God has Blessed in the Village of Ubim
Posted on 23Nov CATEGORIES: Mission Sheets Newsletters, Odali & Kathy Barros [Brazil] Tags:Tags: Amauri, Brazilian childrens ministry, children at Ubim, childrens ministry, Iranduba, Kathy Barros, kids club, Mirian, Odali Barros, Ubim

Odali and Kathy Barros served the Lord in Sao Paulo, Brazil together from 1987-2013. In late 2013, they transitioned to Manaus in Northern Brazil to start sharing the Gospel and planting churches in villages along the river.
November 22, 2019
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Hope all is well with each of you partners in our ministry. We are thankful for your prayer and support. We are doing great and are excited with what God is doing in the ministry here.
We want to thank those who have given for the work in the village of Ubim. God has blessed us with donations for the glass for the windows, tile for the floor, and money for the well we want too. The glass has been bought and we need to pick it up in Manaus. We are working hard to get things bought and get a group to go do the work. God bless all those who gave. As things get done, we will send pictures for you to see.
This month Kathy had a special day for the kids to bring their parents. We had around 100 people. It was great! Kathy was sad because she took a bunch of pictures to use for the mission sheet and when she got home the pictures had disappeared. This village is not very big but there are lots of kids and teens. Please continue to pray for this work as we continue to reach out to them.
The last day of this month we are having one of our reach-out festivals! Our goal is always to reach out to the people that have not come to our church.
The work in the city of Iranduba is doing great. We have started the Sunday night service. Things are coming along well there, and more adults are being reached. They still have the Monday Bible Study which has been a great way to bring people in to the Sunday Service. Continue to pray for the pastor and his wife who are working there. Their names are Pastor Amauri and his wife is Mirian. We have had several saved and soon we will set a date for baptism.
In the other village where we had a special service last month, we have had some people interested in having service in their home. Pray that God will work in the hearts of these families for them to be saved.
Thank God for each for you. God bless you and your families and churches.
Love in Christ our Savior,
Odali and Kathy Barros
Odali & Kathy Barros
Iranduba, Amazonas
Brasil, S.A.
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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Exciting News: New Building! Even more exciting: New Believers!
Posted on 3May CATEGORIES: Mission Sheets Newsletters, Odali & Kathy Barros [Brazil] Tags:Tags: Brazilian childrens ministry, childrens ministry, church planting, evangelism, Kathy Barros, Odali Barros, protection, Ubim

Odali and Kathy Barros served the Lord in Sao Paulo, Brazil together from 1987-2013. In late 2013, they transitioned to Manaus in Northern Brazil to start sharing the Gospel and planting churches in villages along the river.
May 3, 2018
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We hope and pray that each of you have had a great month. We have had a great month. It has been ones of many blessings and trials. We are excited to see God working in our lives and protection and in the ministry.
The building in the community of Ubim is finished. Praise the Lord! The children there are so excited. But that is not the most exciting news—what is so wonderful is the parents are so happy that we now have a church. This past Sunday we had 5 baptized from there. Kathy went to pick them up, and the mother of two that were being baptized came. On the way she was asking questions about our church and what we believed. Then Kathy asked her if she was from some church. She said, “I used to go to a 4-square gospel church, but everything they preach is about what you can’t do to stay saved.”
So, Kathy went over the plan of salvation with her and she actually accepted Christ as Savior. And she also asked for baptism. Praise the Lord. Then she said, “My husband already said he is coming to your church”. Thanks for your prayers!
We had 4 others that got baptized from the other churches.

The ones baptized
We are helping 7 Venezuelans. Four are from the same family and then there’s a couple with a little 3-year-old son. They are Baptist and the two men preach. We’re hoping that they can help us to reach other communities.
We have had different seminars here for the people in the missions. Since everything is so far away and many don’t have transportation we try have things at the church. We are starting to see the results and more people getting involved.
This last week I got a phone call at 4 am. A couple that are members of the church had wreck in Manaus. They asked me to come get their son while they were taken to the hospital. Well, on the way there, a motorcycle ran into my car. The couple is in lots of pain but no broken bones. And I am fine. Praise God for His protection.
There are some needs we want to share with you. We spend most of our time in a car since the missions are at a distance from our home. We need a car that is dependable that holds more than 5 people. Also for the new church in Ubim, we will need chairs. If you would like to give, the cost of each chair is $10.00. We thank you so much for your prayers and support.
God bless each of you!
Odali & Kathy Barros
Caixa Postal 1
Iranduba, Amazonas 69.415.000
Brasil, S.A.
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online
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Children’s Ministry Growing; Running Out of Space
Posted on 6Feb CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Baptist church in Caraguatatuba, Barbara Hensley, Brazilian childrens ministry, childrens ministry in Caraguatatuba, mission trip, mission trip to Brazil, Mt Eden Baptist Church

