Over the past three years, Directors of BFM have been attending and representing BFM in other national Conferences. These Conferences are also attended by numerous pastors and members of like-minded churches that share our core values of the Doctrines of Grace, local church, and Baptist distinctives. There are many such churches and brethren whom we have met and have yet to meet.
Through these contacts, God has been pleased to open their hearts with interest and inquiries concerning the ministries of BFM missionaries. Some have begun partnering with BFM with their monthly support. We bless God and thank them for the opportunities God has opened up for our acquaintance with one another, fellowship around our common convictions, and partnerships in support giving.
All of these efforts have been under the leadership of our David Pitman, our Field Representative. We want to pass on to you a request from him [and us] to help us with the expenses for these and future outreach opportunities we are planning.
Dear Brethren,
I am very thankful that we were able to present BFM at the October G3 Conference to over 6,400 attendees. We are praying for abiding fruit like partnering sending churches and missionary candidates and missionary support contributions.
There will be no G3 Conference in 2022. I propose that we return to the Founders Conference in January, 2022. What I ask is for 6 churches to give $300 each to help with the cost. I will ask Addyston to be one of those churches.
Thank you.
David Pitman, Field Representative
Of course, these outreach efforts require expenses. BFM has purchased the opportunity to set up an exhibit table and display along with numerous other ministries in attendance at these Conferences. We have also produced handout cards and other materials to be distributed. We have funded the travel and accommodations for our Directors to attend and personally represent BFM.
Please join us in praying for the Lord’s pleasure in these activities and in your financial sharing in the expenses to continue this valuable outreach.
Here are some sample images from the last Conference.
Front of handout card Back of handout card
Darrell Messer, George Sledd, Sheridan Stanton David Pitman, Field Representative
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Introducing Our New Field Representative: Pastor David Pitman

William Carey preached his famous sermon from Isaiah 54:2,3, and summed up its teaching in these two important statements: (1) “Expect great things from God,” and (2) “Attempt great things for God.” Carey appealed for a mission to India but also proved his sincerity by volunteering to be a missionary to India. Andrew Fuller, likening the souls of sinners to hidden treasure, had said, “There is a gold mine in India; but it seems as deep as the centre of the earth; who will venture to explore it?” “I will go down,” responded William Carey, in words never to be forgotten, “but remember that you must hold the rope.”
My ministry, deeply embedded in pastoral and educational work nearly 50 years, has always moved me to be a “rope-holder” for missionaries. And now at my request, the Directors of Baptist Faith Mission have asked me to serve as our Field Representative. It is a voluntary, unpaid position; but a vital one -strengthening the hold on that rope in every pastor’s hand who sends and in every missionary’s hand who goes.
The field representative serves as an ambassador for all our missionaries. He promotes through church, conference, and media services, the resources for the missionaries and the reports from the missionaries. What his ministry actually looks like will depend on your requests and your encouragement.
Let’s begin by communicating. You may reach me by text: 513-708-5607; social media:
Twitter: @pastorpitman
Mail: PO Box 286 Addyston, OH 45001
Will you help us “hold the ropes?”

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