Why I Support the Baptist Faith Missions Founders Day Fund

The Directors of Baptist Faith Missions spend a great amount of time and prayer toward meeting the needs of your missionaries. Our thoughts and actions are directed not in just meeting today’s missionary needs, but looking forward five, ten, and twenty years from now.  We are committed to the present and future financial solvency of Baptist Faith Missions as well as its ability to fulfill our existing commitments to garner future growth.

Beginning in 2017, all funds received in the Founder’s Day Offering will be directed toward current and future missionary retirement support.  An immediate strategic challenge we face is meeting promised obligations of our retired missionaries and their widows.

To that end, BFM Directors are recommending a pay-as-you go retirement program instead of funding retirement obligations due fifteen to thirty years from now.  Currently, our missionaries are not vested in our traditional retirement program until having served at least fifteen years, with a sliding scale to full retirement being received after serving thirty years and reaching sixty-five years of age.

BFM Directors are not recommending changes for missionaries near or in retirement.  Rather, BFM policies are changing by requiring all new missionaries establish a Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA) in their first year as a missionary.

This change offers substantial opportunity for the new and existing younger missionary.

  • First, the new missionary begins receiving tangible retirement funds under his control starting the first year of missionary service. It is important to remember taxes will be prepaid only on the investment amount, not on interest and compounding returns.
  • Second, with investment and compounding over twenty-five or thirty years, the missionary should have a minimum retirement fund of several hundred thousand dollars that can be withdrawn tax-free with the balance upon death passed on to his dependents.
  • Third, should Baptist Faith Missions become insolvent or dissolved for any reason, these retirement funds are linked to the individual missionary, not Baptist Faith Missions.
  • Fourth, existing missionaries who choose this proposal will be given an additional salary bonus for each year of previous service to date to be placed in their Roth Individual Retirement Account. This salary bonus will be spread out over future service years based on the maximum amount each individual can contribute to a Roth IRA.

It has been said that a missionary never retires in heart and spirit, but the years may take a toll on the body and mind forcing a change in life.  This is reflected in the life of John and Alta Hatcher who have served our Lord in Brazil over 60 years. They are directly and indirectly instrumental in tens of thousands coming to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, planting dozens of churches, and raising a family driven to serve the Lord.  Their missionary heart and spirit continues in their children and grandchildren.  “Well done, thou good and faithful servant! …” Matthew 24:21

Retirement for a missionary can be an emotional and spiritual struggle.  While actively serving on the field, the missionary is often busy fulfilling speaking engagements, counseling, directing projects, advising local pastors, teaching classes, etc.  Once retirement is necessary, the missionary and his wife are often shown benign neglect. Coming home from the mission field to their supporting church, the missionary and his wife are often surrounded by a younger generation who may consider them too old to be useful. This can make their transition much more difficult.

Missionaries are so focused on their everyday responsibilities their future physical and financial security becomes of lesser importance.  Many are not able to claim Social Security benefits because of not having worked and paid into it in the traditional sense.  They have put their future in the Lord’s hands.  Baptist Faith Missions, by your contributions, has made a commitment to provide a defined benefit (pension) or a defined contribution (Roth IRA) retirement program to your missionary.

The following is a list of our missionaries who have retired or who have returned to the States for health or family issues or to transition to Stateside-based ministry.  Pray for them.  Reach out to them through every means you can (call, write, e-mail), and let them know you still appreciate them and their service.  They would love to hear from you personally, or from your Sunday School class, or your church leadership.

  • Mike and Pam Anderson (Kenya)
  • Dana and Becky Adams (Philippines)
  • Harold Bratcher (Brazil)
  • Louie and Mary Carver (Korea / Philippines)
  • Bobby Creiglow (Brazil)
  • Harold and Ursula Draper (Brazil)
  • John and Alta Hatcher (Brazil)
  • Paul and Wanda Hatcher (Brazil)
  • Deloris Lauerman (Walter, deceased / Peru, Honduras)
  • Sheridan and Anita Stanton (Peru)
  • Wanda Turner (Richard, deceased / Brazil)
  • Bobby and Charlene Wacaser (Brazil)

Your missionaries and their families have served and sacrificed greatly on your behalf during their productive years.  Please make a small financial sacrifice for your missionaries in their senior years by giving to the Founders Day Fund. 