The Hensleys have spent nearly 20 years serving in Brazil. They have established a church in Caraguatatuba and mission points throughout the city. They have also recently started a seminary to train pastors.
February 4, 2017
Friends and family,
Well January has been a very active month. We have been trying to complete needed construction for Sunday School space upstairs. We had a group from Mt. Eden Baptist Church that came to celebrate the New Year with us. While with us, they helped us with this construction. They helped with painting, electric problems, doors, fans, closets, shelving, and they provided the financing for these projects. Also this church, under the leadership of my longtime friend Pastor Foy, helped the missionary to the Indians in Rio de Janeiro with their home.
We continually live and worship around and in construction projects. The upside of dust, walking around materials and lots of cleaning in the kitchen when we feed the children on Sunday mornings is that we are a growing Church and our members are very understanding. HOW AWESOME is the Lord we serve!!!!
Speaking of children, what a blessing. Pastor Walmir has been talking with a couple in our area who also work with children about bringing those children to worship with us. They were very happy to find a Church that would welcome them as they had been rejected by various other Churches as they had been told that to many children would disrupt their services. These children, about 20 to 25, live around our neighborhood so we were a great match. With this joining of work, our Sunday school grew about 30%.
Well, while this mission group was here we had planned to have a Vacation Bible School. So we planned to have the children to come in the afternoon and stay through the church service on Wednesday night. We visited the neighborhood nearby and was expecting around 40-60 kids. But oh me of little faith. As the Bible School was beginning, I was taking care of a transportation problem, so when I finally got upstairs, WHAT A SURPRISE. We did not have enough chairs, much less enough space nor enough teachers nor materials. While we were expecting 40-60 children, imagine my surprise when I saw that there were 108 children packed in our upstairs.
Well we began to divide and conquer—we put some downstairs and left some upstairs, ran out and bought more hot dogs and drinks, and an AWESOME time was had by all. GOD is so AWESOME!!
Now Sunday school is more challenged and with one class offsite already, we are out of space again even before the building is finished. These are good problems to have, don’t you think? Just so you know, we have a lot behind our building that would solve these problems (hint, hint, hint). Pray with us for the Lord to supply.
I will be in the States for the next shot (which I thought was to be the last) in February, but I had to come home sooner as I was having some severe pain, not necessarily related to my cancer problem. Because of this pain I had to have lots of tests. Though they did not find the cause of the pain they have been able to tell me that they see no cancer in these tests. God is so good!!!
Plan a mission trip, see the work, have fellowship, make friends that could change your life and get out of your comfort zone as Barb always says. Come on down to Caraguatuba. The light is on and we will turn your bed down. Come see what your mission dollars are doing.
In His service,
Aj and Barb
Aj and Barbara Hensley
Click here to give. | Like them on Facebook.
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Missionary Update: Odali & Kathy Barros in Brazil [December 2012]
Posted on 28Nov CATEGORIES: Mission Sheets Newsletters, Odali & Kathy Barros [Brazil] Tags:Tags: Baptist Faith Missions, Brazilian childrens ministry, church planting in Brazil, Kathy Barros, kids ministries in Brazil, missionary letters, Odali Barros

Odali and Kathy Barros have served the Lord in Sao Paulo, Brazil for many years. In addition to leading their newest church, they also run “Alpha Omega Family Development,” which provides a home and stability for needy people, many of whom are recovering drug addicts, etc.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We hope all are enjoying on this Thanksgiving the blessing of our Lord and Savior. We are all doing great. God has done and is doing great things in our lives and ministry. At the moment we have no plans for our furlough. We still have not received our children’s documents. Pray that they will come at the right time.
Our services have been wonderful. Sunday morning we work to a great extent with children and teens. We have a group of about 60 that come faithfully. It is so wonderful to see them change their
behavior as they keep coming. They come from homes that are a total wreck.
The Sunday night services have been great. We have several couples that have been coming for about a month now. Sunday night we had 3 of them that made professions of faith. Pray for these new converts. We will continue teaching on the doctrine of the Baptist church. Several of these adults had attended other evangelical churches. So they have been taught several doctrines. They will be a great blessing to the church.
We still spend lots of time with our children on Sunday morning. Since they come from so many homes where the suffer abuse of all kinds. Kathy and I love to sit out in front of the church and the children come and hug us. The young man that we mentioned a few months ago that came to church high on drugs is still coming. He has changed so much. Pray for him. His name is Clayton.
On Sunday night we plan for the next Sunday school. We decide what the menu is and everyone helps giving something for the meal. Everyone loves to give for the kid’s meal. Below is our last meal. The little boy in blue that is watching me cook is my helper. When he started coming to church he was absolutely terrible. His name is Bruno and his mother is HIV positive. That can kind of tell you where he is coming from!!!!!
We are coming to a close of another year and we are making plans for our ministry for the coming year. We will share with you in our next letter what God has placed on our hearts. Thanks for all your prayers and support. God bless all of your tremendously.
Odali & Kathy Barros
Caixa Postal 182
17400-000 Garca, SP
Brasil, S.A.
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