We are thankful to announce that we have asked Pastor Jonathan Turner to serve with us as a Director of BFM, and he has consented. Jonathan is currently serving as Pastor of Richland Baptist Church in Livermore KY, which also has a decades-long history of BFM association with and support of BFM.
Pastor Jonathan has been associated with Baptist Faith Missions all his life. He grew up in Brazil as the son of the late Missionary Richard Turner and current pensioner Wanda Turner. They served for 16 years as missionaries supported through BFM.
Pastor Jonathan has maintained a close relationship and fellowship with BFM throughout his life and pastoral ministry, not only in his personal friendship and fellowship, but also in leading the churches where he has served to either begin or continue maintaining support for BFM.
We are thankful to God for this partnership and we look forward to serving Christ, His churches, and the missionaries associated with BFM with him alongside us. He brings with him a rich experience of faithful pastoral ministry as well as his distinctive perspectives as a ‘MK’ [‘Missionary Kid’].
He is man of integrity and proven service. Please join us in welcoming him!
Pastor Jonathan Turner Missionary Judson Hatcher, Missionary Isaac Heil,
Pastor Terry Adkins, Pastor Jonathan Turner
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