Contributions may be mailed to:
Baptist Faith Missions
George Sledd, Treasurer
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280

Contributions may also be made online by going to www.baptistfaithmissions.org and selecting the tab labeled ‘Donate / Support’ or by clicking here.

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Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [March 2016]

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.

March 11, 2016

Dear friends and family,
We are back in Brasil and enduring the heat. My health is showing sign of improvement each day. We will be here in Brasil until the middle of August and then return to the States for radiation for 30 days. Continue to pray for my recovery and toleration of the treatments. God is in control and He is AWESOME!!!

I have had more time than usual to think recently and it is hard to believe that this year Barbara and I will complete 20 years on the mission field. We came after my retirement from the Lexington Fire Department. It is unbelievable what you can accomplish in retirement. Actually it is AWESOME! I truly feel that I am one of the most blessed men I know, to have been able to have served on the Fire Department for 23 years, take an early retirement and then to have served the Lord in Brasil for 20 more years as a Baptist Faith Missionary. My work for the Fire Department was to rescue lives from fire and my work for the Lord, though it is similar, is many times more important. Here in Brasil we preach the Word and save lives from a burning Hell. AWESOME is not a big enough word.

What a God thing—a true calling from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is hard to express how exciting it is and has been to be here in Brasil—seeing lives transformed and works established and so much more done for the Lord.

Now I want to tell you about some hard dirty work. Sunday a week ago our Church building was flooded. We had a “chicken drowned” and one of our downspouts broke loose at the gutter connections (this is inside of the Church building upstairs)—and while the storm raged, the winds came, and the rain came down. This was at the very ending of the church service and we noticed that the ceiling was beginning to drip right where we had one of our new speakers. This was due to the fact that we have not had the funds to stucco the outside wall, so rain penetrated the wall and began to flood the downstairs. Some of the ceiling was damaged and the sanctuary got a good dousing of water. While this was happening, some thought it wise to check the upstairs because we have not put all the windows in and they thought that some water might have entered there. But to their surprise, it was not just a little water but it was past ankle height because of the gutter letting all the water from the roof enter the top story. So everyone jumped in to help and there was lots of water pushed to the stairs and down to the first floor and then out the door—all the while some of the men were taking a bath under the downspout trying to get it back into its place to take the water out of the building instead of inside of the building. Through it all God was AWESOME!!! The only damage was to the one speaker and the dropped ceiling on one side of the room. It could have been so much more. One positive thought: we did not have to clean the church that week. (lol)

I would like to explain to you the unfinished wall outside of the church. We can only build and repair as our finances permit. So this is a BIG prayer request: “money to finish the outside of our building”. We only need about $2,500.00 to 3,000.00 to finish it. We have had an unusually long and continuous rainy season. It is not so bad as long as it doesn’t rain and have strong winds at the same time. When this happens we have to live at the church. But what is life without a few challenges?

We are looking forward to the Seminary next month. We will be completing the 4th semester and looking forward to a graduation in the coming months. Continue to pray for the students and the Churches they represent.

Because of my health we thought it time to call our Brazilian pastor. The church voted and we called Walmir Quaresma. He and his family will be assuming the pastorate on the 13th of March. Barbara and Jenny Thompson went and worked 4 days packing their house and then when the move got here, PJ and Jenny were a great help in the getting it off the truck. Thanks PJ and Jenny for your help with this and many other works here in Caragua. This couple has been here helping us for 3 months. We have an apartment just for these kind of missionaries. You too could do this kind of missionary work here with us. Pray and come on down. Let us know if you would like to visit the work here in Caraguatatuba.

Your bed is made and waiting for you. Come on down!!!

In His service,
Aj and Barbara

Aj and Barbara Hensley
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