Team from Florida Heading to Work with Projeto Vida
Posted on 4Mar CATEGORIES: Bobby & Charlene Wacaser [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: Bobby Wacaser, Brazilian mission team, Charlene Wacaser, missions in public schools, missions team, Projeto Vida, public school ministry

Bobby, Charlene, Jessie, and Brennen Wacaser have served the Lord as church planters in Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, since 1985.
March 4, 2017
Dear Friends,
Charlene and Jessie are super excited! They will be leaving in just a few minutes to spend a couple of weeks in Curitiba, Brazil. During the first week, they will be catching up with friends and taking care of some business details. I will be joining them after that to begin a week of evangelism in public schools and parks together with Projeto Vida and the youth team from Bell Shoals Baptist Church from Brandon, Florida. We are expecting to have the opportunity to share the gospel to over 3000 youth and teachers during the time we will be there.
This will be the first full year that they will be using the newly purchased travel van that replaced one of our old buses. We are grateful that this mode of transportation will make Projeto Vida’s mission trips more efficient, quicker and will allow them to get to more secluded areas. We are thankful to all who contributed to make the purchase of this van possible. We want to continue trying to obtain other vans to replace the old hard to maintain buses, but we’ll keep these old buses rolling as long as we can because we still get the gospel to tens of thousands of lost folks yearly.
We are so thrilled to see how the Lord has used this ministry to transform people’s lives. Every week we see many making a public profession of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We know that God is pleased with this because it is what Christ commanded His disciples to do. We also know that there is rejoicing in heaven when one sinner repents and comes to Christ. We are also thrilled to know that there are literally hundreds of young men and women scattered across the globe sharing Christ as a direct result of how the Lord used them and blessed them when they participated with Projeto Vida as a short-term missionary or volunteer. God has greatly used and blessed this ministry and we expect even greater usefulness in the future. Thank you for your prayers and support.
In Christ’s love,
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Bobby and Charlene Wacaser
Stateside Address:
3912 Casaba Loop
Valrico, FL 33596
Field Address:
Rua Laudelino Ferreira Lopes, 279-1
Sobrado 1, Bairro Novo Mundo
81050-310 Curitiba, PR Brasil
Phone: (813) 481-7007
Cell Phone: (813) 727-6405
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