Headed to Orlandia, São Paulo for Seminary Classes
Posted on 16Apr CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist Seminary in Brazil, Barb Hensley, Caraguatatuba Baptist Seminary, Orlandia, seminary

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They have established a church in Caraguatatuba and mission points throughout the city. They have also recently started a seminary to train pastors.
Dear friends and family,
What a beautiful day today is and to just to think that three days ago it snowed over one inch. And just to add a little interest it is predicted to snow this coming Monday. I heard someone say the other day—this is the ace I know of where you can experience all four seasons in the same week. Our Lord is AWESOME!!!!!
Going back to Monday, it is supposed to be 32 degrees with snow—and Tuesday Barbara and I are traveling to Brasil. I don’t know how this will affect our departure from Kentucky, so pray for us as we are traveling to Brasil.
This trip is going to be very exciting as we are planning 2 seminary classes in the capital of São Paulo. The classes that will be taught are Systematic Theology and Survey of the Old Testament. They will be taught by Dr. Coleman from Gardenside Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky, and Dr. Edge from First Baptist Church in Bastrop, Texas. Both of these Pastors are mission minded and are AWESOME servants of God.
The next classes will be in Orlandia, São Paulo. These classes will be for the master’s program and then we will have two more classes in São Paulo. These will be New Testament Survey and Pastoral Ministries.
I would like to request “special prayers” for our professors who give of their time and their Churches who permit them to leave their pulpits for the time to teach our brothers in Brasil.
Our Professors are:
- Dr. Derek Coleman, Gardenside Baptist Church, Lexington, KY
- Dr. Raymond Edge, First Baptist Church, Bastrop, TX
- Dr. Terry Leap, William Storm Baptist Church, Williamstown, KY
- Dr. Greg Waltermire, Heritage Baptist Church, Lexington, KY
- Dr. Steven Shear, Central Baptist Church, Paris, KY
- Dr. Dustin Coleman, Brainard Ave Baptist Church, Countryside, IL
- David Stokes, Director of Missions for Central KY Network of Baptists
- Russel Zik, Durbin Memorial Baptist Church, Lexington, KY
We have selected four students from the Caragua Baptist Seminary graduates to help as they are planting Churches in Brasil. I am inserting a picture of one of them. In this upcoming class we will be selecting one or more students to sponsor for planting churches.
Our planned seminary classes for 2018 are:
- April- Systematic Theology, Old Testament Survey. These will be in the city of São Paulo.
- June- we are planning an exploratory trip to scout out new locations for the coming classes
- October – Expository Preaching 1 and Apologetics. These will be in Orlandia, São Paulo.
As you can see the Lord is really blessing and to Him all the glory and honor belongs.
As always, we have many prayer requests: our health is the first one and a good prognosis in July with the cancer treatments, the mission work in Caragua, church plants, Indians, the new locations for the Seminary, more professors for the seminary, and Pastor Walmir, Mary, Chelsea and Ashley.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara
Aj and Barbara Hensley
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For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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