Missionary Update: Paul & Wanda Hatcher in Brazil [September 2013]

Paul and Wanda Hatcher have been serving the Lord together in Brazil for 36 years. Paul pastors Tabernacle Baptist Church in Manaus, Brazil. Their main ministry is church planting.
September 9, 2013
Dear Friends,
The Lord has given us a good month, beginning with a three-day men’s camp. The objective of the camp was to encourage men in their Christian maturity. The lectures dealt with our deeper relationship and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, encouraging them to trust Him in all areas of their life and Christian service. Our desire is that they might be fruitful before the Lord, demonstrating the fruits of the spirit, and bring the light of the gospel to those who are unsaved. Our prayer is that the Lord would send many laborers into fields that are ready to harvest.
Last week I made a trip to Sao Paulo to visit Herman and his wife. Herman was one of our staff members and also taught juniors in Sunday school. About two months ago he was diagnosed with a tumor at the top of his spinal cord and was taken to Sao Paulo, about two thousand miles from here, to do exams to determine the needed treatment. Being in a very high risk area of the body, the biopsy procedure to determine the type of malignancy did not end well, and left him paraplegic and unable to do simple tasks like swallowing. He also temporarily lost his speech, which he has now regained as well as very slight movement of his hands and toes. They were both self employed, so being out has put them without any income. It has been amazing to see the great outpouring of love as our church members have given generously freewill offerings to meet their financial needs. We had a great visit with him in the intensive care unit; he and his wife are very encouraged in the Lord and very aware of God’s faithfulness and goodness despite the difficult circumstances. Please pray that their faith will continue strong whatever the affliction may be.
While in south, a dear friend drove me five hours further to visit my parents. It was great to have three days to visit them and enjoy one another’s company. I wish we could see them more often, but we are certainly grateful for each opportunity we have.
Sunday evening I was invited to speak at one of the churches organized last year. It was great to revisit those lovely people and see the original members remaining strong and the addition of new families through salvation and baptism.
All the family is doing well after several weeks of flu amongst our children and grandchildren. God is marvelous and supplies all our needs and grants us joy at all times. Thank you for your prayers and continued support.
God bless each of you,
Paul and Wanda Hatcher
Avenida J. Carlos Antony, 172
65063-150 Manaus
Amazonas, Brasil SA
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