Ministry & Leadership Training Continues; Health & Family Updates

January 29, 2022
Thank you for your faithful prayers and generosity.
Thank you for praying for our family. I am currently undergoing radiation treatment five times a week. Laura is adjusting to her cochlear implant. The device was activated three weeks ago. Hearing again does not come automatically, it will take almost a year for her to gain maximum hearing through the implant. She wears it every day at school as part of the initial process of learning to hear again. Her first hearing therapy this week provided a glimpse of her progress. There is still a lot of work, as the learning curve for the brain to adjust to the implant is a lengthy development. As she adjusts to the new hearing process the cochlear implant must also receive fine tuning. This fine tuning requires the audiologist and the cochlear implant technician to work in conjunction with Laura to customize the programing based on her monthly hearing progress. We are praising the Lord for each positive step as she regains hearing from her left ear.
Regarding my cancer care, a PETscan in mid-February will provide us with the current status of the cancer. Chemotherapy is completed and now I go in for radiation sessions five times a week. At this point, the main side effect is fatigue. I keep a healthy dietary plan along with a consistent workout regimen at the gym with my son Benjamin. He is a great workout partner, and his avid participation is an encouragement to maintain our exercise routine. The cold winter makes it hard to get out in the early mornings, especially when it is snowing. I have glided on the ice a few times on the way to and from the clinic, but the Lord has provided safety on the roads.
Our oldest, Sarah, recently received her drivers permit and just this week began her first job working at Culver’s restaurant. Melissa (10 years old) has maximized her time in the snow. There are several kids in the neighborhood that enjoy playing in the snow with her. She is having the time of her life every time she goes outside. Raquel has participated in several conferences and training seminars over the last several months and acquired a new counseling technique called EMDR, which is a tool that allows past traumas to be processed with new insights. This season in the States has been full of first-time experiences and wonderful opportunities for our family. We praise the Lord for each one.
Jonatas and Charis are currently in the States as part of their mentoring and exposure trip. They have invested time in West Palm Beach with our dear friend Todd Thomas who serves at Family Church (First Baptist Church WPB) at the Sherbrook campus. While in Lynchburg, VA they stayed with our dear friends Scott and Cindy Phillips, and connected with folks at Living Word Baptist Church. They also attended classes at Liberty University in the Pastoral Leadership program of the School of Divinity, under the leadership of my beloved mentor, Dave Adams. Jonatas and Charis also had quality time with Scott Bullman, Matt Wilmington, Tim Grandstaff, Russ Dean and Doug Randlett at Thomas Road Baptist Church. This next Monday they arrive in Chicago and will remain with us for one week prior to their return to Brazil. This time with us will also be filled with mentorship and learning opportunities at Wheaton College and Moody Bible Institute. Please, continue to pray and to financially contribute as we make concerted training efforts in training leaders.
The ministry in São Paulo is regaining momentum as COVID tensions cause less disruption. Pastor Helder´s wife, Renatha, lost her father this last month and will be greatly missed by all who knew him. Please, pray for the family as they mourn his loss.
Again, thank you for your solid commitment to prayer and for your generous giving through Baptist Faith Missions.
Jud Hatcher
Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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