Encouraging Brazilian Pastors, Evangelizing Students, & Youth Camp

July 15, 2024
Family News
Everyone successfully completed their school year and was promoted to the next grade. Sarah graduated from high school and two weeks later was accepted into ESPM, a Brazilian university. She plans to study communications and publicity. I (Judson) celebrated my birthday with dengue fever. The fever lasted for almost a month. Thankfully, the cold sweats, brain fog, and constant itching are over! Raquel is in excellent health and is actively engaged in serving others.

Evangelism, Five Decisions at Camp, and Ministry At Large.
The soccer school allows us to evangelize students every week and build bridges with the parents. Our teams participated in a one-day tournament, winning half of the matches against other teams.
Through Rede Convivencia (Togetherness Network), under the leadership of Pastor Eliezer, we had a youth camp with 40 students, which rendered five salvation decisions. Benjamin (my son) traveled 6 hours to join the camp and also made important decisions during the camp.
Last week, I visited several pastors and their families in our Rede Convivencia. We made stops in São Paulo state in Pompeia, Marilia, Vera Cruz, Alvaro de Carvalho, Fernão. In Paraná state, we visited pastors in Cornélio Procópio, Assaí, and Urai. Pastor Elieser joined me on this journey to minister to pastors and their families.
The one-year-old church plant in Marilia, which meets in Américo and Paula Pinotti’s garage, celebrated three baptisms and their first Lord’s supper last week. Américo was mentored by Pastor Gilberto Steffano during his formative years. Recently, Américo requested my mentorship for pastoral ordination and guidance in organizing the new work.
Pastor Raimundo Pinto, the lead pastor for the church plant in Aracajú (Northeastern Brazil), inaugurates the new building at the beginning of August.
Our student ministry evangelism gathering drew several new students and made new connections. We played volleyball, indoor soccer, and foot-volleyball.

Foster Care
Raquel actively works in recruiting, training, equipping, and networking couples and families to serve as foster care parents to attend to the immense need of at-risk children in São Paulo city. She is a strong advocate and voice in one of the world’s largest metropolises – São Paulo city is still learning what foster care means and how it benefits children and society. The court system recently inspected Raquel’s foster care intake facilities and received high marks from the city officials. We are grateful to Jason and Nikki Estes for their encouragement, mobilization, and partnership in significantly impacting the lives of precious children in foster care.
Prayer Requests
1) The purchase of a car.
2) Finances for Sarah’s first year in a Brazilian university.
3) The new school year is starting soon for Laura (12th), Benjamin (10th), and Melissa (7th).
4) Family health.
5) Evangelism and church growth
6) Judson’s doctoral studies and dissertation on pastoral succession in Brazilian churches.
Grateful always,
Judson and Raquel Hatcher

Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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Settling Back in Brazil

February 1, 2023
Wow! It has been a joyfully exhausting time since we arrived in São Paulo. Long days and short nights, but plenty of energy and grace from the Lord.
Struggles of settling back in
It has been a crazy season for us as a family. We needed to remodel the house before we arrived, but contractors kept delaying and didn’t finish before we returned. We arrived at the house with over half of the work still needing completion. Fortunately (even after weeks of delays and endless hours on the phone), the remodeling is coming to completion, the dust is settling down, and we began unpacking our bags. Additionally, the car on loan to us ended up with multiple issues and left us stranded too many times – overheating, losing power due to the fuel injector, and other issues. Praise the Lord, we purchased a vehicle, but the loaned car is still in the shop.
Exciting times for the ministry
During all things crazy (of settling back into life in São Paulo), we managed to visit all the people who are part of the Imagine church plant in São Paulo. We plan to have our first evangelistic gathering in February— a one-day camp/picnic with plenty of food, games, competitions, and a Gospel message. This occasion will also serve as a team regroup strategy. Word is getting out among friends of friends, and it should be a great event. The post-event follow-up with families and those who make life-changing decisions is crucial in moments like this one. Please, pray with us as we prepare.
I traveled to the interior of São Paulo and Paraná this last weekend to visit the churches my grandfather (John Hatcher) started. In Garça, I had breakfast with pastors on Saturday morning, where I proposed they join the network I lead, “Rede Convivência” (Life Together Network). All who attended came on board the network. In the afternoon, we (Pastors Gilberto, Epitácio, and I) drove an hour to Pompéia, where a church needs to be replanted/vitalized. We dreamed together at the building location and looked for houses for rent. Pastor Epitácio (Odali Barros’ brother) is considering leading the endeavor at Pompéia. I drove an hour and a half to Lupércio for their church anniversary on Saturday evening. The building was packed, and we had a marvelous celebration! Early Sunday morning, I drove an additional 2 hours to Cornélio Procópio, Paraná, to visit churches and Pastors Valdir and Silvio. We celebrated with them during the morning worship gatherings and had lunch together. We are discussing the possibility of starting a church in Londrina (the second-largest city in Paraná state). Please, pray with us as we mobilize churches and pastors to develop new leaders for church planting and kingdom expansion.
Our kids started school this week. We are grateful to finally begin a normal routine with the family and work. Grateful for your prayers and support. We are blessed by you.
Always grateful,
Judson Hatcher
Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
(872) 400-6522
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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