR Brasil
Phone: (813) 481-7007
Cell Phone: (813) 727-6405
Give: Click here to give.

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Back in Kenya—Pray for Peace

Nathan and Carrie Radford serve the Lord in Kitale, Kenya. Their main ministries include indigenous church planting, a prison ministry, and a hospital ministry for mothers with premature babies.

October 2, 2017

We hope this update finds you all doing well. As I write this, we are at our home town in Kitale, Kenya. I will give a current update on the state of the country as well as prayer requests. We appreciate each of you so much who prayed for our trip, our safety, and our readjustments back to life here in Africa.

My wife worked tirelessly to get everything packed up for us for our upcoming term on the field. It is a massive job to try to figure out what to take, what to leave, what is needed right now, etc. I am so thankful for her and all her hard work in these areas, as I would not know where to even begin. Her mother is also a big help to us in this regard and we thank the Lord for her also.

Please pray for us as we are all in the process of adjustments back to life on the mission field. Simple things that we take for granted in America, such as stable electricity, stable Internet, water to come faithfully without delay, etc. are real challenges to daily life here. Please also pray for our daughters as they are adjusting back to life here. They have both done amazingly well in adjusting and we are very proud of them. Please pray for them to get regular friends, have fun activities, and for their health and well-being here. It has been a very busy past week, as I (Nathan) have been going all over trying to get bills paid, things hooked up, etc. It is always a rough few first days but I am thankful I have gotten a lot done.

Kenya held a presidential election on August 8th and a president was elected. Two weeks later, the results were annulled because of “anomalies.” What exactly those things are I don’t really know, and all that is known at this point is a repeat election scheduled for October 26th. This is disappointing, as we stayed abroad to wait for all these things to be done and over with, and now we have to prepare for it, buy extra supplies, possibly hire extra security, etc. until it is settled. Please pray for peace in the country and closure to the election process of 2017. God is in control and we trust Him. Psalm 115:3 says “But our God is in the heavens: He hath done whatsoever He hath pleased.”

We will keep you updated on life here on the mission field. We appreciate each of you so much and thank God for you. Blessings to each of you and thanks again.

In Kitale,
Nathan and Carrie Radford

Nathan and Carrie Radford
P.O. Box 4150
Kitale, Kenya, East Africa

For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.

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Bits and Pieces


The Tate Family has served the Lord in Kitale, Kenya since January 2008. Their main ministry is indigenous church planting.

September 22, 2017

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Bits and pieces.

Election re-do. Well, our August 8th presidential election was held and a president was elected. Two weeks later the supreme court of Kenya annulled the August 8th election saying there were “anomalies”. Exactly what those anomalies were I can’t say because I really don’t know. Thus, the elections were rescheduled for October 17th. Then they were rescheduled for October 23rd. Now they have been rescheduled for October 26th. At least, that is the last date that I have heard. Now we have to do everything all over again: Prepare for the election; buy extra food, water and fuel; pray that all goes well; ride out any storm that may come. All of this is very disappointing to me as I really just wanted the whole election process over and done with. I was planning a trip to the United States for the month of November. Now that trip has been postponed indefinitely as I cannot leave my wife and kids here to ride out any potential violence on their own. Beloved, once again please pray for peace in Kenya and closure to this presidential election process of 2017.

Julie has spent the last month in the US. She has been able to visit family and friends and also made a quick trip to Dayton to visit with our home church, Emmanuel Baptist in Bellbrook, OH. I am writing this report in Nairobi as I wait for her plane to arrive in just a little over two hours. We will be very happy to have her home and back with us. Our family is just not complete without our matriarch and man (aka, me) was not meant to be alone. With Julie being gone for a month I have been the sole caretaker of Chloe and the household duties. As a result, much of my “out of the house” duties were put on hold.

I have been preparing to teach a financial management class at the local theological college. I try and teach classes at this college whenever I have time and an opportunity. The class begins this Monday (three days from now). It is an important class for current and future Kenyan pastors. Biblical financial management is almost unheard of among the churches and pastors that I know here. There are no controls, no safeguards, no accountability, no audits or checks and balances, no rules and very little integrity. Pastors and leaders feel like they can do whatever they want with church money, including putting it in their own pockets. My goal in the upcoming class is NOT to make them financial wizards (anyway, I could not teach them to be what I am not). Nor is my goal to make them money wise. I simply want them to know the Biblical principles about money management and how to apply those principles into their church finances and structure and into their family finances as well. What I want them to know is that “Business practices comes from Biblical principles”. I want them to have integrity when it comes to their finances at church and at home. I want them to have Biblical wisdom concerning money. I want them to glorify God and expand the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in the way they spend and use the money that God gives to them. It will be a tall task.

