Missionary Update: The Stantons in Peru [December 2013]

Sheridan and Anita Stanton have served the Lord in Peru since 1983. Their main ministry is church planting and they have helped establish churches all over the country. Sheridan also works to train pastors and Anita works with the ladies’ ministry and developing children’s material.
December 8, 2013
Forty years ago, in 1973, Anita and I and thirty-six others from Lexington, Kentucky travelled to the jungle town of Aucayacu in Peru South America to build a church building for our Missionary Homer Crain. For a church group to travel to a foreign country in those days was quite a unique endeavor; so unique it made the cover of the National Enquirer. Today mission teams traveling to foreign lands is very common place. I mentioned this because the building we helped to build is still there and on November the 8th, I conducted a marriage seminar in the same building. It was very well attended and I used the Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman as my teaching guide. For those of you that were on that trip our names are still etched into the concrete on the back columns. The “Sheridan Inn” no longer exists. There is now a good sized town situated all around the property. Aucayacu has grown and so has the Lord’s work there. Our efforts were not in vain!
Most of the month was spent in conducting counseling sessions and overseeing the Construction of the new building for the Calvary Baptist Mission Church here in Huánuco. We have had a lot of rain this past month and it has hampered the progress some, but the work goes on. You can see from the pictures we almost have the perimeter walls finished. I have used up all of my resources for construction. The Calvary Mission itself has been saving monthly for the “building fund” ever since the work began. Enough has been saved to put the first floor under roof, but friends we need help to get the building finished to the point where we can begin meeting there. Since my last letter no one has communicated with me about helping on this project. Please pray about helping with this mission; it is an excellent opportunity to help in the Lord’s work here in Peru.
I traveled to the capital city of Lima on the 26th in order to do some necessary paper work for Baptist Faith Mission, my Peruvian gun license, and a water connection for Calvary Mission. I got to spend Thanksgiving standing four hours in a line waiting for my turn to at the shooting range in order to receive my marksmanship competency for my gun license. So on Thanksgiving Day I was very thankful the Lord helped me hit five for five in the target!
The Northern Jungle town of Iquitos was my next port-of-call where I traveled on the 30th. The 5th Baptist Church of Iquitos was celebrating their 38th anniversary and invited me to preach a three day meeting. This church was started by Baptist Faith Mission missionary James Kissel. The meeting went well and the church seemed to be encouraged. All in all it was a good trip with several souls finding peace in their relationship with the Lord.
I made it back to Huánuco safe and sound into the waiting, loving arms of Anita. We hope all of you will have a very Merry Christmas and blessed New Year! This is the time of year we miss our family the most. We are thankful for internet, webcams, email, Magic Jack phones, etc., that allows us to keep in touch with our family. We love you all and thank God for your prayers and support. Until next month.
Being “In Christ” by God’s grace,
Sheridan and Anita Stanton
Apartado Postal 140
Huanuco, Peru
South America
(614) 500-8823 – Internet Number
sestantonperu[at]hotmail.com – Sheridan
arstantonperu[at]gmail.com – Anita
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