Missionary Update: AJ & Barbara Hensley in Brazil [November 2012]
Posted on 2Nov CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist church in Caraguatatuba, Baptist Faith Missions, Barbara Hensley, Caraguatatuba Brazil, church planting in Brazil, mission trips, vocational school in Brazil, vocational school missions

The Hensleys have spent nearly 15 years serving in Brazil. They run a vocational school and orphanage in Caraguatatuba and have also established a church and mission points throughout the city.
Friends and family,
The Lord is sooooo good!!! The work here in Caraguatatuba is going just AWESOME! Two weeks ago we had yet another baptism and God added three more souls to the kingdom.There were two more that were scheduled to be baptised but could not be on that date. Now we have those two plus three more. God is being honored here in Caraguatatuba. Sometimes we don’t know why things don’t go the way we think they should but we fail to remember that God sees the big picture and He sees and knows what is good for us and the hour that is right.
For some more AWESOME news, We now have a micro-bus (25 passengers and 1 driver) We took the van to the dealership and drove home with the micro-bus. That is with the van and the money that has been given for this purchase we are now the proud owners of a bus. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. The trip from the dealership was about 4-1/2 hours and we made it without any problems. The bus is a 2000 model so there are some things that will need immediate attention and then some things that can wait to be fixed a little at a time. My mechanic says that we need springs and shocks and we will need 4 or 6 new tires to begin with and about 1/2 of the lights work. But having this bus is such a blessing that I would not dare to complain. If you were not able to help with the purchase of the bus, maybe you are now able to give to help on these needed repairs. We are hoping to have the bus back in top notch shape before May of next year as we are planning on hosting 6 mission groups in 2013. Two of these groups will be work groups and others are planning Bible schools and other mission-related activities. It’s going to be an absolutely AWESOME year. Pray for the success of these groups and projects.
The vocational school is in progress. The last group this year put up the doors and now the glass is needed in the windows. We need the bathrooms done and the kitchen done, then we will be ready to open the dorm. But without the dorm being finished, we are planning to begin with a new group of boys on the first of the year. We have been in contact with a boys’ correctional facility and they are very interested in our vocational school. What they are asking us to do is take the boys that are incarcerated and teach them a trade so that when they go back into the real world, they will be prepared to be a functioning part of society. These young men are between 14 and 18 years old. They also are interested in us teaching English to these young men. God is opening many doors for us here. We have talked to the wardens and told them that we were greatly concerned in training these young men to have a vocation but our main concern is their spiritual lives. So we are going to have devotional with them each time we are together before we start our classes. After several meetings we have been asked to be on the board of the prison as a religious advisor. So we will begin with these young men no later than next week.
The ladies of Novo Tempo had a Ladies retreat this month with around 80 ladies in attendance. There were ladies from 4 different Churches. They had 3 days of fellowship and Bible studies. Many lives were changed and many were given new hope through Bible study. We have these retreats each year and the ladies always come home renewed in spirit and ready to tackle all problems for another year. Our men are now wanting to have a retreat for themselves since the ladies came home so pumped up.
This month, our old brick layer had a tragedy in his family. One of his sons died with cancer. He had fought this disease for over 2 years but he lost the battle. The praise about this is that when a group of Americans were here we were able to talk to him about his salvation and he told us that he had Jesus in his heart. And then later in the month our son-in-law visited and reaffirmed with him his salvation. This helped in this time of grief to give console to the family. Also one of our Church members passed away and it was unexpected. He was just 58 years old and he is definitely missed.
Our granddaughter had her 4th birthday on the 30th so we made the 8 hour trip to celebrate with her. My son-in-law asked me to preach in the Church there in Sales. So we were able to bring Mary and the 2 girls back to Caragua for a short vacation.
We got back to Caragua last night and today myself and three other preachers will be traveling to Garca for a conference with various other pastors for three days. So as you can see our life is full of doing and going. Please pray for our stamina to hold out so that we can reach more souls for the Kingdom.
As I said we are having 6 groups this coming year but there is still room for you to come and see what God is doing with your mission dollars. Let me know when you want to come and we will turn down the bed and put some more water in the beans. We will be waiting for your call.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara
Give to Baptist Faith Missions.
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