Amy and Josiah have started new school years at RVA. Amy is now a Junior and Josiah is a Sophomore. I like to constantly remind Josiah that the word Sophomore basically comes from two Greek words: Sofos – meaning wise, and Moros – meaning moron, dull, stupid and foolish. I never get tired of telling him he is a wise moron. Doesn’t that just perfectly describe someone about 15 years of age? They think they know everything and in reality, they know nothing. Well, I guess I can’t knock Josiah too much. I don’t know much of anything either and I’m almost 48 years old. That’s why I’ve been growing my beard out – to make me look wiser. However, when Julie gets here in about two hours and sees it she’s going to make me shave it.

Until next month, beloved.
May God’s peace and joy be with you.
For the glory of God in East Africa,
Roger & Julie Tate (and Amy, Josiah & Chloe)

Visit their blog!

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Smiling at All the Ways God Keeps Supplying

Mike and Beverly Creiglow have served the Lord in Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil together since 1971. In addition to pastoring First Baptist of Cruzeiro do Sul, Mike builds his own boats and frequently travels up and down rivers to share the Gospel with those who have never heard.

September 15, 2017

Dear Brethren,

Greetings to all. It has been a good long while. For the last 3 months, I have had 4 different illnesses to deal with. I am over one of them and recovering (long process) from another. The other 2 will be with me for the rest of my life. It has been tough not being able to do my usual stuff.

Bev and I went to Manaus for our big conference at Nova Igreja Batista where David Hatcher is pastor. At least one of our missionaries, (José Maia) reported on the work in Peru. I was privileged to bring a message on Sunday morning. There were over 40 of our workers and wives from our area at the conference. I believe there were 160 pastors from all over Brazil. It is always a very encouraging time for us. To see a church that is doctrinally sound and growing by leaps and bounds is something to see and rejoice about. Thanks, and congratulations to Nova Igreja Batista.

Another visit was made to Santa Rosa do Purús. This time José Maia took his son Lucas and his bride-to-be to check out the field. They have another year of training. In about a year and a half we hope to send them. In the meantime, we have helped the Kaxinawá church to get their property and soon we will help them put up a building. Right now, they meet behind Pastor Moisés’ house under a little thatch roof.

The youth and the ladies have held their retreats in August and September. The youth had over 100 and there were 2 or 3 saved. The ladies had over 130 at camp.

We have had good services at church with people being saved almost every week. We have also had an unusual number of folks coming from other Baptist churches by letter and even more from other denominations by baptism. On the other hand, we continue to lose folks who move to other cities. This week a retired policeman and his whole family are on their way to Porto Velho. Another retired middle-aged couple just moved to Rio Branco where their 2 children are in college. All of these folks, who have been faithful and productive, are also people with good income. We put on 2 more missionaries this year, so things have already been really tight. We continue to smile at all the ways He keeps us supplied. It is amazing.

The teachers and staff of Colégio Cristão Cruzeiro. The principal is the man in the middle.

Our school just had a celebration of 25 years. We have continued to have first through 8th grades. This year we have 649 students. The party was at the city’s only public auditorium and theatre. Our school is now rated the 2nd best of dozens of schools in Cruzeiro do Sul and 5th best in the state. Our principal is Thiago Muniz. He and family are very faithful members. He has done an exceptional job at Colégio Cristão Cruzeiro.

We have had a crime wave in the Acre’s 3 largest cities. We had a 24-hour murder spree here. Four murders and another non-fatal shooting. One of these shootouts was right in front of the grocery store where we do our shopping in the middle of the afternoon. This is organized crime being run mostly from within the penitentiaries. The streets are now empty after dark. Some churches have set their service an hour earlier. Even our attendance is a little off.

Pray for me and for our forlorn city.

Thanks for all of your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.

In Christ,
Mike Creiglow

Mike and Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil 69980
mdcreig [at]

Click here to donate to BFM.

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Seminary Graduations; Stateside for Doctor’s Visits

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They have established a church in Caraguatatuba and mission points throughout the city. They have also recently started a seminary to train pastors.

September 15, 2017

Dear friends and family,

This month has been a little different. We came to the States the first week of the month to be able to do the doctor things. We have had a good report from the cancer treatments and the psa is at 0, but that is to be expected as I am still taking the hormone shots–there cannot be a true number until I am off those shots for 6 months.

