Provision for a Real Need

October 21, 2020
Dear friends,
It was 2:00 pm on Monday when I heard the doorbell ring. I was not expecting anyone. Our four kids were studying at their desks. Raquel had gone out to take care of some things. Before I could get a glimpse of who was outside, Melissa said, “Who is it, Dad?” “I don’t know. Going to find out,” I responded. “Stay in your room while I check.” I looked through the window but did not recognize the person. I opened the door to speak to him, as he stood behind the main gate of our house (almost all houses in Sao Paulo are walled, gated, have barbed wire or an electric fence around the property perimeter wall, and often have multiple security cameras). He greeted me with a hopeful smile, “Good afternoon, sir. I am trying to find a way to feed my family. Do you have any yard work I could do for you? Any debris, or trash I can remove? Any aluminum cans or other recyclables? If you want me to, I can sweep your sidewalk and street. I can make it look really nice.” He was wearing a t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and flip-flops. He was pushing a shopping cart. Inside the cart were a broken tube TV, two bags of rice, and a bag of pinto beans.
My heart breaks every time I see someone in this situation at our door. (What if this was me in such extreme poverty? And how would Jesus respond?) It is a tough call to give food out of our home door because word gets around quickly and people from all over come asking for assistance. A few months ago, a man rang the doorbell at 10:00 pm asking for a bus pass, or a subway ticket with the explanation of a recently deceased aunt and that he needed to identify the body at the hospital morgue. (I assisted the first time, but the following week he came by again at 10 pm, with the same story). I still have mixed feelings when I am laying in bed, it is midnight, and I hear someone rummaging through our trash bags outside looking for food, or recyclables. Unfortunately, this happens all too often, and it has intensified since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. My prayer is always, “Lord, what can we do? Give me wisdom, to provide for a real need, not be scammed, protect my family, and still give people the opportunity to drink of the Living Water and eat of Your Bread so they may know You personally, and find fulfillment in Your sovereign provision for this life and for eternity.
I looked at the man as he held on to his cart and said, “I don’t have any money on me.” (We never keep money at home, or on us, for security reasons.) Before I could continue he replied, “Could you give me rice or milk if I pull out the weeds from this sidewalk gutter? I said, “Sure, go ahead.” I responded, ” I will be right back with something for your family.” I returned with a 2.2lb of canned black beans and meat stew we often serve at our table. “This is from my family to yours. I have something else… Would you mind listening to something important my family can share with you?” I proceeded to share the Gospel. He listened. When I finished talking about the resurrection, he glared through me and said, “Thank you,” and walked away with the items in his cart.
I pray the message will take hold in his heart.
Pray for us serve better, love more generously, for abundant provision, and wisdom from above.
Grateful always,
Judson and Raquel
Contact Info:
Jud & Raquel Hatcher
São Paulo, Brazil
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.
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