An Awesome Trip to Brazil
Posted on 12Nov CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], General, Letters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, Bluegrass Baptist Seminary, Caraguatatuba, Children's Day, hurricane, seminary in Brazil, tornado0

November 12, 2024
As we prepared to go to Brazil this month, we also had to make another type of preparation. We were told that a hurricane was slated to come right over our town, so we needed to prepare our trailer for this destruction that we were told was coming our way. So, we prayed and prepared what we were told to prepare and put our 7 bags in the car and started on the 3-hour trip to Miami airport.
On this trip, we were unsure even when we arrived in the airport if it would be open or shut down because of the hurricane. About halfway to the airport, we looked out the right side of the car and saw what we thought was a tornado looming there. Believe you me, we upped our prayers, stepped on the gas, and kept one eye on the twister and one eye on the road. By the grace of God, we outran it and got to the airport; it was open and we flew to Brazil. As we were waiting for our flight, we saw on the news that the tornado passed across the road we were on and wreaked havoc as it passed across Florida. This was my first time to see a tornado up close and personal and hopefully my last.
This trip to Brazil turned into an AWESOME trip. Not only was the Bluegrass Baptist Seminary business conducted but we were able to do much, much more. The first part of our trip was to expose the church where we attend in Florida, with the Pastor, his wife and two young adults to the ministries in Brazil, the church plants, mission, and the Guarani Indian group that we have worked with in the state of Rio. Then we had the fun privilege of helping the Church in Caraguatatuba to host the Children’s Day festivities where we did face painting, popped popcorn, and made cotton candy and hot dogs. Amid all this fun, the church pastor, his wife, the youth director, his wife, and the youth brought several skits that told the children of the love of God and the plan of salvation. A GREAT TIME was had by all!!!!
In those 7 suitcases we carried shorts and t-shirts for the Indian children and another group of children that the missionaries work with. Also, we carried lots of American candies, many school supplies, paint supplies, and wooden things to paint. All of this was given to the children in Caraguatatuba to help with their school needs and for their fun activities for Children’s Day. God is so good all the time and all the time God is good. Just the looks on the faces of the children when they received these things were without a doubt too precious to imagine. Thank you to all who contributed to this trip.
One of the purposes for this trip was to meet others who have an interest in the Seminary. We also met with some churches with the same interest. The churches were interested in how they could be involved as a church. I also met with a friend who has given his life to the ministry and will be ordained this month. He wants to enroll in this upcoming semester. How AWESOME is the God we serve?!?
While we were there, we had a small glitch with our communications systems in the Seminary. As the students were taking one of their exams, their test scores became scrambled, and the computer crashed (the students were in a panic). The problem was solved in about 45 minutes. All’s well that ends well.
Next summer’s trip will be involved in much traveling to several other Seminaries in Brazil. It looks like we will be going there at least 3 different times. Pray for the future students and for our health and for the Bluegrass Baptist Seminary. We also ask that you pray for one of our Pastor friends in Brazil; his name is Pastor Markus and he has been in the hospital for a week now with heart problems.
As we were concluding the trip I became sick with what they call “grip” (a bad cold) and when we got back to the States, Barbara also became sick. It turned out to be pneumonia and she has been sick for over 2 weeks. She has been to the doctor’s office twice now. Pray for her recovery.
Just to complete our trip, we came home with no damage to our home, just the loss of everything in our refrigerator and freezer, but we have a good friend who came and cleaned out everything so we did not have to come home to a stinking mess. Thank God for good friends.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara

AJ & Barbara Hensley
30524 Mimi St
Sebring, FL 33870-0530
AJ: 859-539-2302 | Barbara: 859-539-1424
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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