I also went to a heart doctor as I have been having some chest problems. We are waiting for the results of the tests. As per usual, it is always hurry up and wait. Your continued prayers are appreciated.

I am going back a month to tell you about some me of the great and AWESOME things that are happening in Brasil and the Caraguatatuba Baptist Seminary. In the last two months, we have had the first and second graduation of the seminary.

The first was in Caragua, as this is where the Seminary began. There in Caragua, we graduated 6 with 14 others receiving a certificate of participation with the hope of completion later. We thought it very appropriate to have the first graduation here in Caragua because the dream for a Seminary was founded here. Then the second was in Natividade da Serra where 24 people graduated. This is AWESOME because our purpose for having a Seminary was and is to train pastors to preach the Word.

Caragua Baptist Seminary is starting to make a major difference for the pastors located in the state of São Paulo, Brasil. The dream started 3½ years ago and is exploding into other regions. How AWESOME is the God we serve.

So with these two classes completed, we are looking to the future as we have another class in October that will also have a graduation ceremony. This is about 6 hours from Caraguatatuba.

It seems like we just turn around and the month is gone. I don’t know if it is really true or it has something to do with age. I’m thinking it is the first, what do you think?

We will be in the States for a little over a month and then back to Brasil for that next graduation, so maybe we will see you during that time, but if not, we will try to see you on the return trip.

Continue praying for my health and God’s work here in Brasil.

If you would like to see what God is doing with your Mission offerings to BFM, come on down. The lights are on and the food is on the table. In His service, Aj and Barb

In His service,
Aj and Barb

Aj and Barbara Hensley
Click here to give. | Like them on Facebook.

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How are you spending your time?

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the "SeedFactory" church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.

September 15, 2017

Dear friends,

During my college days at Lexington Baptist College, I had the privilege of one-on-one time with Dr. Lindell Ormsbee. He taught at the University of Kentucky and served as a volunteer pastor at Ashland Avenue Baptist Church. We would meet at Fazoli’s to discuss Larry Crabb’s book. Our conversations rendered insights I still use to this day.  While on furlough in 2015-2016, I ran into him at Buck Run Baptist Church in Frankfort, KY, and later connected with him on Facebook. He recently wrote a post that engaged my thoughts. I want to share with you his adapted quote from Dallas Willard:

“There is a widespread notion that just passing through death transforms human character. Discipleship is not needed. Just believe enough to ‘make it.’ But I have never been able to find any basis in scriptural tradition or psychological reality to think that this might be so. What if death only forever fixes us as the kind of person we are at death or sets the asymptotic limit of glory that we may experience in heaven. Indeed, the Bible does seem to imply that our assignments in eternity will be based on our faithfulness while on earth. Maybe there is much more going on here on earth than we even imagine. Maybe every day we are speeding down the highway of life, heaving bags full of eternal treasure out the window, more preoccupied by the road ahead than the silent occupant that sits patiently beside us. Maybe every day of our lives, every conversation, every decision has eternal consequences. How have you spent your time today? How are you spending your time now?” –Adapted from Dallas Willard

Convicting, isn’t it?

I’d like to send a special thank you to Durbin Memorial Baptist Church in Lexington, KY, for the mission team that came to São Paulo and for the tremendous love offering. I’d also like to thank fellow missionary A.J. Hensley for all the tools you bestowed me during the days I was with you in Caragua. Over the last several weeks, 13 people have surrendered their lives to the Lord. We are investing time in discipleship these new believers and praying that He gives us more opportunities to share the Gospel message and for each new Christian to be bold in sharing to others how their life was changed forever. Last month I traveled to Manaus (a 4 hour flight) to attend the Pastor’s Conference at Nova Igreja Batista, where my Uncle David is pastor. It was well attended.  I had an incredible time of encouragement, learning, challenge and connectivity with other pastor friends from Manaus and other parts of the country. It was also great to see Michael & Beverly Creiglow and Odali & Kathy Barros. I remained a few extra days to ship our furniture and other belongings to São Paulo. Thankfully, all of our furnishings arrived and we began unpacking and organizing our home. Living in an almost empty house and sitting down to eating at a make-shift table was getting old. We moved into a new house in July. We are blessed by the opportunity to serve in São Paulo. Thankful for your support and prayers! Grateful always Jud Hatcher

Grateful always,
Jud Hatcher

Judson & Raquel Hatcher
(859) 544-9040
Website | Twitter | Facebook
Click here to give now.

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