7 from Remote Tribe Baptized in Ituí River

June 17, 2023
Dear Brethren,
Last time I reported to you, I had been in the States for 2 months. Now it is pushing 5 months. Beverly arrived a couple of months ago, which has made my life much easier through these toughest months of this ordeal. Tuesday will be my final radiation session of 25. I saw the oncologist on Thursday and the surgeon on Friday. Both have given me the green light to return home as soon as I heal a little bit and feel up to it. The original surgery took over 6 weeks to heal then the radiation has undone much of that. However, we hope to start our journey home on July 5th. So far I have spent about $7,000.00 out of pocket. The insurance covered much of the treatment, which, as you can imagine, was astronomical. Hopefully we will get some back. Don’t be shy if you would like to help.
The reports from the field are glowing. People have been saved every weekend.
Our missions conference was in mid-May.
The 3 nights were attended by crowds of 600 plus. Three more surrendered to be missionaries. We preach and teach about how people are called and commissioned to be missionaries. The Holy Spirit performs His power in it all. The 3 new candidates are already in training by Zico (our missions coordinator) and Geverton our full-time missionary at large.
Now let me share a couple of the recent mission trips that our teams have made.
Two of our teams did house to house, village to village, evangelism on the Boa Fé River. This river runs west to east about 50 miles north of Cruzeiro do Sul. It flows into our main river, the Juruá, about 100 miles downstream from us. Since we have a full time missionary and congregation at Gama (about halfway from headwaters to mouth), one team went there overland and went upstream to the last house. The other team went down the Juruá to the mouth of the Boa Fé and worked their way up to Gama, where the 2 teams finished up. That way in just a couple of weeks the 2 teams were able to share the gospel with everyone on the whole river. I haven’t seen the final report that was given to the home church.
Pastor Ezi (one of the 7 pastors of First Baptist Church of Cruzeiro do Sul) went to visit our work among the Marubo Indians. Ezi’s son-in-law is a Marubo and went with him. Ezi’s daughter went, too, taking their 2 children (one is just a few months old)! To get to the tribe they had go down the Juruá River 100 miles to the mouth of the Boa Fé River. Then they had to hike due north for 2 days to get to the reservation. The Indians come out to help them carry their baggage. These Indians end up making this hike 4 times to get our missionaries in and back out again! While there he baptized 7 Maoubos in the Ituí River. That river is actually a tributary of the Amazon River, to give you an idea of how remote and isolated the tribe is. Our full-time missionary there is Ronaldinho. He was born there. We did much of his training, but he also spent a couple of years in a seminary in Rio de Janeiro.
For lack of space, I am holding one more great piece of mission news for my next letter. Sorry about the suspense, but you’ll just have to wait!
Thanks for all your prayers and support. God bless you as much as He has us.
In Christ,
Mike Creiglow
Mike & Beverly Creiglow
Caixa Postal 24
69980 Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre
Brasil, SA
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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